The UWM Sheldon B. Lubar College of Business is a major metropolitan business school committed to academic excellence. Because of its metropolitan location, the College offers several advantages. Milwaukee-area firms provide an exciting, real-world laboratory for students to gain valuable insights and skills in their chosen professional fields as well as providing part-time or full-time employment opportunities. Students can also gain practical work experience by participating in internship programs. Business leaders from the community participate in College activities, both in the classroom and on the College's advisory councils.

High-quality management education that incorporates state-of-the-art technology is delivered to a diverse group of graduate and undergraduate students and practicing executives and professionals. We address the professional development and lifelong learning needs of individuals.

Through scholarly research, we advance knowledge pertaining to management decision making and practice and further enrich our teaching effectiveness.

Our undergraduate degree programs provide students with a career foundation leading to managerial advancement and/or entrepreneurial careers.

Our master's degree programs prepare students to assume general management or functional specialist positions, with potential for senior-level leadership positions or entrepreneurial careers.

Our doctoral degree programs prepare students for research and teaching careers in higher education and research careers in industry.

Our executive education programs provide customized problem solving for organizations.

We also employ our professional skills in service to the College, University, scholarly and professional organizations, and the regional business community. We capitalize on the diversified resources of the Metropolitan Milwaukee business community and use them as a living laboratory to enrich our scholarly and instructional pursuits.

AACSB Accreditation

The Lubar College of Business has been continuously accredited by AACSB International for over 45 years. Why is this important? Because business schools accredited by AACSB International are considered to be the best business schools in the world — in fact, only 5% of business schools worldwide have this distinction. AACSB-accredited schools have tougher quality standards for programs and faculty, better students with higher overall GPAs, more employers that recruit from them, and graduates that receive higher salaries.

In addition, the Lubar College of Business accounting programs are separately accredited by AACSB. Lubar College of Business is one of only three accounting schools in the state, and one of 193 schools in the world, with this status.




Graduate Policies and Regulations

The Graduate School policies and regulations can be found at Graduate School Policies. Please refer to the specific program for program policies and regulations.

Auditing Graduate Courses

BUS ADM and BUSMGMT 700+ courses must be completed on a graded basis; graduate courses are not available for completion as an audit.

Undergraduate Program Options

Multiple Majors

Students interested in completing more than one major with another UWM program or within Business should meet with an academic advisor to discuss how best to combine their academic plans. Students may double-count up to two major courses between any combination of BBA majors. Accounting majors may also use the Bus Adm 450 requirement towards the Finance or SCOM majors. General Business majors may not select a second major within the Lubar College of Business but may select any number of certificates.

Joint Degree Program

A student who plans to pursue a joint degree business program with another UWM college or school should seek advising early to design an appropriate program. The student must concurrently complete all requirements for the degree in the area other than the Lubar College of Business, as well as the requirements in the Lubar College of Business, as indicated below in the requirements for a second bachelor's degree. A student electing to pursue a joint degree should submit a proposed program of study to the Lubar College of Business as soon as possible.

Second Bachelor's Degree

A student with an accredited bachelor's degree may work toward a second bachelor's degree in the Lubar College of Business. Interested students should contact the academic advisors in Room N297 of Lubar Hall for further details. The second bachelor degree program is not offered in Accounting.

Degree requirements include completion of these BBA requirements:

  • functional courses
  • administrative analysis and techniques courses
  • a professional major, and
  • mathematics and economics courses.

Of these, at least 30 credits must be earned in residence at UWM while classified as a second-degree candidate. Students may receive credit towards a second bachelor's degree for coursework taken in equivalent areas at other institutions. However, at least 50% of the business credit hours required for the business degree must be completed at UWM.

Business Special Student Options

Business Special Student status is available to applicants who have earned a baccalaureate degree at an accredited university or college. Also eligible for consideration are students needing coursework to complete a degree from another accredited institution, students in an international exchange program, or students who were admitted to UWM as a University Special Student with the ultimate goal of becoming degree-seeking in a business major. Business Special Students are eligible to take undergraduate courses only.

An official degree transcript of all university work, along with a statement of goals and objectives as a special student with a listing of requested courses, should be submitted directly to the Lubar College of Business Undergraduate Student Services (Room N297, Lubar Hall,

Post-baccalaureate Opportunities

Students who have completed a BBA degree at UWM can return to the campus and complete an additional business major. Students who have completed a bachelor's degree in business at another accredited university can earn a Certificate of Major in the College. The Certificate of Major consists of a minimum of 12 UWM degree credits. This additional major option is not available in Accounting or General Business.

Certificate Option

Students have the option to complete one or more certificates in conjunction with BBA majors. No more than 50% of each certificate’s credits may double count towards BBA Core or Major requirements.

Academic Regulations

For information on the University-wide Academic Action Policy and honors for scholarship, see Academic Policies.

Student Academic Appeals

Students may appeal an academic action to the appropriate curriculum committee. An appeal is a request for an exception to an established policy or rule. The content of each appeal is carefully reviewed in order to reach a decision. Appeals should be submitted electronically to Lubar Undergraduate Student Services. Undergraduate student appeals are reviewed by the College's Undergraduate Program Committee's Appeals Subcommittee. Students are advised in writing of the decision of the Committee. The Appeals Subcommittee considers individual cases concerning the degree requirements and other academic rules and regulations established by the Lubar College of Business faculty.

The Lubar College of Business has established written procedures for undergraduate student academic grievances. Copies of the grievance procedure are available in the Student Services Center. As a first step, students must discuss the grievance with the faculty member or administrator within 30 working days from the date of the action that prompted the grievance.

Two-thirds Credit Policy

If a course taken towards a particular requirement within the Business Foundation, Business Core, or Major Requirements is completed for fewer credits than the stated minimum, that requirement shall be considered satisfied if the course satisfies greater than two-thirds of the required credits. The missing credit(s) must be made up through additional Business or General Electives.

Business Administration Courses

Business Management Courses

NameRankDegreeSchoolGraduate FacultyEmeritus Faculty
Lawrence Abbott Professor PhD, CPA University of Oregon No No
Layth C. Alwayn Professor PhD University of Chicago No No
Grace Ambrose Lecturer PhD Southern Illinois, Carbondale No No
Esther Ancel Lecturer PhD No Yes
Patricia J. Arnold Professor PhD, CPA No Yes
Bruce A. Bender Professor PhD No Yes
Amit Bhatnager Professor and Director PhD Programs PhD State University of New York at Buffalo Yes No
Janice Blankenburg Lecturer EMBA Washington University No Yes
Colleen Boland Associate Professor PhD, CPA Michigan State University Yes No
Veena Brown Associate Professor PhD, CPA Florida Atlantic University Yes No
Kaushal Chari Professor and Sheldon B. Lubar Dean PhD University of Iowa No No
Cheng Chen Assistant Professor PhD University of Illinois at Chicago Yes No
Zheng Cheng Assistant Professor PhD University of Kansas No No
Tailan Chi Notebaert Distinguished Professor of International Business & Global Studies PhD University of Washington Yes No
I-Hsuan Chiu Assistant Professor PhD University of Iowa No No
Brian Daugherty Associate Professor PhD, CPA University of Texas at San Antonio No Yes
Stanislav D. Dobrev Professor, Robert L. and Sally S. Manegold Chair in Strategic Management PhD Stanford University Yes No
Katherine Du Assistant Professor PhD Duke University Fuqua School of Business No No
Michael Farrell Assistant Professor PhD University of Kentucky Yes No
Russell W. Fenske Professor PhD No Yes
Paul M Fischer Jerry Leer Professor PhD, CPA University of Wisconsin-Madison Yes No
Ioannis Floros Associate Professor PhD University of Pittsburgh Yes No
Sarah J. Freeman Associate Professor PhD University of Michigan No Yes
Michael Freimark Senior Lecturer PhD Southern Illinois University No No
Rachel Gazaryan Lecturer MS, CPA University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee No No
Dennis H. Gensch Professor PhD No Yes
Sanjoy Ghose Judith H. & Gale R. Klappa Endowed Professor of Marketing PhD Carnegie-Mellon University Yes No
Maria Goranova Associate Professor PhD Syracuse University Yes No
Dean Granatelli Lecturer PhD California Intercontinental University No No
Timothy C. Haas Associate Professor PhD Colorado State University Yes No
Xiaoting Hao Lecturer PhD University of Houston No No
John Healy Senior Lecturer MS No Yes
Ross Hightower Senior Lecturer and Director, SAP University Competency Center PhD Georgia State University Yes No
Der-Ann Hsu Professor PhD No Yes
John Huck Assistant Professor PhD University of Michigan No No
Charles Kang Assistant Professor PhD Pennsylvania State University No No
James Kasum Senior Lecturer PhD No Yes
Odai Khasawneh Lecturer PhD Eastern Michigan University No No
Yong-Cheol Kim Associate Professor PhD Ohio State University Yes No
Paul Kimmel Associate Professor PhD No Yes
Charles A. Konkol Senior Lecturer MS, CPA University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee No Yes
Mark Kosfeld Lecturer, Associate Director Supply Chain Management Institute MBA No No
Leslie Kren Associate Professor PhD, CPA University of Houston No Yes
Kaan Kuzu Associate Professor PhD The Pennsylvania State University Yes No
Jerry Leer Professor MBA, CPA No Yes
Edward Levitas Professor PhD Texas A&M University Yes No
Aaron Mandell Assistant Professor PhD, CPA University of Oregon Yes No
Richard D. Marcus Associate Professor PhD University of Chicago Yes No
Michael McBain Senior Lecturer PhD No Yes
Sean McCarthy Assistant Professor PhD Texas A&M University No No
Steven Michael Karl A. and Lillian Bostrom Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship PhD Harvard University Yes No
Janice Miller Professor and Senior Associate Dean PhD No Yes
Samar Mukhopadhyay Visiting Professor PhD University of Texas at Austin No No
Derek L. Nazareth Associate Professor PhD Case Western Reserve University Yes No
Daniel Neely Associate Professor PhD The University of Houston Yes No
Paul C. Nystrom Professor PhD No Yes
Purushottam Papatla Professor PhD Northwestern University Yes No
Laura A. Peracchio Professor PhD Northwestern University No Yes
V. Kanti Prasad Dean Emeritus and Emeritus Bostrom Professor of Entrepreneurship PhD Michigan State University No Yes
Belle R. Ragins Sheldon B. Lubar Professor for Management and UWM Distinguished Professor PhD University of Tennessee at Knoxville Yes No
Keshavamurthy Ramamurthy Professor PhD No Yes
Tracy Rank-Christman Assistant Professor PhD Rutgers University No No
Raymond Rausch Lecturer JD No Yes
Will Rayms Professor PhD No Yes
Hong Ren Associate Professor PhD Pennsylvania State University Yes No
Joseph Retzer Lecturer PhD University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee No No
Jonathan Saffold Lecturer JD University of Wisconsin-Madison No No
Scott Schanke Assistant Professor PhD University of Minnesota No No
Eric Schenker Professor PhD No Yes
Giorgo Sertsios Sheldon B. Lubar Associate Professor of Finance PhD University of Maryland Yes No
Sol S. Shalit Associate Professor PhD No Yes
Valeriy Sibilkov Hans G. Storr Associate Professor of Finance PhD Purdue University Yes No
Romila Singh Associate Professor PhD Drexel University Yes No
Atish Sinha Professor and Rockwell Automation Endowed Professorship in Connected Systems PhD University of Pittsburgh Yes No
Timothy L. Smunt Professor DBA Indiana University Yes No
Ehsan S. Soofi UW-Milwaukee Distinguished Professor Emeritus PhD University of California, Riverside No Yes
G. Kevin Spellman Senior Lecturer PhD Durham University No No
Mark Srite Interim Associate Dean and Professor PhD Florida State University Yes No
Keimei Sugiyama Assistant Professor PhD Case Western Reserve University Yes No
Laura Swenson Assistant Professor PhD, CPA University of Wisconsin-Madison Yes No
William J. Taylor Associate Professor PhD, CPA No Yes
Amy Tegeler Assistant Professor PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison No No
Delia Valentine Assistant Professor PhD, CPA Virginia Tech No No
Yang Wang Assistant Professor PhD University of Utah No No
C. Edward Weber Professor PhD No Yes
Zuhui Xiao Assistant Professor PhD University of Minnesota Carlson School No No
Ting Yao Assistant Professor PhD University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Kenan Flagler Business School No No
Xiaohang Yue Professor PhD University of Texas at Dallas Yes No
Fatemeh (Mariam) Zahedi UW-Milwaukee Distinguished Professor and Church Mutual Insurance Faculty Scholar in ITM Professor DBA Indiana University No Yes
Huimin Zhao Professor PhD University of Arizona Yes No
Yaron Zoller Lecturer DBA Nova Southeastern University No No