Related Certificates


The Department of Linguistics offers master’s and doctoral degrees and a graduate certificate in Adult/University-Level Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Admission Requirements 

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.


Students wishing to enter the PhD program in Linguistics, including those who hold a master’s degree from elsewhere, must satisfy the requirements for the UWM Master of Arts degree in Linguistics. Students apply to the Graduate School for admission, which, in turn, forwards completed applications to the Department. The Department faculty then evaluates the applications and decides on admissions to the PhD program in Linguistics. Occasionally, an exceptionally well-qualified student will be admitted to the PhD program with a baccalaureate degree. The student must complete the requirements of the MA degree in the course of fulfilling the requirements for the PhD

New students are admitted each year typically to begin in the Fall term. To be considered, all application materials normally must be received by the Graduate School no later than December 15. Admission materials will include:

  • Completed Graduate School application.
  • Official transcripts of previous work, including evidence of a master’s degree either completed or in progress.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • Sample of written work.
  • Statement of purpose.

In addition, students whose native language is not English must submit scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or the equivalent. A score of at least 587 (TOEFL) is normally necessary for admission. The minimum score for the computer based TOEFL is 240, or 95 for the internet-based test (iBT).

Submission of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) results, though not required, is encouraged.

Credits and Courses

The PhD program requires a minimum of 54 credits beyond the BA. The 54 credits are distributed as follows:

LINGUIS 715First Language Acquisition3
or LINGUIS 720 Introduction to Second Language Acquisition
LINGUIS 750Introduction to Phonetics3
LINGUIS 755Semantics3
LINGUIS 761Introduction to Phonology3
LINGUIS 764Introduction to Syntax3
LINGUIS 768Language in its Various Forms:3
or LINGUIS 770 Historical and Comparative Linguistics
LINGUIS 850Advanced Phonetics3
LINGUIS 855Advanced Semantics3
LINGUIS 861Advanced Phonology3
LINGUIS 864Advanced Syntax3
Seminars and Independent Study
Select 12 credits in 800-level linguistics seminars (Linguis 801-806) and independent studies, at least 9 credits of which must be in seminars12
Select 12 elective credits, selected with approval of the student’s major professor12
Total Credits54

Additional Requirements

Major Professor as Advisor

The student must have a major professor to advise and supervise the student’s work as specified in Graduate School regulations. The Director of Graduate Studies serves as an initial advisor.

General Restrictions

Doctoral students may not count more than 9 credits in independent study toward the degree without the approval of the Director of Graduate Studies. No more than 18 credits may be counted in courses taken outside the Department of Linguistics.


Students are required to consult periodically with their Major Professor. The Major Professor helps the student to define an area of special interest within the concentration for the preliminary examination. The Major Professor also assists the student in the selection of appropriate coursework and may chair the Preliminary Examination Committee.

Foreign Language Requirement

All PhD candidates are required to demonstrate proficiency (reading knowledge) in a language other than English. The choice of language, and the means of demonstrating proficiency, must be approved by the student’s Major Professor in consultation with the Director of Graduate Study.


The student must meet minimum Graduate School residence requirements.

Doctoral Preliminary Examination

The doctoral preliminary examination consists of an oral defense of a major research paper submitted by the student typically after completing 39 to 45 credits toward the PhD degree. Though the scope of the examination, which usually lasts two hours, is open-ended, its focus is on the submitted research paper, which itself is intended to demonstrate the breadth and depth of a student’s knowledge and the ability to conduct advanced research in one or more areas of study. The successfully-defended research paper should lead naturally to timely preparation of the dissertation proposal.

Students cannot take the preliminary examination if they have any incomplete or unreported grades or a GPA less than 3.0. The exam must be finished within one semester after all coursework is completed, excluding summer sessions. Students may receive from the Director of Graduate Studies a one semester extension for additional coursework. Students who do not complete the exam within this time frame will be considered to have failed the exam. The exam may be retaken only once, after making appropriate revisions to the research paper. Students who fail the preliminary examination may not proceed to the dissertation. The exam must be passed within five years of initial enrollment in the doctoral program.


The dissertation topic, together with a comprehensive prospectus, must be approved by the student’s doctoral committee in a dissertation proposal hearing that should be held not later than the semester immediately following the preliminary examination. The dissertation proposal is typically, albeit not necessarily, a refinement and extension of the research paper defended in the oral preliminary examination. Though no specific length requirements are imposed on the dissertation itself, the Department considers 200 pages to be reasonable and representative.

Dissertation Defense

The completed dissertation is subject to an oral defense, to be arranged by the Major Professor in coordination with the Director of Graduate Study according to Graduate School regulations. A copy of the dissertation is kept in the Department office.

Time Limit

All degree requirements must be completed within ten years from the date of initial enrollment in the doctoral program.

Linguistics PhD Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the Linguistics PhD program will be able to: 

  • Apply problem-solving techniques to uncover patterns in one or more languages. 
  • Arrange and analyze data in a way that highlights its key tendencies.
  • Clearly communicate linguistic insights in writing and speaking.
  • Identify and synthesize the existing research literature in their area of study. 
  • Conduct original research of publishable quality in one or more linguistic domains.