COMPSCI 101 Introduction to PC Application Software
Introduction to software applications of the personal computer, including word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, and databases.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 111 Introduction to Unix
Introduction to basic user skills for Unix operating systems. File system structure and access control. Basic user commands. Text editing. Internet utilities.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 112 Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web
Survey of the technologies that enable common Internet applications and their security/privacy issues. Topics include HTTP, TCP/IP, DNS, email protocols, search engines, encryption, digital signatures and malware.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 113 Introduction to Web Document Production
An introduction to the computer languages used in World Wide Web documents. Design principles; techniques for form processing and inclusion of multimedia content.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 132 Introduction to Computers and Programming
COMPSCI 140 Introduction to the Computer Science Laboratories
COMPSCI 150 Survey of Computer Science
A survey of computer science. Topics include data storage and manipulation, operating systems and networks, algorithms and data structures, programming languages, artificial intelligence, and computability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 151 Introduction to Scientific Programming in Fortran
Design and implementation of computer programs in fortran; stress will be placed on applications to different fields of science and engineering.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 160 Introduction to Computer Game Design and Programming
An overview of computer game history; design concepts and considerations; implementation using a modern software development platform, such as GameMaker.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 202 Introductory Programming Using Python
Programming in Python. Basic control structures including recursion. Basic and library data types. Problem solving with objects. Writing classes. Basic software development skills.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 240 Introduction to Engineering Programming
Problem solving with structured programming techniques using an engineering oriented programming language, such as MATLAB, including control structures, functions, arrays and matrices.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 241 C Programming for Embedded Systems
Problem solving with structured programming techniques, using the C programming language; Topics include using arrays and pointers, memory management, unions, structures, files and low level IO, and process's and inter-process communication.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 250 Introductory Computer Programming
Problem solving with structured programming techniques using an object-oriented programming language, including control structures, functions, arrays, vectors, and pre-defined objects.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 251 Intermediate Computer Programming
Problem solving with objects. Writing classes. Use of standard data structures. Basic software development skills including text analysis tools, debugging, and configuration management.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 290 Introductory Topics in Computer Science:
COMPSCI 315 Introduction to Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
Introduction to number systems, arithmetic and Boolean operations. Digital computer organization. A specific computer system, assembly and machine language programming.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 317 Discrete Information Structures
COMPSCI 318 Topics in Discrete Mathematics
Number theory topics related to cryptography; discrete structures including graphs, partial orders, Latin squares and block designs; advanced counting techniques.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 337 System Programming
Introduction to the application programmer interface for a modern operating system. Overview of mechanisms for object oriented programming and memory management
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 351 Data Structures and Algorithms
Programming in a structured, high-level, object-oriented language. Implementation of data structures and algorithms and their application.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 361 Introduction to Software Engineering
Introduction to core topics of software engineering including requirements analysis, object-oriented design, testing, and project management. Overview of ethical and social issues in computing.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 395 Social, Professional, and Ethical Issues
COMPSCI 411 Machine Learning and Applications
Important topics and application in machine learning, including deep learning. Provides hands-on experience with machine learning software and libraries.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 411G Machine Learning and Applications
Important topics and application in machine learning, including deep learning. Provides hands-on experience with machine learning software and libraries.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 417 Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Introduction to formal languages, grammars and automata. Finite state automata, pushdown automata, turing machines. Regular, context-free recursive and recursively enumerable languages. Decidability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 417G Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Introduction to formal languages, grammars and automata. Finite state automata, pushdown automata, turing machines. Regular, context-free recursive and recursively enumerable languages. Decidability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 422 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to core techniques and broad survey of AI. Topics include: Lisp, heuristic search, knowledge representation, planning, vision, learning.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 422G Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to core techniques and broad survey of AI. Topics include: Lisp, heuristic search, knowledge representation, planning, vision, learning.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 423 Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Introduction to natural language processing programs and an overview of the field. Topics include syntactic frameworks, parsing, semantics, interpretation, and applications.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 423G Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Introduction to natural language processing programs and an overview of the field. Topics include syntactic frameworks, parsing, semantics, interpretation, and applications.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 425 Introduction to Data Mining
Algorithms for uncovering useful information from data. Topics include data exploration, association rules, clustering, supervised learning, and mining structured data (e.g., sequences or graphs).
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 425G Introduction to Data Mining
Algorithms for uncovering useful information from data. Topics include data exploration, association rules, clustering, supervised learning, and mining structured data (e.g., sequences or graphs).
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 431 Programming Languages Concepts
Examination of abstract features of languages. Study of syntactic and semantic models; design and programming in procedural, object-oriented, functional and logical languages. Implementation methods.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 431G Programming Languages Concepts
Examination of abstract features of languages. Study of syntactic and semantic models; design and programming in procedural, object-oriented, functional and logical languages. Implementation methods.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 443 Intelligent User Interfaces and Usability Assessment
Critical reading and discussion of scientific literature on the principles, methods, and current research in intelligent user interfaces including applications, architectures, and evaluation.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 444 Introduction to Text Retrieval and Its Applications in Biomedicine
Introduction to text retrieval, text classification and their biomedical applications; topics include: indexing, query processing, and document retrieval methods.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 444G Introduction to Text Retrieval and Its Applications in Biomedicine
Introduction to text retrieval, text classification and their biomedical applications; topics include: indexing, query processing, and document retrieval methods.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 458 Computer Architecture
Processor organization, memory hierarchy, pipelining, computer architectures exploiting instruction/data/thread level parallelism, warehouse scale computers.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 458G Computer Architecture
Processor organization, memory hierarchy, pipelining, computer architectures exploiting instruction/data/thread level parallelism, warehouse scale computers.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 459 Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
Scan-line algorithms, object representation, homogeneous coordinates, geometric transformations, viewing curves, illumination models, interactive input methods, texture mapping.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 459G Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
Scan-line algorithms, object representation, homogeneous coordinates, geometric transformations, viewing curves, illumination models, interactive input methods, texture mapping.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 469 Introduction to Computer Security
Privacy and authenticity of data and programs, communication, operating systems, network and database security, computer viruses, cryptography, private and public key cryptosystems, protocols.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 469G Introduction to Computer Security
Privacy and authenticity of data and programs, communication, operating systems, network and database security, computer viruses, cryptography, private and public key cryptosystems, protocols.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 481 Server-side Internet Programming
Introduces students to the concept of server-side programming and web applications development. Topics include dynamic web site development, session management, security, and relational databases.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 481G Server-side Internet Programming
Introduces students to the concept of server-side programming and web applications development. Topics include dynamic web site development, session management, security, and relational databases.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 482 Rich Internet Applications
COMPSCI 482G Rich Internet Applications
COMPSCI 511 Symbolic Logic
First-order predicate calculus; formal properties of theoretical systems; chief results of modern mathematical logic; advanced topics such as completeness and computability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 511G Symbolic Logic
First-order predicate calculus; formal properties of theoretical systems; chief results of modern mathematical logic; advanced topics such as completeness and computability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 520 Computer Networks
Layered network architecture, protocols, data transmission, local area networks, multiplexing and switching, routing flow and congestion control, internetworking, wireless networking, network reliability and security.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 520G Computer Networks
Layered network architecture, protocols, data transmission, local area networks, multiplexing and switching, routing flow and congestion control, internetworking, wireless networking, network reliability and security.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 522 Computer Game Design
Design of rules, environments, rewards, and punishments, Game metrics, Including artificial intelligence in games, Puzzle generation, Automatic design, Humanness test, Influence maps, Diversity, Unpredictability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 522G Computer Game Design
Design of rules, environments, rewards, and punishments, Game metrics, Including artificial intelligence in games, Puzzle generation, Automatic design, Humanness test, Influence maps, Diversity, Unpredictability.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 530 Computer Networks Laboratory
Experimentation with Wired and Wireless Computer Networks Design. Data Link and MAC Protocols, LANs, WANs, Routing, Transport Layer Protocols, Congestion Control, Network Security, Network Management.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 530G Computer Networks Laboratory
Experimentation with Wired and Wireless Computer Networks Design. Data Link and MAC Protocols, LANs, WANs, Routing, Transport Layer Protocols, Congestion Control, Network Security, Network Management.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 535 Algorithm Design and Analysis
Introduction to abstract data structures, analysis of time and space requirements of numerical and non-numerical algorithms methods for data manipulation.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 535G Algorithm Design and Analysis
Introduction to abstract data structures, analysis of time and space requirements of numerical and non-numerical algorithms methods for data manipulation.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 536 Software Engineering
Software engineering, the software life cycle, qualities of software; design, specification and verification of software, programming environments and tools, object oriented programming.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 536G Software Engineering
Software engineering, the software life cycle, qualities of software; design, specification and verification of software, programming environments and tools, object oriented programming.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 537 Introduction to Operating Systems
Process management including process creation, switching, multithreading, scheduling, communication and concurrency control; memory management including paging, segmentation and virtual memory; systems programming.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 537G Introduction to Operating Systems
Process management including process creation, switching, multithreading, scheduling, communication and concurrency control; memory management including paging, segmentation and virtual memory; systems programming.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 547 User-Centered Interaction Design
COMPSCI 547G User-Centered Interaction Design
COMPSCI 552 Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
An advanced course in object-oriented programming. Abstraction; single and multiple inheritance; dynamic binding of functions; polymorphic types and operators; survey of object-oriented techniques.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 552G Advanced Object-Oriented Programming
An advanced course in object-oriented programming. Abstraction; single and multiple inheritance; dynamic binding of functions; polymorphic types and operators; survey of object-oriented techniques.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 557 Introduction to Database Systems
General database system concepts. Physical data organization. Data models and database systems. Database design theory. Query optimization. Transaction management. Logic and database.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 557G Introduction to Database Systems
General database system concepts. Physical data organization. Data models and database systems. Database design theory. Query optimization. Transaction management. Logic and database.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 581 Web Languages and Standards
Introduction to languages and standards for Web applications, including markup, schema, style, transformation, and metadata languages. Document programming interfaces. Emphasis on programming language principles.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 594 Capstone Project Preparation
Student teams will develop requirements and functionality specifications for their capstone projects and conduct the necessary research on the prior art and technologies to be used.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 595 Capstone Project
Students will integrate their knowledge of the undergraduate computer science curriculum by implementing a significant computer science team project.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 599 Senior Thesis
COMPSCI 620 Undergraduate Seminar in Algorithms:
COMPSCI 654 Introduction to Compilers
Fundamentals of compiler construction for modern programming languages. Syntax analysis, table organization, storage administration, semantic routines and code generation
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 655 Compiler Implementation Laboratory
COMPSCI 655G Compiler Implementation Laboratory
COMPSCI 657 Topics in Computer Science:
Lectures on recent advances in computer science. Specific credits and any additional prerequisites will be announced in Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 657G Topics in Computer Science:
Lectures on recent advances in computer science. Specific credits and any additional prerequisites will be announced in Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 658 Topics in Applied Computing:
Lectures on recent advances in applied computing. Specific credits and any additional prerequisites will be announced in Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 699 Independent Study
COMPSCI 699G Independent Study
COMPSCI 700 CEAS Graduate Seminar
Seminar in professional ethics, oral and written communication, contemporary social issues, career development, time management, and laboratory safety.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 704 Analysis of Algorithms
Introduction to concrete complexity theory and efficient algorithms. Fast data structure and graph algorithms, matrix multiplication, algebraic and numeric algorithms, reducibilities and np-completeness. Exponential and non-elementary lower bounds.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 708 Scientific Computing
Fundamental algorithms and practical issues of scientific computing, including Monte Carlo simulations, data fitting, fast Fourier transform, optimization, numerical integration & differentiation, parallel computing, selected biomedical applications.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 710 Artificial Intelligence
AI programming, search techniques game playing, knowledge representation, knowledge acquisition, expert systems, selected topics from learning. Natural language understanding, vision and robotics.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 711 Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to machine learning techniques and applications, including optimal classification, regression, support vector machines, boosting, deep learning, and clustering.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 712 Image Processing
This course covers the materials required to process and enhance photographic images, remote sensor multispacial scanner data and others. Topics include transform techniques, recorders, discriminate function, and associated hardware.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 714 Computational Geometry
Special data structures and algorithmic techniques for representing and minipulating geometric objects, such as points, lines and polygons. Applications to vlsi design and robotics.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 715 Programming for Machine Learning
Introduction of Python for machine learning. including Python constructs, imperative, functional, and object-oriented programming using Python, Python's concurrency models, and its applications in machine learning and scientific computing.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 718 Advanced Computer Graphics: Modeling and Animation
Advanced graphics topics on mesh processing, illumination models, ray-tracing, and volumetric data visualization; popular animation approaches such as keyframes, particles, fluids and rigid bodies.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 720 Computational Models of Decision Making
COMPSCI 722 Artificial Intelligence Planning Techniques
Algorithms and representations for classical and more expressive planning, search control techniques, study and comparison of a variety of planners, applications of planning.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 723 Natural Language Processing
Principles and problems of natural language processing with emphasis on recent advances and open problems. Topics: lexicons, parsing, interpretation, discourse structure, generation, and collaborative interfaces.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 724 Distributed Algorithms
Identification of canonical problems in distributed computing, design and analysis of algorithms to solve these problems. Formal proof techniques and impossibility results.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 725 Robot Motion Planning
Configuration space, C-obstacles, sampling-based algorithms, potential fields, coverage, hierarchical motion planning, human control, relaxation, moving or deformable obstacles, multirobot motion planning, metrics, outdoor planning.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 729 Real-Time Operating Systems
COMPSCI 730 Advanced Computer Networks
Network architecture, protocols, routing, congestion control, traffic management, ATM, optical networks, TCP/IP, LANs, WANs, QOS, wireless and mobile networks, mobility management, security, multimedia, network management.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 732 Type Systems for Programming Languages
Lambda calculus, simple types, record types, subtypes, polymorphic types, type reconstruction, universal types, bounded quantification, higher-order types.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 737 Software Project Management
Concepts and techniques for management of large software projects. Life cycle models; team organization; cost estimation and budgeting; schedule and risk management; software metrics.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 738 Program Analysis for Software Engineering
COMPSCI 743 Intelligent User Interfaces
Principles, methods, and current research in intelligent user interfaces including applications, architectures, knowledge representation, and evaluation.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 744 Text Retrieval and Its Applications in Biomedicine
Fundamental issues and current research in text retrieval, text classification and their biomedical applications; programming and use of indexing, query processing, and document retrieval methods.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 746 Immersive Technologies and 3D User Interfaces
Immersive input/output devices, software, and systems. Implementation and analysis of spatial interaction techniques (selection, manipulation, navigation, system control). Virtual reality application theory and development.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 747 Principles & Practices of User Interface Design
Principles and practices of user interface design for desktop, web, and mobile applications: interaction principles; UI design elements; user-centered design process and practices.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 754 Compiler Construction and Theory
Fundamentals of compiler construction for modern programming languages. Syntax analysis, table organization, storage administration, semantic routines and code generation.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 755 Information and Coding Theory
Information measures, entropy, source coding, channon's theorems, channel capacity, error correcting codes, linear codes, convolutional codes, arithmetic codes, encoding and decoding algorithms.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 757 Data Base Organization and File Structure
Introduction to automatic information organization and retrieval. Dictionary construction and operation, statistical and syntactic operations, performance evaluation of retrieval systems, design of query languages, models of database systems, database security.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 758 Advanced Computer Architecture
Advanced topics in computer architecture including pipeline processing, multiple and parallel processing systems, performance enhancement issues and vlsi computing structures.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 759 Data Security
Protection of data in computer and communication systems, cryptography, classical one key and public key cryptosystems, database protection, operating system security.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 760 Computer Systems Performance Evaluation
Performance measurement and tools, workload characterization, markov models, queueing theory, simulation, benchmarks, data analysis, parallel systems performance analysis.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 761 Software Testing and Verification
Software testing techniques: test case generation, test oracles, regression testing, structural testing, test coverage, mutation testing, and model-based testing. Testing for object-oriented and distributed software. Security testing.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 762 Fault-Tolerant Computing
Faults in digital circuits, fault detection, fault location, system reconfiguration or repair, system recovery, design for testibility, self-checking circuits, fault-tolerant interconnection networks, systems level fault-diagnosis, fault-tolerant software.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 780 Multimedia Systems
Survey of principles and applications of multimedia computer systems. Media fundamentals. Networking, architecture, software engineering, and user interface issues.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 790 Advanced Topics in Computer Science:
COMPSCI 805 Randomized Algorithms; Pseudorandom Numbers
Probabilistic algorithms in number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and computational geometry. Sorting and searching. Applications to parallel computation. Interactive proofs. Derandomization of algorithms.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 810 Knowledge Representation
Study of the design and properties of formalisms for representing knowledge in computational systems. Topics include: first-order logic, nonmonotonic logic, uncertainty, time, space, beliefs, plans.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 811 Advanced Machine Learning
Advanced topics and applications in machine learning, including deep learning, recurrent neural networks, EM algorithm and clustering, reinforcement learning, Markov models and MCMC, and variational inference.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 854 Advanced Compiler Techniques
COMPSCI 859 Advanced Cryptography and Security Protocols
COMPSCI 870 Medical Informatics Seminar
Presentations by medical informatics affiliated faculty and invited speakers. Graduate students may present their work or published research from recent medical informatics journals or conferences.
Current Offerings:
COMPSCI 880 Bioengineering Seminar
COMPSCI 888 Candidate for Degree
COMPSCI 990 Masters Thesis
COMPSCI 995 Master's Capstone Project
COMPSCI 998 Doctoral Thesis
COMPSCI 999 Advanced Independent Study