Sociology is the study of patterns of social relations and how those patterns shape what people do and think. From community and conflict, family and inequality, social change and religion, crime and conformity, class and race, gender and work, few fields offer students such breadth in the study of the social world we all inhabit.
For undergraduates we offer an exciting array of classes, where students can study everything from human sexuality to the sociology of culture, from issues related to aging to pressing questions of inequality and poverty. Students have great opportunities to work closely with our faculty and teaching staff; our wide range of courses offers undergraduates both breadth and depth in their study of sociology.
For graduate students we offer both a Master’s (MA) and a PhD program. Our master's program has long provided outstanding training to prepare for PhD programs or as preparation for careers in non-profit organizations, businesses, and government agencies. Our PhD program offers advanced training in general sociological theory and cutting-edge methodologies for the analysis of social data, with particular emphasis on developing expertise in the analysis of social inequalities and social institutions.
Sociology Courses
SOCIOL 101 Introduction to Sociology
SOCIOL 102 Solving Social Problems
SOCIOL 103 World Society
SOCIOL 104 Introduction to Social Psychology
SOCIOL 199 Independent Study
SOCIOL 207 Work and Society
SOCIOL 224 Race and Ethnicity in the United States
SOCIOL 233 Social Inequality in the United States
SOCIOL 235 Social Change in the Global Economy
SOCIOL 241 Criminology
SOCIOL 246 Juvenile Delinquency
SOCIOL 248 Sociology of Education
SOCIOL 250 Sex and Gender
SOCIOL 255 Sociology of Sexuality
SOCIOL 260 Blood, Sex, Money, Power: Families and Intimate Relationships
SOCIOL 261 Introduction to Statistical Thinking in Sociology
SOCIOL 282 Sociology of Aging
SOCIOL 289 Internship in Sociology, Lower Division
SOCIOL 297 Study Abroad:
SOCIOL 299 Ad Hoc:
SOCIOL 302 Professional Development for Social Science Majors
SOCIOL 304 Political Sociology
SOCIOL 323 Perspectives on Latino Communities
SOCIOL 324 Race and Ethnicity in Global Contexts
SOCIOL 325 Social Change
SOCIOL 327 Data, Technology, and Society
SOCIOL 328 Science in Society
SOCIOL 330 Economy and Society
SOCIOL 331 Sociology of Health Care
SOCIOL 338 Small Groups
SOCIOL 341 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
SOCIOL 342 Sociology of Law
SOCIOL 343 Collective Behavior
SOCIOL 350 Environmental Sociology
SOCIOL 352 Social Networks
SOCIOL 361 Research Methods in Sociology
SOCIOL 375 Social Theory
SOCIOL 376 Modern Sociological Theory
SOCIOL 377 Urbanism and Urbanization
SOCIOL 380 Honors Seminar:
SOCIOL 399 Independent Study-Upper Division
SOCIOL 442 The Work-Family Intersection
SOCIOL 442G The Work-Family Intersection
SOCIOL 444 Sociology of the Body
SOCIOL 444G Sociology of the Body
SOCIOL 461 Social Data Analysis Using Regression
SOCIOL 461G Social Data Analysis Using Regression
SOCIOL 489 Internship in Sociology, Upper Division
SOCIOL 495 Seminar in Sociology:
SOCIOL 495G Seminar in Sociology:
SOCIOL 497 Study Abroad:
SOCIOL 497G Study Abroad:
SOCIOL 499 Ad Hoc:
SOCIOL 701 Professional Seminar
SOCIOL 715 Systematic Sociological Theory
SOCIOL 750 Research Methods in Sociology
SOCIOL 760 Advanced Statistical Methods in Sociology
SOCIOL 790 Master's Level Thesis/Paper
SOCIOL 794 Proseminar: The Teaching of Undergraduates
SOCIOL 799 Master's Level Reading and Research
SOCIOL 888 Candidate for Degree
SOCIOL 901 Urban Social Structure
SOCIOL 910 The Sociology of Inequality
SOCIOL 911 The Sociology of Institutions
SOCIOL 920 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
SOCIOL 923 Sociology of Culture
SOCIOL 925 Sex and Gender
SOCIOL 927 Seminar in Sociology of Contemporary Institutions:
SOCIOL 928 Seminar in Social Organization:
SOCIOL 951 Seminar in Research Methodology
SOCIOL 952 Social Network Analysis
SOCIOL 979 Qualitative Research Methods
SOCIOL 982 Advanced Quantitative Analysis
SOCIOL 990 Doctoral Dissertation
SOCIOL 999 Doctoral Reading and Research
Name | Rank | Degree | School | Graduate Faculty | Emeritus Faculty |
Anne Bonds | Sociology Faculty Affiliate & Professor, Geography | PhD | University of Washington | Yes | No |
Marcus Britton | Associate Professor | PhD | Northwestern University | Yes | No |
Esther Chan | Assistant Professor | PhD | Yale University | Yes | No |
Noelle Chesley | Associate Professor & Department Chair | PhD | Cornell University | Yes | No |
Cary Gabriel Costello | Associate Professor | PhD | University of California-Berkeley | Yes | No |
Stanislav D. Dobrev | Sociology Faculty Affiliate & Robert L. and Sally S. Manegold Chair in Strategic Management | PhD | Stanford University | Yes | No |
Gordon Gauchat | Associate Professor | PhD | University of Connecticut | Yes | No |
Jennifer A. Jordan | Professor | PhD | University of California-San Diego | Yes | No |
Rebecca Headley Konkel | Sociology Faculty Affiliate & Associate Professor, Criminal Justice & Criminology | PhD | Georgia State University | Yes | No |
Timothy O'Brien | Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies | PhD | Indiana University | Yes | No |
Kent Redding | Associate Professor | PhD | University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill | Yes | No |
Aki Roberts | Associate Professor | PhD | University of New Mexico | Yes | No |
John M. Roberts Jr. | Professor & Director of Graduate Studies | PhD | Cornell University | Yes | No |
William Velez | Professor | PhD | Yale University | No | Yes |