The World Languages minor is designed for individuals who wish to earn a Wisconsin teaching certification to teach a foreign language. Students wishing to pursue this certification must be in the process of obtaining or already have an initial certification.


Students wishing to pursue this certification must be in the process of obtaining or already have an initial certification.

Language Content Area

Complete total credits in chosen language, plus any prerequisites.

American Sign Language
EXCEDUC 301American Sign Language I3
EXCEDUC 302American Sign Language II3
EXCEDUC 303American Sign Language III3
EXCEDUC 304American Sign Language IV3
EXCEDUC 305American Sign Language V3
EXCEDUC 306American Sign Language VI3
EXCEDUC 325Skills Development: ASL V1
EXCEDUC 326Skills Development: ASL VI1
EXCEDUC 327Skills Development: Classifiers1
EXCEDUC 330Deaf History3
EXCEDUC 346Skill Development: Semantics3
EXCEDUC 352American Deaf Culture3
EXCEDUC 358ASL/English Linguistics I3
EXCEDUC 363ASL/English Linguistics II3
EXCEDUC 500Fingerspelling & Numbers3
EXCEDUC 510Classifiers3
EXCEDUC 520ASL Literature3
Total Credits45
Reading, Writing, and Linguistic Development
CHINESE 201Third Semester Chinese5
CHINESE 202Fourth Semester Chinese5
CHINESE 301Fifth Semester Chinese4
CHINESE 302Sixth Semester Chinese4
Literature or Cultural Elective (choose one):3
Contemporary Chinese Societies through Film
Chinese Language and Culture
Seventh Semester Chinese
Eighth Semester Chinese
Business Chinese
Study Abroad:
Advanced Independent Study
Total Credits21
Reading and Writing Development
FRENCH 204Fourth-Semester French3
FRENCH 303Conversation and Composition: Intermediate Level3
FRENCH 392Phonetics3
FRENCH 332Reading French Texts3
Literature Elective (choose one):3
Literature of the French-Speaking World in Translation:
Seminar in Literature of the Francophone World:
Seminar in French Literature:
Seminar on Masterpieces of Literature Written in French:
Seminar in Contemporary French Literature:
Culture Elective (choose one):3
French Immersion: Advanced
Growing Up French
Castles, Cathedrals, and Common People: The Foundations of French Culture
Royalty, Reason, and Revolution: The Golden Age of French Culture
Reaction and Innovation: French Culture of the 19th and 20th Centuries
Seminar in French and Francophone Cultures:
Institutions and Culture of Contemporary France
Cinema of the French-Speaking World:
Total Credits18
Reading and Writing Development
GERMAN 204Fourth-Semester German3
GERMAN 332Presentation and Composition3
GERMAN 331German Grammar in Practice3
GERMAN 333Texts and Contexts3
Culture Elective (choose one):3
German Painting, 1800-1933
Dada and Surrealist Art
Europe: East and West
German Life and Civilization: Part I
German Life and Civilization: Part II:
Views of Germany:
Introduction to German Studies
The First World War
The Second World War in Europe
Germany: Hitler and the Nazi Dictatorship
The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-45
Representing the Holocaust in Words and Images
Song Literature I: Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain
Linguistics, Literature, or Culture 300+ Electives (choose two):6
German Painting, 1800-1933
Dada and Surrealist Art
Europe: East and West
Introduction to German Studies
Germany: Hitler and the Nazi Dictatorship
The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-45
Song Literature I: Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain
Total Credits21
Linguistics, Reading, and Writing Development
ITALIAN 311Advanced Conversation and Composition: Contemporary Italian Usage3
ITALIAN 312Contemporary Italian Language and Culture3
Literature Elective (choose one):3
Introduction to Italian Literature
Introduction to Italian Literature and Film
Topics in Italian Literature and Culture in Translation:
Culture Elective (choose one):3
Views of Italy:
Introduction to Italian Food Studies: A Cultural History
Contemporary Italian Society and Culture
Linguistics, Literature, or Culture 300+ Elective (choose two):6
High Renaissance Art in Italy
The Life and Literature of the Roman Empire
The Graeco-Roman World:
Introduction to Italian Literature
Introduction to Italian Literature and Film
Dante's Divine Comedy in Translation
Italian Immigration: A Sociocultural History
Study Abroad:
Study Abroad:
Topics in Italian Literature and Culture in Translation:
Total Credits18
Reading and Writing Development
LATIN 103First Semester Latin4
LATIN 104Second Semester Latin4
LATIN 205Third Semester Latin4
Literature Electives (choose two):6
Readings in Latin Literature:
Readings in Latin Prose:
Readings in Latin Poetry:
Directed Reading
Literature or Culture Elective (choose one):3
The Celtic World
Greek Art and Archaeology
Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
Roman Art and Archaeology
Cities and Sanctuaries of Ancient Greece
Greek Sculpture
Introduction to Greek Life and Literature
The Life and Literature of Classical Athens: Herodotus and Dramatists
The Life and Literature of the Roman Empire
Readings in Ancient Greek Literature:
Readings in Classical Greek Prose:
Readings in Ancient Greek Poetry:
A History of Greek Civilization: The Greek City-State
A History of Greek Civilization: The Age of Alexander the Great
A History of Rome: The Republic
A History of Rome: The Empire
Total Credits21
Reading and Writing Development
SPANISH 308Advanced Writing and Reading3
Reading and Writing Development Elective (choose one):3
Advanced Speaking and Listening
Advanced Speaking and Listening for Heritage Speakers
Linguistics (choose one):3
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
Spanish Syntax and Morphology
Hispanic Sociolinguistics
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics:
Literature Electives (choose two):6
Introduction to Literary Analysis (preferred course)
Survey of Hispanic Literature and Civilization
Survey of Spanish-American Literature and Civilization
Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization
Seminar in Spanish Literature:
Seminar in Spanish-American Literature:
Seminar in Hispanic Literature:
Seminar in Spanish Golden Age Literature:
Seminar on Cervantes:
Seminar in Modern Spanish Literature and Civilization:
Literature, Linguistics, or Culture Elective (choose one):3
Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (preferred course)
Introduction to Literary Analysis (preferred course)
Introduction to Latino Literature in English
Topics in Latino Literature in English:
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
Spanish Syntax and Morphology
Hispanic Sociolinguistics
Survey of Hispanic Literature and Civilization
Survey of Spanish-American Literature and Civilization
Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization
Seminar in Spanish Literature:
Seminar in Spanish-American Literature:
Seminar in Hispanic Literature:
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics:
Seminar in Spanish Golden Age Literature:
Seminar on Cervantes:
Seminar in Modern Spanish Literature and Civilization:
Total Credits18
Linguistic, Reading, and Writing Development
JAPAN 201Third-Semester Japanese5
JAPAN 202Fourth-Semester Japanese5
JAPAN 301Fifth Semester Japanese4
JAPAN 302Sixth Semester Japanese4
Linguistics, Literature, or Culture Elective (choose one):3
Reading Japanese Short Stories
Extensive Reading in Japanese
Japanese News Media
Japanese Performance Traditions: Readings
Seminar in Japanese Literature and Culture:
Translating Japanese Media
Fun Kanji
Total Credits21
Reading, Writing, and Linguistic Development
ARABIC 201Third Semester Arabic5
ARABIC 202Fourth Semester Arabic5
ARABIC 301Fifth Semester Arabic3
ARABIC 302Sixth Semester Arabic3
Literature or Cultural Elective (choose one):3
Internship in Arabic, Upper Division
Study Abroad:
Ad Hoc:
Advanced Independent Study
Total Credits19

Professional Education Requirements1

CURRINS 350Field Seminar in Language Education1
Pre-Student Teaching in World Language Education
and World Language Methods and Materials 2
CURRINS 445Seminar in Language Education 33
CURRINS 438Student Teaching in World Language Education3
CURRINS 542History and Politics of Second Language Education3
CURRINS 543Developing Biliteracy3
CURRINS 546Language, Content, and Comprehensible Input3
Total Credits22

A grade of C or better is required for all professional education requirements, including student teaching. Prerequisites may be required.


Concurrent enrollment in these courses is required.
Students must complete paperwork in order to be assigned a student teaching placement. To be approved for placement, additional criteria must be met. See Benchmarks for details.


Not required for students who are currently completing a portfolio in their major certification.

Additional Requirements for Certification

  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 in all professional education courses. This includes any transfer coursework that is counted towards certification at UWM, as well as grades earned in student teaching or field experiences.
  • Undergraduate students must meet the graduation requirements for their primary certification.
  • Program Portfolio - based on the 10 WI Teacher Standards.


Student Teaching

Prior to requesting/being assigned a student teaching placement, students must:

  • Demonstrate Foreign Language Proficiency - A minimum score of Intermediate-High on the ACTFL OPI or equivalent is required prior to student teaching placement. Submit scores from your language proficiency test to your academic advisor.
  • Complete an Immersion Experience - Required for all prospective language teachers, this requirement must be met by spending a semester or a year in a country where the chosen major language is spoken. Submit documentation of immersion experience to your academic advisor prior to student teaching placement.
  • Complete and submit an application. Deadlines for submission are posted by the Office of Clinical Experiences.

To be approved, students must ALSO meet the following criteria:

  • Be admitted to the School of Education
  • Complete all required coursework. An exception to allow a student to take a course concurrently with student teaching requires approval by the student's faculty advisor.
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 on all undergraduate coursework, including transfer courses.
  • Have a minimum 2.75 GPA in all content area and professional education courses.
  • Passing scores reflected on your transcript for the Praxis II exam: English to Speakers of Other Languages: Content Knowledge #5361.
  • Removal of all F and/or I (incomplete) grades.
  • TB test results submitted to the Office of Clinical Experiences (may take up to 6 weeks).
  • Criminal Background Check submitted to the Office of Clinical Experience

Undergraduate Advising

Our purpose is to provide collaborative, mentoring relationships which promote educational, career, and professional development. We value a student-centered, holistic, and ethical approach to advising based on strong partnerships with students, faculty and staff, and the larger campus community. We are committed to creating a respectful and supportive environment. We encourage students to be self-reliant through informed decisions and choices based upon dissemination of accurate information. We value our own continuous professional development to enhance the quality of the advising experience.

How to Prepare for an Advising Meeting

  • Review your Advisement Report in PAWS.
  • Come prepared with questions or topics for discussion.
  • Make a list of courses you think you should take.
  • Investigate opportunities to prepare for the job you want.
  • Keep a record of your academic progress.
  • Understand you are ultimately responsible for creating your educational, life, and career plans.
  • Maintain honest and open communication with your advisor.
  • Take responsibility for choices you make as a student and member of the UW-Milwaukee community.

Scheduling an Appointment

Office of Student Services
Enderis Hall, Room 209
(414) 229-4721

Graduate Advising

If you are a School of Education graduate student, you may schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor by contacting your faculty advisor directly. Faculty contact information can be found in the Directory. Your faculty advisor will be listed in your PAWS account.