The Graduate Autism Spectrum Disorder Certificate program is an interdisciplinary certificate where the broad goal is to provide a foundation in the causes and characteristics of ASD, and interventions in various areas (e.g., communication, sensory needs, etc.). In addition, this certificate addresses challenges with assessment and early identification of children with ASD in diverse communities. The elective courses address areas related to addressing the unique needs of individuals on the spectrum, such as their language development needs and behavioral needs.


Admission Requirements 

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.


  • Applicants with a graduate degree must have a minimum 3.0 graduate grade point average.


  • Students wishing to obtain this certificate must declare their intention by applying to the program office or director.
  • All graduate certificate applicants—even those already enrolled in a UWM graduate program—must apply to the Graduate School through the Panthera Admission Application.
  • Graduate degree and previously admitted graduate non-degree students who decide to pursue a certificate program must submit the Panthera application before completing 6 credits in the certificate sequence.
  • Applicants must possess a baccalaureate degree and have a minimum 2.75 cumulative undergraduate grade point average to be admitted into a certificate program.

Credits and Courses

This certificate program requires a minimum of 15 credits. Students take two required courses and then, in consultation with the Program Coordinator, choose their remaining 9 elective credits from one or more disciplines.

EXCEDUC 760Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorders3
EXCEDUC 761Methods for Working with Individuals with Autism3
Courses may be taken in one discipline or across discipline areas. Select 9 credits from the list of options below.9
Exceptional Education
Behavioral Supports
Behavior Support & Intervention for Mid/High Students with Disabilities
Critical Issues in Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities
Academic/Social Challenges of Individuals with ASD: Adv. Interventions
Field Work: Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders 1
Applied Behavior Analysis
Field Placement in Psychology
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Language Assessment and Intervention
Assessment and Intervention in Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Special Populations in Communication Disorders
Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology:
Independent Studies (In conjunction with content elective)
Social Work
Child and Family Services
Families and Poverty
Individual Behavior and Social Welfare
Adult Psychopathology
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Social Work Boundaries and Ethics in Professional Practice
Development of the Family Over the Life Span
Trauma Counseling I: Theory and Research
Trauma Counseling II: Diagnosis and Treatment
Occupational Therapy
Topics in Occupational Therapy: (any open to non-OT students)
Introduction to Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology
Design and Disability
Occupational Therapy with Children and Families
Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology
Total Credits15

Prerequisites EXCEDUC 760 & EXCEDUC 761; may be taken concurrently with EXCEDUC 761.

Additional Requirements

Transfer Credit

No more than 20% of the required credits may be taken at an institution other than UWM. Courses will be considered for transfer into the certificate program only if the applicant can provide ample, acceptable evidence that the course taken is substantially the same as the course being substituted. These courses are subject to Graduate School transfer policy and must be approved by the director of the certificate program.

Grade Point Average Requirement

A minimum cumulative 3.00 grade point average in certificate courses taken at UWM is required.

Articulation with Degree Programs

  1. Credits and courses required for a certificate may double count toward meeting UWM graduate degree requirements subject to the following restrictions:
    • Degree programs must approve the courses from certificates that can double count toward the degree.
    • All credits taken in completion of certificate requirements may count towards a UWM graduate degree as long as they do not contribute more than 90% of the total credits needed to obtain the degree. (Note: Students in PhD programs must still complete the minimum residency requirements)
    • Certificate courses used toward meeting degree requirements must be completed within the time limit for transfer credit.
  2. Courses completed for a degree may be counted toward a subsequent certificate, subject to all certificate policy requirements.
  3. A course may count toward no more than one certificate and one degree.
  4. Students may not earn a certificate subsequent to a concentration in the same area.

Time Limit

Certificate program time limits shall be established as follows:

  • 18 or fewer credits/Three years from initial enrollment in the certificate sequence.
  • 19 or more credits/Four years from initial enrollment in the certificate sequence.

For certificates that are designed as add-ons to degree programs and are awarded concurrent with the degree, the time limit shall be the same as that of the degree program.