PHYSICS 100 Quantitative Preparation for Physics
PHYSICS 107 Physics in Everyday Life
Selected topics for citizens in a technological world. Emphasis on those aspects of science important to an understanding of our surroundings. For non-science majors.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 108 Laboratory for Physics in Everyday Life
PHYSICS 110 Physics for the Health Professions
An introductory course without laboratory for students in health-related pre-professional programs. Topics include mechanics, fluids, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, electrical devices, optics, and radioactivity. 3 hrs lec, 1 hr dis.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 120 General Physics I (Non-Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 121 General Physics Laboratory I (Non-Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 122 General Physics II (Non-Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 123 General Physics Laboratory II (Non-Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 185 Basic Physics for Teachers
Simple machines; work, energy and power; heating and cooling; static electricity and elementary electrical circuits; waves. 2 hrs lec; 2 hrs lab/dis.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 194 First-Year Seminar:
PHYSICS 199 Independent Study
PHYSICS 209 Physics I (Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 210 Physics II (Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 214 Lab Physics I (Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 215 Lab Physics II (Calculus Treatment)
PHYSICS 219 Physics I: Calculus-Based, Studio Format
PHYSICS 220 Physics II: Calculus-Based, Studio Format
PHYSICS 265 Physics and the Energy Problem
Study of how the laws of physics (particularly 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics) limit society's options in dealing with scarcity of utilizable energy.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 270 Introduction to Computational Physics
Use of computers to solve physics problems, including particle collisions, chaotic systems, planetary motion, and other topics related to relativity and quantum mechanics.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 289 Internship in Physics, Lower Division
Application of basic principles of physics in a research, business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 296 UROP Apprenticeship
PHYSICS 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 299 Ad Hoc:
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 305 Medical Physics
PHYSICS 306 Introduction to Biophysics
Physical foundations of cellular phenomena; physical laws of complex biological systems; imaging and instrumentation for biophysics. 3 hrs lec.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 309 Physics III: Modern Physics
PHYSICS 317 Thermodynamics
Classical thermodynamics, including entropy, the use of thermodynamic potentials, and applications to pressure-volume and other systems. Some basic statistical physics may be included.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 325 Optics
Geometric and physical optics, image formation, interference, diffraction, polarization, optical instruments, resolving power, coherence, lasers, holography. Selected experiments in optics. Studio-format course.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 351 Basics of Condensed Matter Physics
Basic principles of condensed-matter physics. Crystals and amorphous materials; bonding; magnetic, thermal, and transport properties; band theory.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 370 Analytical and Numerical Methods in Physics
Solutions to various physics problems. Applications (both analytical and numerical) from mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, condensed matter physics.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 381 Honors Seminar:
PHYSICS 391 Undergraduate Research Participation
PHYSICS 406 Introduction to Infrared Microspectroscopy
Microscopy and spectroscopy methods for identification of chemical composition introducing interdisciplinary opportunities in fundamental and industrial applications.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 408 Experiments in Linear Electronics
PHYSICS 408G Experiments in Linear Electronics
PHYSICS 409 Modern Physics Laboratory
PHYSICS 420 Electricity and Magnetism I
Electrostatics, capacitance, boundary value problems, mulipole expansion, dielectrics, magnetostatics, vector potential, magnetic properties of matter, motional emf, inductance, Maxwell's equations in differential form.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 420G Electricity and Magnetism I
Electrostatics, capacitance, boundary value problems, mulipole expansion, dielectrics, magnetostatics, vector potential, magnetic properties of matter, motional emf, inductance, Maxwell's equations in differential form.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 422 Electricity and Magnetism II
Conservation laws in electrodynamics, Maxwell's stress tensor, electromagnetic waves, absorption, dispersion, reflection and transmission of plane electromagnetic waves, wave guides, retarded potentials, radiation, electrodynamics and relativity.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 422G Electricity and Magnetism II
Conservation laws in electrodynamics, Maxwell's stress tensor, electromagnetic waves, absorption, dispersion, reflection and transmission of plane electromagnetic waves, wave guides, retarded potentials, radiation, electrodynamics and relativity.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 441 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I
Historical background and experimental basis, De Broglie waves, correspondence principle, uncertainty principle, Schroedinger equation; hydrogen atom, electron spin, Pauli Principle, applications of wave mechanics.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 441G Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I
Historical background and experimental basis, De Broglie waves, correspondence principle, uncertainty principle, Schroedinger equation; hydrogen atom, electron spin, Pauli Principle, applications of wave mechanics.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 442 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II
Continuation of PHYSICS 441, emphasizing perturbation theory and applications to multi-electron systems, including atoms, molecules, and solids.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 442G Introduction to Quantum Mechanics II
Continuation of PHYSICS 441, emphasizing perturbation theory and applications to multi-electron systems, including atoms, molecules, and solids.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 489 Internship in Physics, Upper Division
Application of advanced principles of physics in a research, business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 497 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 497G Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 498 Undergraduate Physics Seminar
Talks by faculty, visitors, and students on topics of current interest in physics, astronomy, and other science and engineering fields.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 499 Ad Hoc:
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires department and associate dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one additional semester.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 501 Special Topics: Mathematical Models of Physical Problems I
Selected topics in mathematics for study of the techniques and procedures for stating physical problems in mathematical terms and the physical interpretation of mathematical solutions.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 501G Special Topics: Mathematical Models of Physical Problems I
Selected topics in mathematics for study of the techniques and procedures for stating physical problems in mathematical terms and the physical interpretation of mathematical solutions.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 502 Special Topics: Mathematical Models of Physical Problems II
PHYSICS 502G Special Topics: Mathematical Models of Physical Problems II
PHYSICS 515 Statistical Mechanics
PHYSICS 515G Statistical Mechanics
PHYSICS 517 Special Relativity
PHYSICS 517G Special Relativity
PHYSICS 531 Principles of Quantum Mechanics I
Vector and Hilbert spaces; Schroedinger equation in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions; systems of many particles; symmetries; angular momentum.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 531G Principles of Quantum Mechanics I
Vector and Hilbert spaces; Schroedinger equation in 1, 2, and 3 dimensions; systems of many particles; symmetries; angular momentum.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 532 Principles of Quantum Mechanics II
Continuation of 531. Spin; hydrogen atom; variational methods; WKB approximation; perturbation theory; scattering theory; Dirac equation.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 532G Principles of Quantum Mechanics II
Continuation of 531. Spin; hydrogen atom; variational methods; WKB approximation; perturbation theory; scattering theory; Dirac equation.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 541 Elementary Particles
Accelerators and detectors; special unitary groups; quark model of hadrons; Feynman diagrams; electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions of quarks and leptons; Higgs boson.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 541G Elementary Particles
Accelerators and detectors; special unitary groups; quark model of hadrons; Feynman diagrams; electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions of quarks and leptons; Higgs boson.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 551 Introduction to Solid State Physics I
Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice; crystal binding; elastic waves; phonons, lattice vibrations; thermal properties of insulators; free electron Fermi gas. Band structure; semiconductor crystals; Fermi surface.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 551G Introduction to Solid State Physics I
Crystal structure, reciprocal lattice; crystal binding; elastic waves; phonons, lattice vibrations; thermal properties of insulators; free electron Fermi gas. Band structure; semiconductor crystals; Fermi surface.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 575 Vacuum Science and Technology
Viscous and molecular flow, vacuum materials and seals, metal-to-ceramic seals, evaporation and vapor pressures, vacuum pumps, vacuum gauges, mass spectrographs, chemical reactions at surfaces, outgassing.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 575G Vacuum Science and Technology
Viscous and molecular flow, vacuum materials and seals, metal-to-ceramic seals, evaporation and vapor pressures, vacuum pumps, vacuum gauges, mass spectrographs, chemical reactions at surfaces, outgassing.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 606 Molecular, Cellular, and System Biophysics
Cell structure and the molecular basis of life. Molecular and cellular interactions. Supracellular organization, signaling, and communication. Selfsimilarity and cooperativity.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 610 The Art and Science of Teaching Physics
Participants critique lectures, videotapes of experienced teachers, each other; address conceptual problems facing beginning students; gain familiarity with demonstrations, classroom technology; discuss their own classes.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 610G The Art and Science of Teaching Physics
Participants critique lectures, videotapes of experienced teachers, each other; address conceptual problems facing beginning students; gain familiarity with demonstrations, classroom technology; discuss their own classes.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 651 Introduction to Solid State Physics II
Transport, superconductivity, dielectric properties, ferroelectric crystals, magnetism, magnetic resonance, optical phenomena in insulators, nanostructures, non-crystalline solids, point defects, alloys, dislocations.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 651G Introduction to Solid State Physics II
Transport, superconductivity, dielectric properties, ferroelectric crystals, magnetism, magnetic resonance, optical phenomena in insulators, nanostructures, non-crystalline solids, point defects, alloys, dislocations.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 670 Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Diffraction, imaging, and spectroscopy methods for study of morphology, crystallinity, and composition of solids in a transmission electron microscope.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 670G Electron Microscopy Laboratory
Diffraction, imaging, and spectroscopy methods for study of morphology, crystallinity, and composition of solids in a transmission electron microscope.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 698 Research Experience for Teachers
Enrichment of students' physics background. Work with faculty mentor to develop an innovative teaching program for use in students' own classroom.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 698G Research Experience for Teachers
Enrichment of students' physics background. Work with faculty mentor to develop an innovative teaching program for use in students' own classroom.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 699 Advanced Independent Reading
Independent reading or research under supervision of faculty member. Study proposal required. For further information, consult dept chair or undergrad advising coord.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 705 Molecular, Cellular, and System Biophysics
Cell structure and the molecular basis for life. Molecular and cellular interactions. Supracellular organization, signalling, and communication. Self-similarity and cooperativity.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 706 Biophotonics
Biophotonics and bioimaging; overview of application of optics in biology and medicine based on the understanding of basic optics, spectroscopy, and imaging theory.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 707 Structural Molecular Biophysics
PHYSICS 711 Theoretical Physics-Dynamics
Lagrange equations, canonical formulation, principle of least action, normal coordinates, rigid bodies, special relativity, mathematical methods.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 716 Advanced Topics in Statistical Physics
Systems of interactir particles; critical phenomena; transport theory; irreversible processes and fluctuations; model calculations for interacting systems of particles.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 717 Gravitation
General theory of relativity. Metric, covariant derivative, and curvature. Einstein field equations. Newtonian and weak-field limits. Gravitational waves. Experimental tests. Black holes and relativistic stars.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 718 White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes
Physics of compact objects; newtonian and relativistic stellar structure and stability; pulsars, x-ray sources; accretion disks; gravitational collapse; stellar-size and supermassive black holes; quasars.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 720 Electrodynamics I
PHYSICS 721 Electrodynamics II
Wave guides, radiation by charges; radiation reaction; radiation scattering, damping and dispersion; covariant formulation of electrodynamics.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 722 Advanced Classical Electromagnetism
Selected topics in advanced classical electromagnetism: special relativity; covariant formulation of electrodynamics; radiation and radiative processes; electrodynamics in media; electro- and magnetostatics; electromagnetism as a gauge theory.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 731 Quantum Mechanics
Mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. Obserables and transformation theory, scattering perturbation, other approximation methods.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 735 High Energy Physics
Special relativity applied to high energy collisions, experimental techniques, ionization and radiation at high energy, weak interactions theory, II-meson and strange particle interactions, ultra-high energy phenomena.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 751 Solid State Theory I
Phonons, plasmons, magnons, fermion fields and the hartree-fock approximation, and electron many-body techniques and the electron gas.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 752 Solid State Theory II
Dynamics of electrons in a magnetic field: energy bands, cyclotron resonance, impurity states, optical absorption and excitons in semiconductor crystals; electrodynamics of metals; green's functions.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 770 Electron Microscopy
Kinematical and dynamical theory of electron diffraction. Transfer function theory of imaging. Electron and x-ray spectroscopies. Applications to surfaces and interfaces.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 775 Surface Physics I
PHYSICS 781 Medical Radiation Physics
Physical principles of the generation, interaction, detection, and measurement of radiation in medical applications; basics of radiation protection.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 782 Physics of Medical Imaging
Basic theoretical knowledge of the physics of diagnostic radiology using x-rays, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, and ultrasounds.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 784 Radiotherapy Physics
Radiation physics for work as a hospital physicist, including accelerators for radiation therapy, quality characteristics of treatment beams, treatment planning, treatment techniques, quality assurance, oncology.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 786 Medical Physics Practicum
PHYSICS 801 Special Topics in Theoretical Physics:
PHYSICS 807 Group Theory and Its Applications to Physics
Representations of discrete and continuous groups, including rotation groups, unitary groups and crystal point and space groups. Symmetries of elementary particles. Molecular obitals, energy bands.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 811 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
Iteration of maps, numerical integration, strange attractors in dissipative systems, fractal dimensions, multifractals, entropy. Chaos in hamiltonian systems, perturbation theory, kam theorem. Quantum choas.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 817 Gravitation and Cosmology II
Experimental tests in gravitation. Gravitational waves: generation, detection. Spinning black holes. Cosmology: idealised cosmologies; present state of the universe; nucleosynthesis; inflation; recent developments.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 818 Advanced Topics in Gravitational Physics
Topics depend on student interest. Initial value problem. Spinors and positive mass. Singularity theorems. Modern kaluza-klein theory. Approaches to quantum gravity.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 831 Quantum Field Theory I
Group theory, canonical and path integral quantization, feynman rules, quantum electrodynamics, renormalization, quantum chromodynamics, electroweak theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 852 Superconductivity
PHYSICS 853 Superfluidity
PHYSICS 854 Electron Phonon Interaction
PHYSICS 888 Candidate for Degree
PHYSICS 890 Master's Thesis
PHYSICS 891 Master's Capstone Project
PHYSICS 903 Seminar in Theoretical Physics:
Discussion of special topics of interest to research students in theoretical physics.Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max. Prereq: grad st & cons instr.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 904 Seminar in Surface Studies:
Special topics in the chemistry and physics of surface studies. Specific topics and any additional prerequisites announced in Timetable each time course is offered.
Current Offerings:
PHYSICS 906 Seminar in Biophysics:
PHYSICS 999 Independent Reading