AFRIC 100 Black Reality: Survey of African-American Society
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An introduction to key concepts, structures, and institutions in African-American societies.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 102 Survey of African-American Literature
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of a variety of African-American literature.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 111 Introduction to African-American History to 1865
3 cr. Undergraduate.
African and African-American history to the Reconstruction period.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 112 Introduction to African-American History, 1865 to the Present
3 cr. Undergraduate.
African-American history from the Reconstruction era to the present.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 125 Economics of the Black Community
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of key economic principles, and elements that structure economic behavior in the black community.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 163 Black Racial and Cultural Identity
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Survey of the cultural, social and psychological origins of the contemporary view African Americans have of themselves.
Prerequisites: none.
Last Taught: Spring 2010, Fall 2009, Spring 2009, Fall 2008.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 192 First-Year Seminar:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes each time the class is offered.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Open only to freshmen. Students may earn cr in just one L&S First-Year Sem (course numbers 192, 193, 194).
General Education Requirements: HU
Last Taught: Fall 2008, Fall 2007, Fall 2000, Spring 1999.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 193 First-Year Seminar:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes each time the class is offered.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Open only to freshmen. Students may earn cr in just one L&S First-Year Sem (course numbers 192, 193, 194).
General Education Requirements: SS
Last Taught: Fall 2009, Fall 2008, Fall 2002, Fall 1997.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 199 Independent Study
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
For further information, consult the department chair.
Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA; writ cons instr, dept chair & asst dean for SAS.
Course Rules: May be retaken to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Summer 2011, Spring 2008, Fall 2006, Fall 2005.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 205 The Poetry of African, African-American, and Caribbean Writers
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of ideas, themes, values, beliefs, and attitudes in the poetry of African, African-American and Caribbean writers.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Fall 2013, Fall 2010, Fall 2008, Fall 2007.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 210 The African-American Novel
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A study of the social and cultural significance of the African-American novel, with emphasis on genre, imagery, and dramatic irony.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013, Spring 2012.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 215 Introduction to Black Social and Cultural Traditions
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A consideration of the social and cultural traditions that ground the life experiences and prospects of black people.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2019.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 220 Introduction to Statistics in African and African Diaspora Studies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The use of statistical methods and techniques in techniques in African and African Diaspora Studies. Data from the Afroworld (North and South America, Africa, and the Caribbean) will be analyzed.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: satisfaction of GER Quantitative Literacy Part A.
General Education Requirements: QLB
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 228 Introduction to Black Political Economy
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of the interplay of the basic political and economic categories that structure the form and content of black life in America.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2020.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 232 Survey of African Societies and Cultures
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of continuities and changes in the social and cultural lives of the peoples of Black Africa.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2020, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 235 African Americans and South Africa
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The study of ideological, economic, religious, cultural, educational and political ties between African Americans and black South Africans from the 19th century to the present.
Prerequisites: soph st or cons instr.
General Education Requirements: HU
Last Taught: Fall 2013, Fall 2001, Fall 1995.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 250 Black Women and White Women in the Contemporary United States
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The effect of economics, education, social structures and history on the role of black women in US society.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: SS
Last Taught: UWinteriM 2011, Spring 2010, Spring 2009, Spring 2008.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 261 Survey of African-American Political Philosophy
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of key ideas, concepts, arguments, problems, and issues in African-American political philosophy.
Prerequisites: soph st.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Fall 2008, Fall 2004.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 265 Psychological Effects of Racism
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Psychological and socio-psychological effects of individualized and institutionalized racism on blacks and whites. Emphasis is placed on a range of interactions between blacks and whites.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 289 Internship in African & African Diaspora Studies, Lower Division
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of basic principles of African & African Diaspora Studies in business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Prerequisites: One credit earned for academic work based on 40 hours in internship. May be retaken to 6 credits max. Prerequisite: 100- or 200-level AFRIC course; 2.25 GPA; consent of supervising faculty member.
Last Taught: Fall 2009, Spring 2008, Spring 2007, Summer 2006.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 297 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: acceptance for Study Abroad Prog.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: UWinteriM 2019, UWinteriM 2013, UWinteriM 2012, UWinteriM 2010.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 299 Ad Hoc:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Prerequisites: none; add'l prereqs may be assigned to specific topic.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: Fall 2004, Spring 2003, Spring 2000, Fall 1998.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 300 Urban Violence
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of the nature, causes, and consequences of urban violence; the possibilities and limits of violence in promoting the good of blacks will be scrutinized.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 300G Urban Violence
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of the nature, causes, and consequences of urban violence; the possibilities and limits of violence in promoting the good of blacks will be scrutinized.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 301 Research Methods in African & African Diaspora Studies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of research methods and techniques, and the uses of the computer in data gathering and analysis in African & African Diaspora Studies.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: junior standing; elementary statistics course; or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2018, Fall 2016, Spring 2015.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 311 African Religious Thought and Social Organizations
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A critical analysis of foundations from which complex social structures and institutions evolved in the diverse societies of the Afroworld.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 311G African Religious Thought and Social Organizations
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A critical analysis of foundations from which complex social structures and institutions evolved in the diverse societies of the Afroworld.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 312 The Church in African-American Life
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A study of the socio-cultural significance of the church in the evolution of the black community.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Fall 2009.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 314 The School in African-American Life
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A study of the socio-cultural significance of the school in the evolution of the black community.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2020.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 319 African American Urban History
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of the social and cultural transformation of Black urban communities, including social relations, political expression, economic organization, and cultural production, through the effects of government policies, economic trends, and institutional racism.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Spring 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 319G African American Urban History
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of the social and cultural transformation of Black urban communities, including social relations, political expression, economic organization, and cultural production, through the effects of government policies, economic trends, and institutional racism.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Spring 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 320 Black Cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean
3 cr. Undergraduate.
African influence on Latin America and the Caribbean, and the cultures of black peoples in several areas, particularly Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Barbados.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2016.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 321 Black Workers in the 21st Century
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of scientific and technological changes in America since 1900, and their qualitative as well as quantitative impact on black productivity and participation in the work force.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 321G Black Workers in the 21st Century
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of scientific and technological changes in America since 1900, and their qualitative as well as quantitative impact on black productivity and participation in the work force.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 322 Order and Disorder: The Quest for Social Justice
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An analysis of the forms, purposes, and effects of order and disorder in relation to black people's quest for social justice.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 322G Order and Disorder: The Quest for Social Justice
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An analysis of the forms, purposes, and effects of order and disorder in relation to black people's quest for social justice.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 323 Capitalism, Socialism, Nationalism and Fascism
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An analysis of the political philosophies of capitalism, socialism, nationalism and fascism in relation to their significance for the organization of political societies in the Afroworld.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 325 Africa/China Relations
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical and emerging political and economic relationship between the African continent and China.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 325G Africa/China Relations
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical and emerging political and economic relationship between the African continent and China.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 326 Economic Problems of Black Business
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of major economic problems of black business; liquidity, credit, market shares, insurance, rents, mortgages, and location are analyzed in relation to black business performance.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 326G Economic Problems of Black Business
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of major economic problems of black business; liquidity, credit, market shares, insurance, rents, mortgages, and location are analyzed in relation to black business performance.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 329 Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Economic development in African countries; poverty reduction strategies, role of education and health, Millennium Development Goals, agrarian systems, international trade; U.S. as key trading partner.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 329G Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Economic development in African countries; poverty reduction strategies, role of education and health, Millennium Development Goals, agrarian systems, international trade; U.S. as key trading partner.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 334 Survey of Black American and Black Brazilian Societies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Examines similarities and differences between peoples of African descent in the United States and Brazil, with reference to society, culture, and political economy.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Spring 2008.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 341 Black Politics and City Government
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An analysis of the impact of black politics on the decision-making process of, and delivery of goods and services by, state and local governments.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2016, Spring 2014, Fall 2009.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 344 Global Black Social Movements
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of leadership, ideology, and the structure of black political movements and organizations in the twentieth century.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2021.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 344G Global Black Social Movements
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of leadership, ideology, and the structure of black political movements and organizations in the twentieth century.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2021.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 350 The Black Family
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An examination of the structure and functions of the black family in its urban and rural contexts.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2014, Summer 2011.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 350G The Black Family
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
An examination of the structure and functions of the black family in its urban and rural contexts.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2014, Summer 2011.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 351 Sexuality, Gender, and Health in Africa and the Diaspora
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Drawing on cultural studies and social science approaches, this course asks the question of how health and illness is socially and culturally determined.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2016, Fall 2011, Fall 2010.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 352 Extended Families in Black Societies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A critical cross-national/cross-cultural analysis of the structures and functions of black extended families in the Americas and Africa.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2011, Spring 2010.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 362 Philosophy and Thought in Africa and the Diaspora II
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Philosophical foundations of the intellectual tradition and political ideas of Africa and the African diaspora after 1900.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Summer 2010, Fall 2008, Fall 2004, Fall 2003.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 369 Black Popular Culture and Digital Media
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An evaluation of how the mass media have affected the psyche of Black people.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Fall 2012.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 370 Forms of Black Expression
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An analysis of elements of African traditions that have influenced the literature, music, art, dance, and folkways (in the Afro-world, particularly in the United States).
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 1990.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 372 African-American Literary Movements: The Harlem Renaissance
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A consideration of the historical and social forces that promoted the development of black literature during the period of the Harlem Renaissance.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2010, Fall 2008.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 381 Honors Seminar:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Selected topics in the political economy, cultures, and societies of the Afroworld.
Prerequisites: sophomore standing, HONORS 200(P), and consent of Honors College director.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 credits max.
General Education Requirements: SS
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 411 Change in African-American Communities
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An analysis of institutional and non-institutional forces that occasion change in black communities.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2011, Fall 2009, Spring 2005, Spring 2002.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 412 Blacks and the United States Constitution
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An analysis of the Constitution's impact on blacks, and the body of law that has evolved from litigation involving the interests of black people.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2005, Fall 2001, Fall 2000, Fall 1999.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 414 The Black Woman in America, Africa, and the Caribbean
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A comparison of the roles and impact of the black women on American, African and Caribbean societies.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2018, Fall 2016, Spring 2016.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 415 Race in Sports
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Exploration of the terrain of American sports in the twentieth century to understand the profound impact athletic competition has had on the development of American race relations and racial inequality.
Prerequisites: junior standing or greater.
Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of AFRIC 565 with similar topic.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 415G Race in Sports
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Exploration of the terrain of American sports in the twentieth century to understand the profound impact athletic competition has had on the development of American race relations and racial inequality.
Prerequisites: junior standing or greater.
Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of AFRIC 565 with similar topic.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 416 Race and Social Justice in the United States
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A study of the relation between race, injustice and social change in the United States.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2017, Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2010.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 417 Race, Class and Gender in Southern Africa
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Race, class and gender as sources of conflict and cooperation in southern African societies.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2014, Spring 2004, Spring 2003, Spring 2000.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 418 Race, Class, and Gender in Latin America and the Caribbean
3 cr. Undergraduate.
An analysis of race, class and gender in the evolution of political, economic, and social structures in Caribbean and Latin American societies.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Spring 2009, Fall 2006.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 420 The Political Economy of Slavery
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Analysis of the political and economic contradictions of U.S. slavery; the value of free versus slave labor is scrutinized in the context of emerging capitalism.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2014, Fall 2013, Spring 2002, Spring 1999.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 450 Cultural Transmissions: Black Africa and Black America
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A cross-national and cross-cultural comparison of the societies and cultures of black Americans and black Africans.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2011, Spring 2010.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 450G Cultural Transmissions: Black Africa and Black America
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
A cross-national and cross-cultural comparison of the societies and cultures of black Americans and black Africans.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Spring 2011, Spring 2010.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 451 Rites of Passage in Black Societies
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Foundations of the use of rites of passage in different societies throughout Africa and the African diaspora.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2013, Spring 2013.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 451G Rites of Passage in Black Societies
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Foundations of the use of rites of passage in different societies throughout Africa and the African diaspora.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2013, Spring 2013.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 489 Internship in African & African Diaspora Studies, Upper Division
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of advanced principles of African & African Diaspora Studies in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Prerequisites: One credit earned for academic work based on 40 hours in internship. May be retaken to 6 credits max. Prerequisite: junior standing; 300-level or above course in AFRIC; 2.25 gpa; consent of supervising faculty member.
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Summer 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 497 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance for Study Abroad Prog.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: UWinteriM 2019, Summer 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 497G Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance for Study Abroad Prog.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: UWinteriM 2019, Summer 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 499 Ad Hoc:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Prerequisites: jr st; add'l prereqs may be assigned to specific topic.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: Fall 1995.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 545 Raising Children, 'Race-ing' Children
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of the social meaning of race in the US through the lens of childhood and adolescence; how children come to understand and navigate racism.
Prerequisites: jr st or grad st.
Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of AFRIC 565 w/ similar topic.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 545G Raising Children, 'Race-ing' Children
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Analysis of the social meaning of race in the US through the lens of childhood and adolescence; how children come to understand and navigate racism.
Prerequisites: jr st or grad st.
Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of AFRIC 565 w/ similar topic.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 565 Topics in African & African Diaspora Studies:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of selected problems, issues, and themes in African & African Diaspora Studies.
Prerequisites: junior standing or greater.
Course Rules: Repeatable to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 565G Topics in African & African Diaspora Studies:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of selected problems, issues, and themes in African & African Diaspora Studies.
Prerequisites: junior standing or greater.
Course Rules: Repeatable to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 699 Independent Study
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
See Advanced Independent Study.
Prerequisites: jr st; 2.5 GPA; writ cons instr, dept chair & asst dean for SAS.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Summer 2017, Fall 2015.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 700 Foundations and Theories in African & African Diaspora Studies
3 cr. Graduate.
Seminar on historical, theoretical and institutional development of African & African Diaspora Studies. Topics examined will include Pan-Africanism, Black Feminism, Afrocentrism, Diaspora Theory, Critical Race Theory, and others.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 701 Theories and Methods in Empirical Research in African & African Diaspora Studies
3 cr. Graduate.
Applicability of particular empirical theories and qualitative/quantitative methods to a range of substantive problems and issues pertaining to peoples of African descent.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: graduate standing; appropriate upper-level math or statistics course.
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 705 Classic Works: Intellectual Production in Africa and the Diaspora I
3 cr. Graduate.
Conceptual and value foundations of normative theory in relation to forms of social organization.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 706 Classic Works: Intellectual Production in Africa and the Diaspora II
3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced study of elements of normative theory such as justice, equality, freedom, and obligation in societal construction and reconstruction in Africa and the Diaspora.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: graduate standing; AFRIC 705(P).
Last Taught: Spring 2012, Spring 2011.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 708 Black Literary Theory and Cultural Studies
3 cr. Graduate.
Black Studies explores African diasporic identities through the analysis of cultural productions. Central concerns include social constructions of race relating to traditions, folkways, fiction, poetry, visual arts, film, bodily performance, social media, music and more.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 709 Critical Literary Theory II: Modern Concepts in the African World
3 cr. Graduate.
Intensive examination of cardinal elements in critical literary theory in the context of ideas and behaviors that have shaped the lives of Africans and their descent historically.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: graduate standing; AFRIC 708(P).
Last Taught: Spring 2012.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 799 Graduate Independent Study
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Independent work supervised by a member of the graduate faculty.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Summer 2022.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 800 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in African & African Diaspora Studies
3 cr. Graduate.
Various qualitative methods and methodological issues germane to African & African Diaspora Studies, including archival research, interviewing, focus groups, participant observation, and analysis of representations.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2019, Fall 2016, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 804 Qualitative Interviewing and Grounded Theory
3 cr. Graduate.
In-depth, hands-on examination of qualitative interviewing in research. Students design, conduct, and analyze qualitative interviews using grounded theory. Seminar-style course.
Prerequisites: No credit for students who have credit in AFRIC 880 w/ same topic. Prerequisite: graduate standing; prior coursework in qualitative methods or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Fall 2014.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 812 Political Economy: Conceptual
3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced analysis of varieties of conceptual frameworks in the literature of political economy.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Spring 2014, Spring 2011.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 814 Public Policies, Development, and Underdevelopment in Africa & the Diaspora
3 cr. Graduate.
Investigation into public policy and development in Africa and the Diaspora.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2014.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 816 Political Economy of Development in African Countries
3 cr. Graduate.
The importance of political institutions in shaping economic performance to advance understanding of economic development in the context of sub-Saharan African countries.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Fall 2011.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 817 Political Economy of Development in African Countries II
3 cr. Graduate.
Growth-enhancing governance, economic performance, and economic development in sub-Saharan African Countries.
Prerequisites: grad st; Africol 816(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Africol 880 w/same topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2013.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 818 Race Matters: Government and Politics in Latin America and the Caribbean
3 cr. Graduate.
Presence, role, status, situation, and conditions of Afro-Americans (Afro-Latins and Afro-Caribbeans) in the Americas, from the federal republic of Mexico to the Argentine republic.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2019, Fall 2015, Spring 2014, Spring 2013.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 820 Political Economy of Income and Wealth Inequality
3 cr. Graduate.
Seminar on economic inequality, with special emphasis on the United States.No credit for students who have credit in AFRIC 880 w/ same topic. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 821 Race and Inequality
3 cr. Graduate.
Discrimination and racial inequality along socio-economic dimensions.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2020, Fall 2018.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 834 Seminar on Slavery
3 cr. Graduate.
Culture and political economy of slavery; historical context for American slavery; slavery as political and economic issue; social-psychology of slavery; persistence of slavery's legacies.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2012.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 836 Comparative Social Institutions in African World Communities
3 cr. Graduate.
Origins, nature, and functioning of social institutions in African world communities; continuity and change; development of community and cultural identities of Africans and their descendents; theoretical/analytical approaches.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2013.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 837 Memory and Tradition: Identity-Making and Memory in the African Diaspora
3 cr. Graduate.
Role of memory and tradition in forming collective and individual identities in the African Diaspora; symbolic value and functional aspects; focus on sub-Saharan Africa.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2017.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 840 Healing Traditions in the African Diaspora
3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced study of healing traditions, practices, and rituals throughout the African Diaspora.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 845 Race/Ethnicity and the Psychology of Oppression
3 cr. Graduate.
Psychological processes involved in creating and sustaining oppressive societies; emphasis on the role of racism societally and the impact of oppression on individuals and groups.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Fall 2015, Spring 2012.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 851 African-American Literary Theory and Criticism
3 cr. Graduate.
An intensive study of historical and contemporary trends in African-American literary criticism and theory.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2013.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 852 Folklore in the African World:
3 cr. Graduate.
A close scrutiny of a particular forms of folk literature of people of African descent.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Fall 2012, Fall 2011.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 862 Development of African-American Children in Urban and Rural Areas
3 cr. Graduate.
Developmental processes facing African-American children, including identity development and racial socialization, impact of environment, notion of 'a single African-American identity;' theories and methodological approaches.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 865 The Quest for Pan-Africanism
3 cr. Graduate.
History and future motion of movement to create a united Africa; political, economic, and social barriers to unification; united Africa in the global community.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 866 Black Power Reconsidered
3 cr. Graduate.
The salience of black power in the context of campaigns for educational equality, urban politics, economic justice, residential segregation, urban renewal, anti-colonial struggle, and cultural politics.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: No cr for students with credit in Africol 880 w/ similar title.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 867 Problems in African American Urban History
3 cr. Graduate.
Ways scholars have conceptualized and interpreted 20th century African American urban life; assumptions and logic that undergird various approaches; potential intellectual and political implications.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Africol 880 with similar title.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 868 Black Intellectuals and the Public Sphere
3 cr. Graduate.
How black intellectuals have defined knowledge and positioned themselves politically and professionally; the various spheres in which they operate.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2015.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 880 Seminar on Issues in African & African Diaspora Studies:
3 cr. Graduate.
Research seminar on issues of interest in African & African Diaspora Studies.
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Spring 2020, Spring 2016.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 888 Candidate for Degree
0 cr. Graduate.
Available for graduate students who must meet minimum credit load requirement.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Fee for 1 cr assessed; unit does not count towards credit load for Fin Aid. Repeatable. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Current Offerings:
AFRIC 990 Dissertation Research
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Research or dissertation work for students in the doctoral program.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: Retakable as necessary to complete the dissertation.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: