AIS 101 Introduction to American Indian Studies
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Indigenous experience in the land now called U.S.A.; colonization, tradition and spirituality, indigenousness and sovereignty; current issues, e.g., language preservation, treaty rights, social justice. Theoretical approaches.
Prerequisites: none.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, UWinteriM 2024, Fall 2023, Summer 2023.
Current Offerings:
AIS 105 Anishinaabe Ethnobotany: Plants in Anishinaabe Culture
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Anishinaabe botanical knowledge as it relates to Anishinaabe culture.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: No cr for students who have cr in Bio Sci 105.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Fall 2016, Fall 2015.
Current Offerings:
AIS 106 Anishinaabe Ethnobotany: Plants in Anishinaabe Philosophy
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Anishinaabe philosophical and religious beliefs incorporating botanical knowledge.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: AIS 106 & RELIGST 106 count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Current Offerings:
AIS 171 First-Semester Indigenous Languages of Wisconsin:
4 cr. Undergraduate.
First-semester speaking, listening, and writing skills in an Indigenous language of Wisconsin.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Previously AIS 161. Retakeable with change in topic to 12 cr max. Satisfies L&S Language Requirement and World Language GER. Meets Cultural Diversity GER.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Summer 2021.
Current Offerings:
AIS 172 Second-Semester Indigenous Languages of Wisconsin:
4 cr. Undergraduate.
Second-semester speaking, listening, and writing skills in an indigenous language of Wisconsin.
Prerequisites: AIS 161(P) or level 2 placement. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (4 retro cr).
Course Rules: Previously AIS 162. Retakeable with change in topic to 12 cr max. Satisfies L&S Language Requirement and Foreign Language GER. Meets Cultural Diversity GER.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings:
AIS 192 First-Year Seminar:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes each time the class is offered.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Open only to freshmen. Students may earn cr in just one L&S First-Year Sem (course numbers 192, 193, 194).
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Current Offerings:
AIS 193 First-Year Seminar:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Specific topics are announced in the Schedule of Classes each time the class is offered.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Open only to freshmen. Students may earn cr in just one L&S First-Year Sem (course numbers 192, 193, 194).
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Current Offerings:
AIS 199 Independent Study
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Independent work supervised by a member of the AIS Program instructional staff.
Prerequisites: 2.0 GPA; consent of instructor, program coordinator, and Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Summer 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017.
Current Offerings:
AIS 203 Western Great Lakes American Indian Community Life of the Past
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Study of western Great Lakes American Indian community life of the past, with an emphasis on pre-European conditions, social organizations, value systems, family life, ceremonial life.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: Counts as a repeat of Ethnic 203.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings:
AIS 225 The Aztec Empire
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Formation and expansion of the Aztec empire; description and analysis of Aztec culture, with an emphasis on archaeological and ethnohistoric perspectives.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: AIS 225 & Anthro 225 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Summer 2016, Spring 2014, Spring 2013.
Current Offerings:
AIS 252 Fourth Semester Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe)
4 cr. Undergraduate.
Fourth-semester speaking, listening and writing skills in Anishinaabemowin the language of the Great Lakes Three Fires Confederacy and current Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi nations.
Prerequisites: AIS 251 or level 4 placement. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (12retro cr)..
Course Rules: Satisfies L&S Language Requirement and Foreign Language GER. Meets Cultural Diversity GER.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019.
Current Offerings:
AIS 262 North American Indian History to 1887
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of Native American history from aboriginal times to 1887. Emphasis will be placed on American policies and change within Indian societies.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: AIS 262 & HIST 262 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2019.
Current Offerings:
AIS 263 North American Indian History Since 1887
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A survey of American Indian history since 1887 with emphasis on federal policies and changing Indian societies in the twentieth century.
Prerequisites: none.
Course Rules: AIS 263 & Hist 263 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD, SS
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings:
AIS 271 Third-Semester Indigenous Languages of Wisconsin:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Third-semester speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in an indigenous language of Wisconsin.
Prerequisites: AIS 172(P) or level 3 placement.
Course Rules: Retakeable to 15 cr max. Previously AIS 251. Meets Cultural Diversity GER. Satisfies L&S Language Requirement and Foreign Language GER. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (8 retro cr).
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2023, Fall 2022, Fall 2021, Fall 2020.
Current Offerings:
AIS 272 Fourth-Semester Indigenous Languages of Wisconsin:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Fourth-semester speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in an indigenous language of Wisconsin.
Prerequisites: AIS 271(P) or level 4 placement.
Course Rules: Repeatable to 15 cr max. The topic 'Ojibwe' counts as a repeat of AIS 252. Satisfies L&S Language Requirement and Foreign Language GER. Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (11 retro cr).
General Education Requirements: CD
Current Offerings:
AIS 276 Introduction to American Indian Literature:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Literature of the American Indian, focusing on major forms, prominent themes, or a particular tribe of time period.
Prerequisites: grade of C or better in English 102(P) or score at level 4 on EPT.
Course Rules: AIS 276 & English 276 are jointly offered; w/same topic, they count as repeats of one another. Retakable w/chg in topic to 9 cr max.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022.
Current Offerings:
AIS 289 Internship in American Indian Studies, Lower Division:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of basic principles of American Indian Studies in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate settings.
Prerequisites: AIS 101(P); 2.25 gpa; cons supervising faculty member.
Course Rules: One cr earned for academic work based on 40 hours in internship. Retakable to 6 cr max.
Current Offerings:
AIS 296 UROP Apprenticeship, Lower Division
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Undergraduate research participation in a project developed with a supervising member of the faculty or staff.
Prerequisites: acceptance to UROP; prior or conc reg in UROP seminar.
Course Rules: One credit for 45 hrs research. Retakable to 9 cr max in any combination of UROP apprenticeship courses.
Current Offerings:
AIS 297 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: acceptance for Study Abroad Prog.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.
Current Offerings:
AIS 299 Ad Hoc:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Prerequisites: none; add'l prereqs may be assigned to specific topic.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.
Current Offerings:
AIS 308 Archaeology of North America
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Main pre-Columbian cultures on the North American continent, north of Mexico.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: AIS 308 & Anthro 308 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2019, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 308G Archaeology of North America
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Main pre-Columbian cultures on the North American continent, north of Mexico.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: AIS 308 & Anthro 308 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2019, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 310 Archaeology of Middle America
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development and ecological settings of cultures and civilizations in Mexico and Central America from earliest times to the Spanish conquest.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: AIS 310 & Anthro 310 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2015.
Current Offerings:
AIS 310G Archaeology of Middle America
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development and ecological settings of cultures and civilizations in Mexico and Central America from earliest times to the Spanish conquest.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: AIS 310 & Anthro 310 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2015.
Current Offerings:
AIS 311 The World of the Ancient Maya
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development of ancient Maya civilization from its origins to the Spanish Conquest.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: AIS 311 & Anthro 311 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 311G The World of the Ancient Maya
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Historical development of ancient Maya civilization from its origins to the Spanish Conquest.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 103(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: AIS 311 & Anthro 311 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Fall 2015, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 314 American Indian Societies and Cultures
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of selected indigenous American cultures including subsistence, sociopolitical organizations, beliefs and Euro-American Indian policy.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
Course Rules: AIS 314 & Anthro 314 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2015.
Current Offerings:
AIS 314G American Indian Societies and Cultures
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Description and analysis of selected indigenous American cultures including subsistence, sociopolitical organizations, beliefs and Euro-American Indian policy.
Prerequisites: jr st; Anthro 102(R).
Course Rules: AIS 314 & Anthro 314 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2018, Spring 2015.
Current Offerings:
AIS 360 Ezhi-Kinomaageying: Anishinaabe Curriculum
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Hist of Anishinaabe language instruction, including impact of social and political movements and contermporary trends. Review and creation of effective instructional methods for teaching Anishinaabemowin.
Prerequisites: AIS 252(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (16 retro cr).
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Fall 2020, Fall 2018, Spring 2018.
Current Offerings:
AIS 362 System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Role of globalization in the projected extinction of a large number of the world's languages within the next century.
Prerequisites: junior standing; a course in social science; a course in linguistic anthropology; or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: AIS 362, ANTHRO 362, & GLOBAL 362 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 362G System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Role of globalization in the projected extinction of a large number of the world's languages within the next century.
Prerequisites: junior standing; a course in social science; a course in linguistic anthropology; or consent of instructor.
Course Rules: AIS 362, ANTHRO 362, & GLOBAL 362 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Fall 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 370 Anishinaabebiige: Archival to Contemporary Writing
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Introduction to researching, reading, and creating archival material for proficient speakers of Anishinaabemowin.
Prerequisites: AIS 252(P) or cons instr.
Course Rules: Generates L&S credit for demonstrated equivalent preparation (16 retro crs).
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Spring 2019, Spring 2018, Spring 2017.
Current Offerings:
AIS 372 Survey of American Indian Literature
3 cr. Undergraduate.
A general, representative study of the literature of the American Indian.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition Competency req.
Course Rules: AIS 372 & English 372 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD, HU
Last Taught: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021.
Current Offerings:
AIS 473 History of Wisconsin Indians
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
History of Wisconsin tribes from their earliest years to the present, including European contacts, treaties, the fur trade, and wars.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of English Composition competency req.
Course Rules: AIS 473 & Hist 473 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2019, Fall 2018.
Current Offerings:
AIS 473G History of Wisconsin Indians
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
History of Wisconsin tribes from their earliest years to the present, including European contacts, treaties, the fur trade, and wars.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of English Composition competency req.
Course Rules: AIS 473 & Hist 473 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2019, Fall 2018.
Current Offerings:
AIS 474 Topics in North American Indian History:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Detailed examination of such topics as Indian legal status, culture change, Indian education, Pan-Indianism and gender roles.
Prerequisites: junior standing and satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max. AIS 474 and HIST 474 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Current Offerings:
AIS 474G Topics in North American Indian History:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Detailed examination of such topics as Indian legal status, culture change, Indian education, Pan-Indianism and gender roles.
Prerequisites: junior standing and satisfaction of GER English Composition competency requirement.
Course Rules: May be retaken with change in topic to 9 cr max. AIS 474 and HIST 474 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Current Offerings:
AIS 475 American Indian History, Law, and Government
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
American Indian political systems; their interaction with U.S. Indian policy. Indigenous systems of governance; European legal justification for colonization; American Indian sovereignty; Federal-Tribal relationship.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req.
Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Hist 474 w/similar topic. AIS 475 & Hist 475 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2019.
Current Offerings:
AIS 475G American Indian History, Law, and Government
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
American Indian political systems; their interaction with U.S. Indian policy. Indigenous systems of governance; European legal justification for colonization; American Indian sovereignty; Federal-Tribal relationship.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req.
Course Rules: No cr for students w/cr in Hist 474 w/similar topic. AIS 475 & Hist 475 are jointly offered; they count as repeats of one another.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Spring 2020, Spring 2019.
Current Offerings:
AIS 489 Internship in American Indian Studies, Upper Division
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Application of advanced principles of American Indian Studies in a business, organizational, educational, political, or other appropriate setting.
Prerequisites: jr st; 2.25 gpa; cons supervising faculty member.
Course Rules: One cr earned for academic work based on 40 hours in internship. Retakable to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Summer 2024, Summer 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2012.
Current Offerings:
AIS 496 UROP Apprenticeship, Upper DIvision
1-3 cr. Undergraduate.
Advanced-level undergraduate research participation in a project developed with a supervising member of the faculty or staff.
Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance to UROP; prior or conc reg in UROP seminar.
Course Rules: One credit for 45 hrs research. Retakable to 9 cr max in any combination of UROP apprenticeship courses.
Last Taught: Summer 2018.
Current Offerings:
AIS 497 Study Abroad:
1-12 cr. Undergraduate.
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Prerequisites: jr st; acceptance for Study Abroad Prog.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.
Current Offerings:
AIS 499 Ad Hoc:
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Prerequisites: jr st; add'l prereqs may be assigned to specific topic.
Course Rules: Retakable w/chg in topic.
Current Offerings:
AIS 520 Studies in American Indian Literature:
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Critical study of themes, figures, aspects, trends, etc., in American Indian Literature.
Prerequisites: jr st; satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req.
Course Rules: AIS 520 & English 520 are jointly offered; w/same topic, they count as repeats of one another. Retakable w/chg of topic to 9 cr max.
General Education Requirements: CD
Last Taught: Fall 2020, Spring 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2014.
Current Offerings:
AIS 600 Field Project - Capstone Research or Applied Project
3 cr. Undergraduate.
Research or applied project on area of student's interest under supervision of AIS faculty member. Formal field project paper required.
Prerequisites: jr st; declared AIS major.
Last Taught: Fall 2018, Spring 2017.
Current Offerings:
AIS 632 Seminar in American Indian Literature:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Focus on major forms, prominent themes, or tribal traditions in the literature of the American Indian.
Prerequisites: senior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req, 9 cr ENGLISH and/or COMPLIT at the 300-level or above; or graduate standing.
Course Rules: AIS 632 and ENGLISH 632 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another. May be retaken with change in topic to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings:
AIS 632G Seminar in American Indian Literature:
3 cr. Undergraduate/Graduate.
Focus on major forms, prominent themes, or tribal traditions in the literature of the American Indian.
Prerequisites: senior standing, satisfaction of GER English Composition competency req, 9 cr ENGLISH and/or COMPLIT at the 300-level or above; or graduate standing.
Course Rules: AIS 632 and ENGLISH 632 are jointly offered; with the same topic, they count as repeats of one another. May be retaken with change in topic to 6 cr max.
Last Taught: Fall 2021, Spring 2021.
Current Offerings:
AIS 699 Advanced Independent Study
1-6 cr. Undergraduate.
Advanced independent work under the supervision of an AIS Program instructional staff member.
Prerequisites: jr st; 2.0 GPA; consent of instructor, program coordinator, and Assistant Dean for Student Academic Services.
Course Rules: Retakable with change in topic to 9 cr max.
Last Taught: Spring 2022, Summer 2019, Spring 2019, Summer 2018.
Current Offerings: