COMMUN 101 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Basic concepts for understanding communication in interpersonal relationships. Combines a theoretical approach with a skills approach to the study of interpersonal communication.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 103 Public Speaking
Principles of public address in informative, persuasive and special occasion situations with emphasis on the theory, composition, and presentation of speeches.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 105 Business and Professional Communication
Analysis and application of communication principles and practices (interpersonal communication, teamwork issues, public speaking, technological communication) fundamental to successful participation in organizational and professional activities.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 192 First-Year Seminar:
COMMUN 199 Independent Study
COMMUN 264 Persuasive Speaking
Designed specifically to increase students' understanding of and proficiency in various techniques and modes of persuasive speaking.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 285 Communicating with Older Adults
COMMUN 288 Research Practicum
COMMUN 296 UROP Apprenticeship
COMMUN 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 298 Internship in Communication
COMMUN 299 Ad Hoc:
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 300 Interviewers and Interviewing
Focuses on information-getting interviews. Discussion, practice, and analysis of interviewer effects, setting, question form, sequence, and wording.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 301 Interpersonal Communication Processes
Focused analysis of the processes involved in face to face communication, includes the examination of the communication variables which define, sustain, or change interpersonal relationships.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 303 Advanced Public Speaking
Advances theoretical understanding and practical skills in the areas of speech crafting, argumentation, information gathering, organization, analysis, and delivery.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 310 Communication in Organizations
Factors affecting structure and function of communication in organizations. Emphasis on concepts and principles enhancing effective management of communication processes.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 311 Communication and Leadership
COMMUN 313 Human Communication and Technology
COMMUN 320 Nonverbal Communication
Reviews theory and research in nonverbal aspects of human communication. Consideration of specific research in such areas as proxemics, kinesics, paralanguage, interpretation of nonverbal messages.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 323 Communication in Groups and Teams
Analysis of communication processes in groups and teams; includes examination of theories and research findings; addresses group and team participation and decision-making skills.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 327 Instructional Communication for Human Resource Trainers
COMMUN 335 Critical Analysis of Communication
COMMUN 350 Intercultural Communication
COMMUN 360 Entertainment and Politics
Social, cultural, political, technical and economic forces that shape the messages communicated by the entertainment media; impacts that these messages have on individuals and society.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 362 Argumentation and Debate
The theory and practice of argumentation with emphasis on critical thinking, argument analysis, and preparation of policy and evaluative arguments.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 363 Communication in Human Conflict
Investigation of the relationship between communication and the processes of human conflicts. Focus upon the nature and origin of human conflict and communicative strategies which may be used to manage conflict situations.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 365 Negotiation Skills Workshop
Simulation-based, interactive workshop on improving student's understanding of the negotiation process; building communicative effectiveness as a negotiator in various business and personal contexts.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 370 Quantitative Research in Communication
Concepts, strategies and methods in the quantitative assessment of problems in the study of human communication as a behavioral science.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 372 Qualitative Research in Communication
Concepts, strategies, and methods in the qualitative, social-scientific study of human communication. Emphasis on interviews, focus groups, and participant observation.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 381 Health Communication
Theory and process of health communication at multiple levels: individual, social network, organizational, community, and societal. Current research in health communication.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 401 Communication in Marital and Family Relationships
Social scientific approach to the study of communication in marital/family relationships. Examination of theory and research concerning communication processes in marital/family relationships.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 402 Gender and Communication
Course focuses on interactive relationships between gender, communication, and culture; in particular, the ways in which communication creates and perpetuates gendered identities and gendered interaction.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 410 Organizational Communication Technology
Conceptual and analytical consideration of communication consequences and needs related to technological assimilation and designing work environments.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 413 Rhetoric and the Internet
COMMUN 423 Decision-Making and Creativity
COMMUN 435 Rhetoric in Western Thought
COMMUN 436 Recent Rhetorical Theory
COMMUN 440 Contemporary Problems in Freedom of Speech
COMMUN 450 Cross-Cultural Communication
COMMUN 462 Communication in the Legal Process
COMMUN 464 Theory and Practice of Persuasion
COMMUN 472 Rhetoric of Radicalism in the United States
Rhetoric of radical movements in the United States including the American Revolution, the abolitionist and free love movements, Black Nationalism, women's liberation, and contemporary radical movements.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 473 African American Public Discourse
Rhetorical analysis and historical survey of public and persuasive discourse by African Americans from the early nineteenth through the twenty-first century.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 474 Rhetoric of Women's Rights in the US
COMMUN 481 Interpersonal Issues in Health Communication
Theory and practice of health communication at the interpersonal level, including such topics as personal relationships, provider-patient interaction, technology, and interpersonal education and prevention.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 497 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 497G Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 499 Ad Hoc:
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 550 International and Global Communication
Models, theories, and contexts of relational communication between people from different nation states, viewed from interpersonal, small group, organizational, and rhetorical perspectives.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 550G International and Global Communication
Models, theories, and contexts of relational communication between people from different nation states, viewed from interpersonal, small group, organizational, and rhetorical perspectives.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 581 Health Communication Interventions
Theories, strategies, and methods in the design of health promotional and disease prevention interventions. Development of ethical and culturally responsive communication strategies.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 588 Research Practicum
COMMUN 597 Practicum in Teaching Communication
COMMUN 631 Current Topics in Interpersonal Communication/Conflict Management:
Research-oriented approaches to interpersonal communication/conflict management. Specific topics announced in Schedule of Classes when course is offered.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 641 Current Topics in Organizational/Professional Communication:
Research-oriented approaches to organizational/professional communication. Specific topics announced Schedule of Classes when course is offered.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 651 Current Topics in Rhetorical/Public Communication:
Research-oriented approaches to rhetorical/public communication. Specific topics announced in Schedule of Classes when course is offered.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 655 Cultural Training and Adjustment
Theories and research related to the role of communication in cultural adjustment processes, cultural training, and evaluation of training.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 655G Cultural Training and Adjustment
Theories and research related to the role of communication in cultural adjustment processes, cultural training, and evaluation of training.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 665 Introduction to Mediation
Course focuses on learning about the mediation process, related theories, and its application in a variety of contexts. Students receive twenty hours of mediation training.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 665G Introduction to Mediation
Course focuses on learning about the mediation process, related theories, and its application in a variety of contexts. Students receive twenty hours of mediation training.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 667 Great American Speakers and Issues
COMMUN 667G Great American Speakers and Issues
COMMUN 672 Communication and Social Order
COMMUN 672G Communication and Social Order
COMMUN 698 Internship in Communication
COMMUN 699 Advanced Independent Reading
Advanced independent work under the supervision of a Commun faculty or instructional academic staff member. Students must submit a study proposal. For more information, consult dept dir of undergrad stds.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 700 Quantitative Research in Communication
Introduction to the methods and techniques of quantitative research in communication, with special focus on problems of experimental and field research.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 701 Critical Analysis of Communication
Introduction to the methods and techniques of humanistic research in communication, with special focus on problems of criticism and history.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 702 Qualitative Research in Communication
Methods and techniques of qualitative research in communication; special focus on problems of discourse analysis and interaction observation.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 735 Rhetorical Theory
Critical study of various humanistic theories of rhetorical communication. Major emphasis on contemporary theories, trends, and concepts.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 750 Theory and Research in Intercultural Communication
COMMUN 762 Argumentation in Theory and Practice
Argumentation theories in a performance-based context to train citizen-scholars. Assumes no prior knowledge of argumentation theories.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 772 Rhetorical Leadership and Ethics
COMMUN 800 Proseminar: The Discipline of Communication
COMMUN 801 Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
COMMUN 802 Marital and Family Communication
COMMUN 805 Seminar on Issues in Interpersonal Communication:
COMMUN 806 Understudied Close Relationships
COMMUN 810 Studies of Communication in Organizations
Surveys theory and research on communication processes that constitute and maintain organizations. Topics include communication and networks, managerial hierarchy, power, and organizational culture.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 813 Seminar in Mediated Communication
Advanced course focusing on theory and research pertaining to relationships between human communication processes and interactive technologies.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 814 Communication Technologies in Relationships
In-depth study and discussion of theory and research pertaining to how, why, and with what effects people use communication technologies for interpersonal communication in a variety of contexts.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 816 Media Effects
Cross-disciplinary examination of theoretical approaches, research methods, and findings in the study of the effects of media on beliefs, opinions, behavior, and policy; design and execution of a research project.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 818 Politics and the Media
COMMUN 823 Seminar in Small Group Communication
COMMUN 825 Work/Life Intersections and Communication
Discussion and analysis of current communication research and work to extend understanding about how communication creates, frames, perpetuates, and challenges conceptualizations of the public (paid work) and private (life) spheres.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 835 Seminar in Contemporary Public Address
Observation and analysis of verbal and nonverbal messages, forms, situations, strategies and media in contemporary public communication.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 837 Instructional Communication in the College Classroom
Theory and practice of instructional communication in the college classroom; research connected to students' own teaching development.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 850 Seminar in Intercultural Communication
Examination of advanced theory and research in intercultural and international communication; methods and problems of intercultural communication research.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 852 Critical Approaches to Intercultural Communication
Critical approaches to culture, identity, and intercultural communication using both classical and contemporary texts; emphasis on scholars of color and other marginalized groups.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 860 Seminar: Issues in Communication:
COMMUN 862 Public Deliberation
Emerging literature on deliberative democracy; ethical, practical, and political possibilities for public argument and decision making.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 864 Communication and Social Influence
COMMUN 872 Rhetorics of Constituting Community and Social Controversy
COMMUN 873 The Digital Mirror
Public messages about a wide range of technologies as purposeful statements about our identity as a technoculture and technocitizens.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 874 Rhetoric of Women's Rights in the US
COMMUN 875 Rhetoric of Space and Mobility
COMMUN 888 Candidate for Degree
COMMUN 893 Rhetoric of/and the Internet
COMMUN 900 Philosophy and Practice of Communication
COMMUN 902 Advanced Qualitative Research in Communication - Interviewing
COMMUN 913 Advanced Topics in Group Communication:
COMMUN 950 Theory Building in Communication and Culture
COMMUN 971 Meta-Analysis: Practice and Application
COMMUN 972 Advanced Methods in Communication Research:
COMMUN 973 Topics in Rhetorical Research:
In-depth examination of a particular area of rhetorical research, with focus on methodologies; students reflect on epistemic, publication, and professional issues.
Current Offerings:
COMMUN 990 Research and Thesis
COMMUN 998 Communication Internship
COMMUN 999 Independent Study
Supervised investigation of a particular topic area either not covered by other communication courses or at a level of sophistication beyond that in other courses.
Current Offerings: