ED PSY 100 Learning Skills Laboratory
2 cr. Undergraduate.
Prerequisites: none. Not open to jr & sr st except as auditors.
Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 101 Foundations of Academic Success
1 cr. Undergraduate.
A variable content course designed to increase retention through self-assessment, career exploration, decision-making, study skills, goal setting, and available resources at UWM.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Credit/No Credit only. Retakeable to 6 credits max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 102 Success in Academics and Athletics
1 cr. Undergraduate.
Offers information concerning topics that impact the Division I student-athlete experience. Topics include time management, NCAA Rules and Regulations, academic major exploration, career planning, and campus resources exploration.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of ED PSY 101 with topic Success in Academics and Athletics.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 104 Pathways to Success at UWM:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Provides students with knowledge of and connection to campus resources, helping with study skills and time management in order to be successful at UWM.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: May not be retaken for credit. Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 101 with same topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2019, Fall 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 105 Motivation Strategies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Enhances student success and retention and helps students create greater success in college and life. Strategies for creating academic, professional, and personal success.
Prerequisites: none.
Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Spring 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 110 Planning Your Major, Career
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Understanding the career planning process for making decisions about academic majors and careers.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 101 with same topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 123 Jumpstart: First Year Student Experience and Success
1 cr. Undergraduate.
University experience course for first-year students with a declared major in the School of Education; focus on student transition to college, success, and belonging.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of ED PSY 279 with topic Jumpstart: First Year Student Experience Success.
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 212 Career Planning and Development for the Multicultural Workplace
3 cr.
Understanding of and preparation for multicultural work environments; critical reflection on cultural identities, connecting personal history to social and historical forces, understanding bias and oppression.
Prerequisites: OWC Part A or CGS ENG 102(P).
Course Rules: CGS PSY 212 and ED PSY 212 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: OWCB
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 220 Positive Psychology Applied to Culture, Learning, & Development
3 cr.
Introduction to topics related to happiness and positive aspects of the learning experience, positive psychological constructs that optimize learning.
Prerequisites: OWC Part A or CGS ENG 102(P).
Course Rules: CGS PSY 220 and ED PSY 220 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: OWCB
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 230 Orientation Leader Training
2 cr. Undergraduate.
Overview of academic policies and procedures; leadership, group facilitation, and presentation skills development for orientation leadership positions.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Not open for credit to students with credit in ED PSY 279 with the topic Orientation Leader Training.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 277 Cross-Cultural Conversations
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Multicultural dialogue on issues of race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexual orientation, and other aspects of identity and impacts on personal lives, communities, and society.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: SS
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 279 Current Topics in Educational Psychology:
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific topic announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered; any additional prerequisites are included in announcement.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 290 Individual Research
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Prerequisites: cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2005, Spring 2001, Spring 2000.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 297 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: consent of instructor; acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
Last Taught: Fall 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 299 Independent Reading
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
For benefit of undergraduate students unable to secure needed content in regular courses.
Prerequisites: cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2019, Summer 2012, Spring 2011, Fall 2010.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 301 Successful Career Transitions: Ideas, Strategies, Accomplishments
2 cr. Undergraduate.
Help for students to clarify post graduation education or employment goals and successfully address employer/career research, resume development, employer targeting, networking and interview preparation.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Credit/No Credit only.
Last Taught: Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2016, Spring 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 320 Principles of Classroom Appraisal and Evaluation
2-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Principles of evaluation with major emphasis upon nonstandardized and informal techniques of appraisal.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 325 Practice of Classroom Assessment
2-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Introduces the principles and practices of student-centered classroom assessment. Students gain an understanding of when and how to use a variety of assessment techniques.
Prerequisites: admis to School of Educ.
Course Rules: 1 cr counts as repeat of Ed Psy 326.
Last Taught: Spring 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 330 Introduction to Learning and Development
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Principles and concepts of learning and development that contribute to the understanding and direction of school learning.
Prerequisites: sophomore standing.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 497 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: consent of instructor; acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 497G Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: consent of instructor; acceptance for Study Abroad Program.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 505 Positive Psychology: Theory and Application in Learning Contexts
1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to positive psychology and its application in school and learning settings.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 505G Positive Psychology: Theory and Application in Learning Contexts
1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Introduction to positive psychology and its application in school and learning settings.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 541 Assessment in Science and Math I
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
First of a three part assessment series for MACSTEP students.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 579 with topic 'Alternative Assess-Sci/Math.'
Last Taught: Summer 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 541G Assessment in Science and Math I
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
First of a three part assessment series for MACSTEP students.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 579 with topic 'Alternative Assess-Sci/Math.'
Last Taught: Summer 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 542 Assessment in Science and Math II
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Second in a three part assessment series for MACSTEP students.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 579 with topic 'Alternative Assess-Sci/Math.'
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 542G Assessment in Science and Math II
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Second in a three part assessment series for MACSTEP students.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 579 with topic 'Alternative Assess-Sci/Math.'
Last Taught: Fall 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 543 Assessment in Science and Math III
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Third of a three part assessment series for MACSTEP students.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 579 with topic 'Alternative Assess-Sci/Math.'
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 543G Assessment in Science and Math III
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Third of a three part assessment series for MACSTEP students.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 579 with topic 'Alternative Assess-Sci/Math.'
Last Taught: Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 550 Social and Affective Issues in Urban Classrooms
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Explore the social/emotional aspects of children's development as related to schooling and present a framework for creating conducive classroom learning environments.
Prerequisites: jr st; admis to School of Educ.
Last Taught: Spring 2003, Fall 2002.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 550G Social and Affective Issues in Urban Classrooms
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Explore the social/emotional aspects of children's development as related to schooling and present a framework for creating conducive classroom learning environments.
Prerequisites: jr st; admis to School of Educ.
Last Taught: Spring 2003, Fall 2002.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 551 Social and Affective Issues: Case-Based Problem-Solving
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Students will critique various strategies presented in Ed Psy 550 and engage in a problem-solving process focusing on social/emotional issues and classroom interventions.
Prerequisites: jr st; Ed Psy 550(P).
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 551G Social and Affective Issues: Case-Based Problem-Solving
1 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Students will critique various strategies presented in Ed Psy 550 and engage in a problem-solving process focusing on social/emotional issues and classroom interventions.
Prerequisites: jr st; Ed Psy 550(P).
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 575 Infant and Early Childhood Assessment
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Theoretical and applied aspects of early childhood assessment. Experience administering specific individual and group (screening) tests. Assessment of language, cognition, motor, adaptive behavior, developmental delay.
Prerequisites: jr st or grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 575G Infant and Early Childhood Assessment
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Theoretical and applied aspects of early childhood assessment. Experience administering specific individual and group (screening) tests. Assessment of language, cognition, motor, adaptive behavior, developmental delay.
Prerequisites: jr st or grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 579 Current Topics in Educational Psychology:
1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Specific topic and prerequisites announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Fall 2011, Summer 2011.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 579G Current Topics in Educational Psychology:
1-3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Specific topic and prerequisites announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: May be retaken w/chg in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Fall 2011, Summer 2011.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 613 Infant and Early Childhood Assessment
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Theoretical and applied aspects of early childhood assessment. Experience administering specific individual and group (screening) tests. Assessment of language, cognition, motor, adaptive behavior, developmental delay.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 575. Jointly offered with and counts as repeat of ExcEduc 613.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 613G Infant and Early Childhood Assessment
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Theoretical and applied aspects of early childhood assessment. Experience administering specific individual and group (screening) tests. Assessment of language, cognition, motor, adaptive behavior, developmental delay.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 575. Jointly offered with and counts as repeat of ExcEduc 613.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 624 Educational Statistical Methods I
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Overview of common statistical techniques used in educational research, including univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and linear regression.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 624G Educational Statistical Methods I
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Overview of common statistical techniques used in educational research, including univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and linear regression.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 631 Cognition: Learning, Problem Solving and Thinking
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Overview of historical theories of learning and current theories of cognition. Emphasis on application to instruction, school subjects, workplace training, self-directed learning.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 631G Cognition: Learning, Problem Solving and Thinking
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Overview of historical theories of learning and current theories of cognition. Emphasis on application to instruction, school subjects, workplace training, self-directed learning.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 637 The Psychology of Informal Learning Contexts
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Overview of theory and research about how people learn in informal contexts, i.e. after-school settings, online immersive environments, science centers, museums and cultural institutions.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2010, Fall 2009.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 637G The Psychology of Informal Learning Contexts
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Overview of theory and research about how people learn in informal contexts, i.e. after-school settings, online immersive environments, science centers, museums and cultural institutions.
Prerequisites: jr st.
Last Taught: Fall 2010, Fall 2009.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 640 Human Development: Theory and Research
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Survey of theory and research in human development from conception to death, emphasizing the child and adolescent periods of growth.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Summer 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 640G Human Development: Theory and Research
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Survey of theory and research in human development from conception to death, emphasizing the child and adolescent periods of growth.
Prerequisites: junior standing.
Last Taught: Summer 2024.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 710 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Issues in Schools
3 cr. Graduate.
Understanding of mental health disorders and treatment among children and adolescents in school-based settings. Developmental and risk factors associated with behavioral and emotional health problems.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Summer 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 711 Cultural Context of Children's Mental Health
3 cr. Graduate.
Influence of culture on the mental health of children; topography of cultural difference in the US, culture-bound syndromes, influence of cultural variables on mental health.
Prerequisites: grad st
Course Rules: Counts as repeat of Ed Psy 779 with same topic.
Last Taught: Spring 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 712 Mentally Healthy Classroom and School Environments
3 cr. Graduate.
Issues pertaining to socio-emotional learning in school settings; techniques, leadership, & collaboration for fostering emotionally healthy school environments.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Spring 2016, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 713 Mental Health Needs in Urban Environments
3 cr. Graduate.
Introduction for educators to the unique context and characteristics of urban environments, cultivation of understanding of factors that can shape the mental health of developing children.
Prerequisites: grad st
Last Taught: Summer 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 720 Techniques of Educational and Psychological Measurement
3 cr. Graduate.
Overview of principles of measurement in educational and psychological testing. Topics include test reliability, test validity, test bias, test score interpretation, and standardized tests.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and ED PSY 624(P).
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 724 Educational Statistical Methods II
4 cr. Graduate.
Applications of common statistical techniques used in educational research, including two-way analysis of variance, multiple mean comparisons, and multiple regression.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 624(P)
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 725 Improving Teaching and Learning with Classroom-Based Assessments
3 cr. Graduate.
Development and implementation of classroom-based assessment instruments within existing large-scale state and district accountability systems.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: Jointly offered w/ & counts as repeat of CurrIns 725.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 728 Techniques of Educational Research
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of major design and analysis strategies used in educational research with emphasis upon the critique of existing studies and the planning of future studies.
Prerequisites: grad st & Ed Psy 624(P).
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2019, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 731 Cognition and the Design of Instruction
3 cr. Graduate.
Review of theories of human learning and cognition; emphasis on research on learning from text and the design of text and learning adjuncts.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 631(P) or equiv.
Last Taught: Summer 2010, Spring 1994, Spring 1993, Spring 1992.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 732 Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Strategies in Education
3 cr. Graduate.
Theory and application of effective behavioral treatments for children with adjustment problems in school. Emphasis on principles and techniques of cognitive and multimodal behavioral therapy.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 733 Educational Applications of Social Psychology
3 cr. Graduate.
Implications of theory and research in socialization, attitude development and change, group processes, social perception and role behavior for classroom practices and teacher-student interaction.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2000, Spring 1998, Fall 1995, Spring 1994.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 734 Contextual Determinants of Motivation
3 cr. Graduate.
Review of research concerning the effects of teacher expectations, school and classroom climate, and psycho-social variables on student motivation. Focus on problem-solving.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Spring 2016, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 735 Social Cognition in Educational Psychology
3 cr. Graduate.
Theory and research on basic cognitive elements and processes used in understanding the self and others with emphasis on applications in educational and counseling settings.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 631(P) or 640(P); or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Fall 2017, Fall 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 741 Cognitive Development
3 cr. Graduate.
Examination of theory and research in cognitive development and applications to developmental assessment and instruction.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 640(P) or equiv or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 1999, Spring 1998, Fall 1996, Spring 1995.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 742 Personality Theories and the Educational Process
3 cr. Graduate.
A study of the major theories of personality growth and development. An emphasis upon the application of the theories to the educational process.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2009, Fall 1997, Spring 1996, Fall 1994.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 743 Human Development: Study of Infancy and Early Childhood
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of physical, intellectual, social and emotional development from birth to six years.
Prerequisites: grad st, Ed Psy 640(P) or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010, Summer 2009.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 745 Human Development: Study of Middle Childhood
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional development of children from 6-12 years of age.
Prerequisites: grad st & Ed Psy 640(P) or equiv or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2000, Spring 1999, Fall 1997, Spring 1996.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 746 Human Development: Study of the Adolescent
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of physical, intellectual, social and emotional development during adolescents.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 640(P) or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Spring 2020, Fall 2017, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 747 Human Development: Study of the Adult
3 cr. Graduate.
Physical, social, affective and cognitive development which characterizes the period from young adulthood through aging.
Prerequisites: grad st & Ed Psy 640(P) or equiv or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2021, Spring 2015, Spring 2010.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 748 Oral Language, Cognition, and Literacy
3 cr. Graduate.
Psychological and linguistic bases of speaking, reading, and writing in children and adults from diverse populations. The importance of language and cognition for literacy development.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and a college-level course in language acquisition or reading or child development or linguistics; or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: ED PSY 748 and LINGUIS 748 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2012, Spring 2011.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 751 Professional and Historical Issues in School Psychology
3 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to the practice of psychology in the schools. This course includes the history and systems of psychology, and professional practice issues.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 752 Developmental Psychopathology
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of characteristics, definitions, developmental course, correlates, causes, contexts, and outcomes of psychopathology in children and adolescents. Explores interventions within a developmental systems perspective.
Prerequisites: Ed Psy 755 or Couns 710 or equiv.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 755 Cognitive Assessment: School Age Children
4 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to school psychology practices in cognitive assessment for school age students. Includes didactic and clinical experiences.
Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 756 Assessment and Intervention: Early Childhood
3 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to school psychology practices in assessment and intervention for early childhood children and families. Didactic and clinical experiences are included.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 755; cons instr.
Last Taught: Summer 2003, Summer 2002, Summer 2001, Fall 1998.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 760 Academic Intervention and Alternative Assessment
3 cr. Graduate.
Reviews and critiques major educational reforms in regular and exceptional education. Alternative assessment paradigms, context variables in classrooms, teacher-child interactions, and change strategies are examined.
Prerequisites: grad st.; Ed Psy 755 (P)
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 779 Current Topics in Educational Psychology:
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic and any additional prerequisites announced in schedule of classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Summer 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 790 Research or Thesis
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Master's level course.
Prerequisites: grad st & cons instr.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023, Spring 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 799 Independent Reading
1-3 cr. Graduate.
For benefit of superior graduate students unable to secure needed content in regular courses.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 801 Urban Education: Doctoral Seminar in Educational Psychology
3 cr. Graduate.
Overview of theory and research in educational psychology with emphasis on problems and issues in urban settings.
Prerequisites: grad st admis to urban educ doctoral prog; Educ 701.
Last Taught: Summer 2010, Summer 2009, Spring 2008, Summer 2007.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 814 Cognition and Emotion: The Affective Components of Human Thought
3 cr. Graduate.
Intersection of cognition and emotion with particular focus on affective processes.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2019, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 820 Multiple Regression
3 cr. Graduate.
Basic and advanced topics in linear regression analysis, including prediction, mediation and moderation effects, curvilinear relationship, categorical predictors, and other general linear models like ANCOVA.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 724(P) or cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 821 Psychometric Theory and Practice
3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced topics in psychometrics, covering classical test theory, generalizability theory, and item response theory, test bias, item analysis, and test equating and linking.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and ED PSY 720(P) or equivalent; or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Fall 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 822 Item Response Theory
3 cr. Graduate.
A survey of IRT models and their applications in measurement issues, such as latent trait estimation, model fit, differential item functioning, and computerized adaptive testing.
Prerequisites: graduate standing and ED PSY 624(P) or equivalent; or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Spring 2019, Spring 2017, Spring 2015, Spring 2011.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 823 Structural Equation Modeling
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of applied structural equation modeling including path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and other latent variable models; exposure to computer programs used for model analysis.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 825 (P) or 820 (P) or equiv; cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2014, Spring 2012, Spring 2010, Spring 2008.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 824 Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis
3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced topics in the design and statistical analysis of experiments applied to educational research, including n-way analysis of variance and repeated measures analysis of variance. Prereq: grad st; Ed Psy 724(P) or equiv
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2017, Spring 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 825 Multivariate Methods
3 cr. Graduate.
Multivariate analysis methods such as MANOVA, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, and principal components analysis, and their applications in the social sciences.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 724(P) or cons instr; Ed Psy 820(R).
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2018, Fall 2015, Fall 2013.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 826 Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data
3 cr. Graduate.
Use of methods that include chi-square, log linear, and logistic regression models to analyze cross-classified categorical data with applications in the social sciences.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 724(P).
Last Taught: Fall 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2016, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 827 Survey Research Methods
3 cr. Graduate.
Advanced topics in survey design, administration, and analysis. Topics include sampling designs, data collection mode, measurement error, and small- and large-scale survey data analysis techniques.
Prerequisites: graduate standing, ED PSY 624(P) or equivalent; or consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2022, Spring 2018, Spring 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 828 Program Evaluation in Education
3 cr. Graduate.
An examination of the issues related to educational program evaluation; application of statistical and measurement methods to evaluation strategies and designs.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 724(P).
Last Taught: Spring 1986, Spring 1985, Spring 1984.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 829 Instrument Development
3 cr. Graduate.
Students will develop an instrument to measure some psychological construct of research interest. Topics include construct development, test and item specifications, item writing, conducting reliability and validity studies.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 724(P).
Last Taught: Fall 2011, Fall 2009, Fall 2007, Fall 2005.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 831 Cognition: Theory and Research
3 cr. Graduate.
A detailed look at cognitive theory and research underlying learning and instruction. Aimed at students who expect to use some aspect of cognitive theory in their research.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 631(P), 731(P) or course in human verbal learning.
Last Taught: Fall 2004, Fall 2002, Spring 2001, Fall 1999.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 832 Theory of Hierarchical Linear Modeling
3 cr. Graduate.
Theories and applications of the statistical techniques for analyzing multilevel data in which individuals are nested within clusters or repeated measures are nested within individuals.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 820(P) or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2020, Spring 2015, Spring 2013.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 833 Social Psychology of Group Differences: Race and Ethnicity
3 cr. Graduate.
Social psychological research and theory concerning race, ethnicity and racial and ethnic relations in American society with applications to a variety of educational situations.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 834 The Psychology of Achievement Motivation
3 cr. Graduate.
Review of research on personality factors that influence achievement motivation. Designed for those interested in incorporating aspects of motivation theory into their research.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 734(P) or cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2008, Spring 2007, Spring 2005, Spring 1997.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 838 Research Practicum in Educational Psychology
3 cr. Graduate.
Supervised research practicum, strategies for dissertation writing process and presentation.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: Retakable to 12 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 840 Theory and Issues in Human Development
3 cr. Graduate.
Study of theory, experimental design, and research in human development.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 640(P).
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2019, Spring 2016, Spring 1993.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 844 The Multicultural Family
3 cr. Graduate.
Course examines theory and research for studying development in the family context as it applies to ethnic minority groups in the u.s.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 640(P).
Last Taught: Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Spring 2017, Spring 2015.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 845 Immigrant Child in Developmental Perspective
3 cr. Graduate.
Examines immigrant children and families from a developmental perspective. Focus on current issues in theory and research on the study of immigrant children.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 640 (P)
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2019, Fall 2016, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 850 Objective Personality Assessment
3 cr. Graduate.
Objective diagnostic techniques used in the personality assessment of school-age populations.
Prerequisites: grad st, Ed Psy 755 & 756. Course in behavior disorders of children or in abnormal psychology recom.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 851 Assessment and Interventions: Personality, Social and Emotional Functioning
3 cr. Graduate.
Introduction to school psychology practices of assessment and interventions for psychological, social, and emotional functioning of children and adolescents. Didactic and clinical experiences included.
Prerequisites: ED PSY 742, ED PSY 752, and written consent of instructor.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Summer 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 852 Social, Psychological, and Biological Basis of Learning Disorders
3 cr. Graduate.
Current assessment and intervention in the approaches to learning and emotional difficulties. Includes social, psychological, cultural, educational, and biological factors affecting children and adolescents.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 751 or Couns 710 or equiv.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 853 Biological Basis of Childhood Disorders
3 cr. Graduate.
Current theory, research, and clinical findings in the biological basis of childhood disorders. Neurodevelopmental assessment and implications for intervention with cognitive behavioral, and psychosocial disorders.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 755 or cons instr.
Last Taught: Summer 2005, Summer 2002, Fall 1999, Summer 1997.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 879 Current Topics in Educational Psychology:
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic announced in schedule of classes each time course is offered; any additional prerequistites are included in announcement.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Fall 1991.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 880 Proseminar in Urban Education: Educational Psychology
2 cr. Graduate.
An examination of selected problems and issues in urban education.
Prerequisites: grad st; admis to urban educ doctoral prog.
Last Taught: Spring 1985, Fall 1984, Spring 1984.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 888 Candidate for Degree
0 cr. Graduate.
Available for graduate students who must meet minimum credit load requirement.
Prerequisites: graduate standing.
Course Rules: Fee for 1 cr assessed; unit does not count towards credit load for Fin Aid. Repeatable. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Last Taught: Summer 2022, Summer 2019, Spring 2018, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 922 Seminar in Measurement and Evaluation:
3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic and any additional prerequisites are announced in Timetable each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: grad st & cons instr.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Fall 2003, Fall 2001, Fall 1995, Fall 1992.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 929 Seminar in Statistics and Research Design
3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic and any prerequisites announced in schedule of classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 2011, Spring 1996, Fall 1990, Spring 1990.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 939 Seminar in Human Learning
3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic and any additional prerequisites announced in schedule of classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 1990.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 949 Seminar in Human Development:
3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic and any additional prerequisites announced in schedule of classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Spring 1999, Fall 1997, Spring 1996, Spring 1992.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 952 Pediatric Psychology in Urban Settings
3 cr. Graduate.
Theory, research and clinical practice addressing the mental health needs of children in urban settings. Risk and protective factors are explored within a resiliency framework.
Prerequisites: Ed Psy 752(R), Ed Psy 755(R) or cons instr.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Summer 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 955 Advanced Therapeutic Interventions
3 cr. Graduate.
Develop theoretical understanding and competencies related to advance-level prevention and intervention work, including group prevention and intervention and family intervention.
Prerequisites: grad st, writ cons instr, Ed Psy 732 or equiv.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 959 Seminar in School Psychology:
3 cr. Graduate.
Specific topic and any additional prerequisites announced in schedule of classes each time course is offered.
Prerequisites: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: May be repeated with change in topic to max of 9 cr.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2023, Summer 2022, Fall 2016.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 960 Evidence-Based Practices in School Psychology: Prevention & Intervention
3 cr. Graduate.
Evidence-based practices for school psychologists and other professionals working in school and clinic settings.
Prerequisites: grad st.
Last Taught: Spring 2017, Spring 2013, Spring 2011, Fall 2008.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 974 Beginning Practicum in School Psychology
1-6 cr. Graduate.
Supervised practice in schools or institutions. Practical experience in assessment, intervention, consultation, and school-wide practices.
Prerequisites: graduate standing, enrollment in the School Psychology program, and consent of instructor.
Course Rules: Repeatable to 9 cr max.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 975 Advanced Practicum in School Psychology
3-9 cr. Graduate.
Advanced psycho-diagnostic practice in schools, clinics or institutions under supervision of a psychologist.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 974; writ cons instr.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 976 MS Internship in School Psychology
1-6 cr. Graduate.
Provides opportunity for masters students to acquire advanced clinical skills in consultation, interventions, and psychological assessment. Supervised experiences in schools.
Prerequisites: graduate standing; completion of all course requirements for School Psychology certification; written consent of instructor.
Course Rules: Repeatable to 12 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 977 Advanced Practicum in Intervention
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Training in the design, implementation, and evaluation of therapeutic assessments and interventions.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 732 or equiv.
Course Rules: Sat/Unsat grade only. Retakable to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 978 Advanced Practicum in Supervision
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Didactic and experiential training in supervision in school psychology.
Prerequisites: grad st; Ed Psy 732 or equiv.
Course Rules: Re-takeable up to 6 credits.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2020.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 986 Doctoral Internship in School Psychology
3-6 cr. Graduate.
Provides opportunity for doctoral students to acquire advanced clinical skills in consultation, intervention, and assessment practices. Supervised experiences in school, mental health, and medical setting.
Prerequisites: grad st; writ cons instr; admis to Urban Educ doctoral prog & identification of specific specialization.
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 990 Research or Thesis
1-3 cr. Graduate.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/
ED PSY 999 Independent Reading
1-3 cr. Graduate.
For doctoral students unable to secure needed content in regular courses.
Prerequisites: grad st; cons instr.
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Spring 2022, Fall 2021, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings: https://catalog.uwm.edu/course-search/