URBPLAN 140 Issues in Contemporary Urban Planning
3 cr. Undergraduate.
To examine issues that cities are working on, including sustainability, transportation, economic development, and housing, and learn how planners address these.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: SS
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 141 Urban Planning Solutions to Contemporary Urban Problems
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Professional role of urban planners in addressing social and economic justice considerations, including fair housing, economic opportunity, and health and environmental disparities.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 292 Current Planning Issues:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
This course provides a format for the development and presentation of new material in Urban Planning on an experimental, one-term basis.
Prerequisites: soph st.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/content change to 9 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2011, Summer 1990, Fall 1989, Spring 1988.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 315 Great Cities of the World: Their Growth and Guided Urbanization
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Great cities of the world, how they were built and developed. Culture, politics and economics, their role in urban planning and the built form.
Prerequisites: soph st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 316 Planning for the Great Cities of America
3 cr. Undergraduate.
The study of planning and development programs of large American cities and their approaches to growth, change, and decay, with a view to future solutions.
Prerequisites: soph st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 350 Social Justice, Urban Planning and the New Urban America
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Examination of historical, sociological, economic and political relationships that impact urban communities. Community and social justice issues are addressed from a planning perspective.
Prerequisites: sophomore standing or greater.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 399 Independent Study
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Independent investigation of issues related to urban planning.
Prerequisites: jr st; cons instr.
Course Rules: May not be retaken for cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Summer 2022, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 491 Urban Planning Internship
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Practical urban planning experience with a government agency or private firm under the supervision of a working expert and a faculty member.
Prerequisites: sr st & cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Spring 2020, Fall 2018, Summer 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 497 Study Abroad:
3-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Field study designed to provide relevant course work for a study abroad program in urban planning.
Prerequisites: acceptance to Study Abroad Program.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
Last Taught: UWinteriM 2020, UWinteriM 2018, UWinteriM 2017, UWinteriM 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 550 Land Use Planning Practice
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific land planning methods and applications (subdivision regulation, zoning, site plan review, building permit process) used to implement community plans.
Prerequisites: senior standing.
Course Rules: Previously URBPLAN 651.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 560 Public Sector Influence on Real Estate Development
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Introduction to contemporary trends in urban redevelopment; focus on planning and development techniques used to revitalize declining urban areas.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Course Rules: Previously URBPLAN 662.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 591 Introduction to Urban Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Planning
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Use of spatially related information including GIS and land record systems for improved productivity and decision making in service delivery, management, policy planning and land development.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of UrbPlan 692 with same title.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 630 Budgeting and Finance in the Public Sector
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of the budgeting process in the public sector; development of skills in budgeting and financial management. Topics include capital budgeting, debt management, revenue forecasting, and auditing.
Prerequisites: sr st or cons instr.
Course Rules: Jointly-offered w/& counts as repeat of Pub Adm 630(Pol Sci 630).
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 630G Budgeting and Finance in the Public Sector
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Examination of the budgeting process in the public sector; development of skills in budgeting and financial management. Topics include capital budgeting, debt management, revenue forecasting, and auditing.
Prerequisites: sr st or cons instr.
Course Rules: Jointly-offered w/& counts as repeat of Pub Adm 630(Pol Sci 630).
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 655 Negotiation Theory and Practice for Urban Planners
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Negotiation theory and practice, focusing on skills used by planners in balancing the needs of general public with those of private interests.
Prerequisites: senior standing or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of URBPLAN 692 with same title.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 671 Transportation Policy and Planning
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Seminar on the evolution of urban transportation systems and policies, transportation finance, land use and transportation interactions, and transportation planning and policy evaluation techniques.
Prerequisites: senior standing or consent of instr.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 672 Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Current practices in pedestrian and bicycle transportation, including institutional frameworks, benefits, safety, facility design, network development, demand estimation, suitability assessment, and performance measurement.
Prerequisites: senior standing or consent of instructor.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 684 Planning Local Economic Development
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Trends affecting community growth with a focus on successful economic development and equitable practices.
Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 692 Special Topics in Urban Planning:
1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Provides a format for the development and presentation of new material in Urban Planning on an experimental, one-term basis. Specific cr & any additional prereqs announced in Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 692G Special Topics in Urban Planning:
1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Provides a format for the development and presentation of new material in Urban Planning on an experimental, one-term basis. Specific cr & any additional prereqs announced in Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Prerequisites: junior standing or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 701 Introduction to Land Use Planning
1 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to contemporary land use planning emphasizing the four primary tools of development regulation: comprehensive planning, zoning, subdivision regulation, and capital improvement programming.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 702 Introduction to Planning Law
2 cr. Graduate.
Constitutional and statutory authority for and limits on local government regulation of land use. Application of key concepts, including police power, due process, and property.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 711 Planning Theories and Practice
3 cr. Graduate.
Theories about how planners should act in the planning process. History, values, and ethics of the profession; methods of participation; discussion of power in planning.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 720 Urban Development Theory and Planning
3 cr. Graduate.
Spatial, social, economic, and political processes that shape urban development. Application of these processes to fomulate and critique urban plans and policies.
Prerequisites: grad st; admis to UrbPlan or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 721 Applied Planning Methods
3 cr. Graduate.
Data sources and analysis techniques for urban planning. Survey design, economic analyses, benefit/cost analysis, market areas; the complexities of public and private data sources.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 740 Data Analysis Methods I
3 cr. Graduate.
Application of quantitative methods most commonly used in urban planning and analysis of the built environment.
Prerequisites: grad st; admis to UrbPlan prog, Arch prog, or cons istr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 750 Land Use Planning Practice
3 cr. Graduate.
Specific land planning methods and applications (subdivision regulation, zoning, site plan review, building permit process) used to implement community plans.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Previously URBPLAN 651G.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 751 Introduction to Urban Design and Physical Planning
3 cr. Graduate.
Planning for human needs as related to the physical layout and spatial design of urban environments.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 755 Negotiation Theory and Practice for Urban Planners
3 cr. Graduate.
Negotiation theory and practice, focusing on skills used by planners in balancing the needs of general public with those of private interests.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of URBPLAN 692 with same title. Previously URBPLAN 655G.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 760 Public Sector Influence on Real Estate Development
3 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to contemporary trends in urban redevelopment; focus on planning and development techniques used to revitalize declining urban areas.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Previously URBPLAN 662G.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 762 Housing Markets and Public Policy
3 cr. Graduate.
An examination of national and local housing markets, their components and operations, and the impacts on them of a variety of public and private actions.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 771 Transportation Policy and Planning
3 cr. Graduate.
Seminar on the evolution of urban transportation systems and policies, transportation finance, land use and transportation interactions, and transportation planning and policy evaluation techniques.
Prerequisites: grad st or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2017, Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 772 Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation
3 cr. Graduate.
Current practices in pedestrian and bicycle transportation, including institutional frameworks, benefits, safety, facility design, network development, demand estimation, suitability assessment, and performance measurement.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 784 Planning Local Economic Development
3 cr. Graduate.
Trends affecting community growth with a focus on successful economic development and equitable practices.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Previously URBPLAN 684G.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 791 Introduction to Urban Geographic Information Systems for Planning
3 cr. Graduate.
Use of spatially related information including gis and land records systems for improved productivity and decision making in service delivery, management, policy-planning, and land development.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 792 Using Urban Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Planning
3 cr. Graduate.
A 'hands on' course in GIS using commercial GIS software in a computer laboratory setting to provide experience solving problems related to planning and government.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and one of the following: URBPLAN 791(P), GEGO 525(P), GEOG 726(P); or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 793 Applied Projects in Urban Geographic Information Systems
3 cr. Graduate.
Use of a geographic information system (GIS) and actual data from local government to analyze a real world problem or issue requiring spatial data analysis.
Prerequisites: grad st; Urbplan 791 or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 794 Internet Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
3 cr. Graduate.
Seminar on theoretical background and hands-on experience with technologies for developing GIS applications on the Internet, the web, and wireless networks.
Prerequisites: grad st; UrbPlan 792(P) or Geog 625(P); or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 797 Study Abroad:
3-12 cr. Graduate.
Field study designed to provide relevant course work for a study abroad program in urban planning.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and acceptance to Study Abroad Program.
Last Taught: UWinteriM 2020, UWinteriM 2018, UWinteriM 2017, UWinteriM 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 810 Planning Policy Analysis
6 cr. Graduate.
Application of planning analysis tools in the context of policy issues involving planners; a case studies approach stressing both policy analysis and the role of the planner.
Prerequisites: grad st; UrbPlan 701(P), 702(P), 711(P), 720(P), 721(P), 740(P); or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 811 Applied Planning Workshop
3 cr. Graduate.
Application of planning concepts, principles, processes and techniques to a selected realistic problem, issue, or project context at an appropriate scale ranging from the neighborhood to the state.
Prerequisites: grad st; UrbPlan 810(P).
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 857 Urban Design as Public Policy
3 cr. Graduate.
Orients students in urban planning to urban design problems as matters of public policy with focus on the analysis and implementation of urban design proposals rather than on the techniques used to generate such proposals.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: Not open to students who have cr in Arch 749 which is identical to UrbPlan 857.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 858 Studio in Urban Design and Physical Planning
6 cr. Graduate.
Projects and seminars apply urban planning principles to problems of urban design and physical planning to develop students' abilities to evaluate and effectively criticize proposals.
Prerequisites: grad st; Urbplan 751(P) or 857(P).
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 880 Urban Sustainability
3 cr. Graduate.
Urban sustainable challenges and opportunities that impact the built environment. Includes review of traditional and innovative sustainable practices and regulations.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: GEOG 880 and URBPLAN 880 are jointly offered and counts as a repeat of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Spring 2013.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 888 Candidate for Degree
0 cr. Graduate.
Available for graduate students who must meet minimum credit load requirement.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Fee for 1 cr assessed; unit does not count towards credit load for Fin Aid. Repeatable to 6 cr max. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Last Taught: Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2016, Spring 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 990 Graduate Thesis
3-6 cr. Graduate.
Thesis under the direction of graduate planning faculty.
Prerequisites: grad st, cons instr; successful completion of comprehensive exam.
Course Rules: May be retaken to max of 6 cr, which can be substituted for elective credits.
Last Taught: Fall 2018, Spring 2016, Fall 2014, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 991 Legislative/Administrative Agency Internship
3-6 cr. Graduate.
Research project assignments with elected legislative officials and administrative agencies. Assignments will be cooperatively developed and supported by an integrating seminar discussing both experience and theory in a planning implementation context.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to max of 6 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 992 Seminar in Urban Planning:
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced study of special topics in urban planning. Specific credits and any additional prerequisites announced in the Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: Retakeable with topic change to max of 6 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
URBPLAN 999 Independent Study
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Individual work in urban planning. Variable content course.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: Retakeable to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/