LINGUIS 100 The Diversity of Human Language
Survey course on the nature and diversity of human language. Topics include language and society, dialects, language and culture, language acquisition, and language typology.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 199 Independent Study
LINGUIS 210 Power of Words
Dynamic role of language in interpersonal relations, social attitudes and behavior. Topics include: patterns of culture and language, language as identification; prejudice, politics, and advertisement.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 211 Origins of Words
Vocabulary of English from historical origins to the present; how words and word patterns change over time under influences of both internal and external forces.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 212 Language and Gender
How patterns of speaking reflect, perpetuate, and create our experience of gender; how gender interacts with race, class, socioeconomic status, age, occupational and social roles.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 289 Internship in Linguistics, Lower Division
LINGUIS 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM-sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 303 Fifth Semester of an Uncommonly Taught Language:
Continuation of FLL/Linguis 204(Linguis 232). Number of credits earned by student is determined by the credit value assigned to section number.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 350 Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to basic linguistic principles and concepts. Elementary analysis of sentence patterns, sound systems and language change.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 398 Topics in Linguistics:
LINGUIS 398G Topics in Linguistics:
LINGUIS 400 Introduction to English Linguistics
Application of linguistic theory and techniques to modern English. Course is required of all English majors and minors in the College of Community Engagement & Professions' School of Education.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 400G Introduction to English Linguistics
Application of linguistic theory and techniques to modern English. Course is required of all English majors and minors in the College of Community Engagement & Professions' School of Education.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 406 Advanced English Grammar
LINGUIS 406G Advanced English Grammar
LINGUIS 415 First Language Acquisition
Examination of research on what individuals know about their first language at different ages and the kinds of theories offered to explain these data.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 415G First Language Acquisition
Examination of research on what individuals know about their first language at different ages and the kinds of theories offered to explain these data.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 420 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
Principles and methods of describing and comparing the structure of two or more languages with emphasis on the implications of this comparison for language learning.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 420G Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
Principles and methods of describing and comparing the structure of two or more languages with emphasis on the implications of this comparison for language learning.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 430 Language and Society
The influence of society on language and of language on society. Language as social interaction, speech styles, social dialects; effects on language change.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 430G Language and Society
The influence of society on language and of language on society. Language as social interaction, speech styles, social dialects; effects on language change.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 432 Urban Dialects
Study of language variation in urban areas. Structure of black English vernacular and its relation to other dialects. Social and educational implications of dialect variation.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 432G Urban Dialects
Study of language variation in urban areas. Structure of black English vernacular and its relation to other dialects. Social and educational implications of dialect variation.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 440 Psycholinguistics
A survey of the history, goals, methods, and findings of psycholinguistics. Principal topics: phonetic perception, speech production, syntactic processing, linguistic memory, meaning, and language acquisition.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 440G Psycholinguistics
A survey of the history, goals, methods, and findings of psycholinguistics. Principal topics: phonetic perception, speech production, syntactic processing, linguistic memory, meaning, and language acquisition.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 441 Introduction to TESOL Methods
LINGUIS 450 Introduction to Phonetics
LINGUIS 455 Semantics
The study of meaning in language; its role in grammatical description. Basic concepts used in semantic analysis and discussion of their place in grammatical theory.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 461 Introduction to Phonology
LINGUIS 464 Introduction to Syntax
LINGUIS 464G Introduction to Syntax
LINGUIS 468 Language in its Various Forms:
Analysis and description of various language types. Topics may include language change, language development, dialectology, and language typology.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 470 Historical/Comparative Linguistics
The study of language change; introduction to internal reconstruction and the comparative method; generative approaches to historical change.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 470G Historical/Comparative Linguistics
The study of language change; introduction to internal reconstruction and the comparative method; generative approaches to historical change.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 474 Language Typology and Language Universals
Comparison of phonetic, syntactic, and lexical patterns of different languages, with emphasis on deriving statements about properties of all languages or of significant subclasses of languages.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 474G Language Typology and Language Universals
Comparison of phonetic, syntactic, and lexical patterns of different languages, with emphasis on deriving statements about properties of all languages or of significant subclasses of languages.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 489 Internship in Linguistics, Upper Division
Application of advanced principles of linguistics in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 490 Field Methods
Work with a native speaker of a foreign language. Gathering and collation of data. Evaluation of possible phonemic and grammatical analyses.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 490G Field Methods
Work with a native speaker of a foreign language. Gathering and collation of data. Evaluation of possible phonemic and grammatical analyses.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 497 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 497G Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 510 Methodologies in English Language Teaching
Students develop comprehensive understanding of sound methodological approaches that can be used in teaching of reading, writing, grammar, and listening/speaking to ESL/EFL learners.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 520 Advanced Second Language Acquisition:
LINGUIS 520G Advanced Second Language Acquisition:
LINGUIS 550 Advanced Phonetics
Auditory phonetics; issues in speech production and speech acoustics; quantitative study of speech sounds in linguistic contexts; independent experimental research on topic selected by student.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 555 Advanced Semantics
LINGUIS 561 Advanced Phonology
LINGUIS 564 Advanced Syntax
Continuation of Linguis 464, with greater emphasis on the evaluation and justification of competing solutions and competing models of grammar.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 564G Advanced Syntax
Continuation of Linguis 464, with greater emphasis on the evaluation and justification of competing solutions and competing models of grammar.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 567 Materials and Curriculum for TESOL
Designed for prospective ESL/EFL teachers. Focus on planning and designing courses to meet the needs of specific populations of language learners.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 569 Practicum in Teaching ESL to Adult Learners
LINGUIS 570 Issues in Bilingualism
Study of bilingual competence, bilingual community, and second language acquisition from sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and general linguistic standpoints.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 570G Issues in Bilingualism
Study of bilingual competence, bilingual community, and second language acquisition from sociolinguistic, psycholinguistic, and general linguistic standpoints.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 699 Independent Reading
Advanced independent work under the supervision of a Linguis faculty or instructional academic staff member. Students must submit a study proposal. For more information, consult dept chair.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 708 Proseminar in Linguistics
Presents a range of linguistic constructs, demonstrating through readings, problems, and exercises how these concepts can be used in the analysis of language.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 715 First Language Acquisition
Examination of research on what individuals know about their first language at different ages and the kinds of theories offered to explain these data.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 720 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
LINGUIS 741 Introduction to TESOL Methods
LINGUIS 750 Introduction to Phonetics
LINGUIS 755 Semantics
The study of meaning in language; its role in grammatical description. Basic concepts used in semantic analysis and discussion of their place in grammatical theory.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 761 Introduction to Phonology
LINGUIS 764 Introduction to Syntax
LINGUIS 768 Language in its Various Forms:
Analysis and description of various language types. Topics may include language change, language development, dialectology, and language typology.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 770 Historical and Comparative Linguistics
The study of phonological and morphological change by studying the process of internal reconstruction, the comparative method, and the historical processes of analogical, grammatical, and semantic change in languages.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 774 Language Typology and Universals
Comparison of phonetic, syntactic, and lexical patterns of different languages, with emphasis on deriving statements about properties of all languages or of significant subclasses of languages.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 798 Internship in Linguistics
Application of advanced principles of linguistics in an internship experience in a business, organizational, educational, political, governmental or other appropriate setting.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 799 Independent Reading and Research for Master's Students
Independent reading and/or research under the supervision of a Linguistics faculty member on a linguistics topic relating to the student's area of interest.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 801 Seminar in Syntax and Semantics:
LINGUIS 802 Seminar in Phonology and Phonetics:
LINGUIS 803 Seminar in Language Acquisition:
Theory of adult language acquisition, including, but not limited to, interpretation of learner errors, description of acquisition strategies, and analysis of learning sequences.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 804 Seminar in Language Variation:
Advanced topics in social dialects, including, but not limited to, language variation, social markers, and the concept of a standard language.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 806 Seminar in Linguistics:
Advanced-level seminar in which students do in-depth research on a particular area of linguistics through readings, class discussion, and writing a research paper.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 810 Methodologies in English Language Teaching
Methodological approaches that can be used in the teaching of reading, writing, grammar, and listening/speaking to ESL/EFL learners.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 850 Advanced Phonetics
Auditory phonetics; issues in speech production and speech acoustics; quantitative study of speech sounds in linguistic contexts; independent experimental research on topic selected by student.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 855 Advanced Semantics
LINGUIS 861 Advanced Phonology
LINGUIS 864 Advanced Syntax
LINGUIS 867 Materials and Curriculum for TESOL
Designed for prospective ESL/EFL teachers. Focus on planning and designing materials and curriculum to meet the needs of specific populations of language learners.
Current Offerings:
LINGUIS 869 Practicum in Teaching ESL to Adult Learners
LINGUIS 888 Candidate for Degree
LINGUIS 990 Research in Linguistics
LINGUIS 999 Independent Reading for Doctoral Students
Individual work directed by a member of the graduate faculty; for doctoral students unable to secure needed content in regular courses.
Current Offerings: