Spanish is spoken by nearly 550 million people worldwide and is an official language in 21 countries and a number of international organizations. Spanish is among the four most spoken languages in the world and has more native speakers than any language except Chinese. Fluency in Spanish opens countless career opportunities for students.

A Spanish major provides exceptional preparation for students interested in a career in business, international affairs, social services, government, health care, communication, translation, marketing, teaching or any profession that requires bilingual written or oral communication skills and cultural understanding. Whether you already have some Spanish communication skills or are starting at the beginning, you will develop both your language capabilities as well as your cultural competence as part of our major. Classes focus on not only language, but literature, linguistics, customs, values, and culture so that students leave UWM ready to speak, read, write and understand Spanish in business and social contexts. Students are strongly encouraged to utilize our Center for International Education to take advantage of study abroad experiences available in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Spain. Some students go short-term, such as a week or two, while others choose to stay abroad for a summer program, a semester or a year.

A Spanish minor and a Business Spanish minor are also available. The Spanish minor can be completed with most Spanish courses at the 300-level and above, while the curriculum for the Business Spanish minor is more structured, with required courses in Business and Legal Spanish. In addition, students who plan to pursue healthcare careers will find value in our Certificate in Spanish for Health Professionals. The certificate is similar to a minor in terms of the number of credits required and can enhance a student's resume.

Course of Study – Bachelor of Arts Degree

Complete 120 credits including 90 credits in the College of Letters & Science and with 36 of the 90 credits in L&S upper-level (numbered above 300) courses. The College requires that students must complete in residence at UWM at least 15 credits in upper-division (numbered 300 or above) courses in their major. Students are also required to complete University-wide General Education Requirements and the specific L&S requirements listed below.

To complete a major, students must satisfy all the requirements of the major as stated in this catalog. Students who declare their majors within five years of entering the UW System as a degree candidate may satisfy the requirements outlined in any catalog issued since the time they entered. Credits used to satisfy the major also may be used to satisfy other degree requirements.

University General Education Requirements (GER)

Oral and Written Communication
Part A
Achieve a grade of C or better in the following course:
ENGLISH 102College Writing and Research (or equivalent)
Part B
Course designated as OWC-B; may be completed through a major-specific course requirement
Quantitative Literacy
Part A
Earn at least 3 credits with a grade of C or higher in one of the following courses or an equivalent course, or achieve a placement code of at least 30 on the mathematics placement test (or other appropriate test, as determined by the Mathematical Sciences Department)
Mathematical Literacy for College Students II
Contemporary Applications of Mathematics
Introduction to College Algebra
Algebraic Literacy II
Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning 1
Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning
College Algebra
Or equivalent course
Part B
Course designated as QL-B; may be completed through a major-specific course requirement
Select 3 credits3
Select 6 credits6
Social Sciences
Select 6 credits6
Natural Sciences
Select 6 credits (at least two courses including one lab)6
UWM Foreign Language Requirement
Complete Foreign Language Requirement through:
Two years (high school) of a single foreign language
Two semesters (college) of a single foreign language
Or equivalent
UWM Cultural Diversity Requirement
One course from the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences must also satisfy UWM's Cultural Diversity requirement

 Math 111 and Philosophy 111 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.

College of Letters & Science Requirements

I. English Composition Requirement

Students must satisfy the English Composition Requirement with one of the following options:

1) Completing ENGLISH 102 with a grade of C or higher; or

2) by placing beyond ENGLISH 102 on the English Placement Test (EPT) (or other assessment as determined by the English Department); or

3) transferring a course of at least 2.5 equivalent credits from another institution that is equivalent to English 102, or a UWM higher-level expository writing course, with a grade of C or higher.

Note: This requirement is the same as the University General Education Requirement for Oral and Written Communication Part A. The College of Letters & Science does not have a specific requirement for a writing course beyond English 102, but students must complete the university-wide requirement for Oral and Written Communication Part B listed above.

II. Mathematics and Formal Reasoning

To satisfy the Mathematics and Formal Reasoning Requirement, students must satisfy the following two requirements:

1. Achieve a placement code of at least 30 on the mathematics placement test (or other appropriate test, as determined by the Mathematical Sciences Department) or earn at least 3 credits with a grade of C or higher in one of the following courses or an equivalent course:

MATH 102Mathematical Literacy for College Students II3
MATH 103Contemporary Applications of Mathematics3
MATH 105Introduction to College Algebra3
MATH 108Algebraic Literacy II3
MATH 111Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning 13
or PHILOS 111 Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning
MATH 116College Algebra3
MATH 175Mathematical Explorations for Elementary Teachers I3

 Math 111 and Philosophy 111 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.

Note: This requirement is the same as the University General Education Requirement for Quantitative Literacy Part A, listed above.

2. Complete one course (at least 3 credits) at the 200 level or above chosen from courses in Mathematics, PHILOS 211, or Letters and Science statistics courses:

Complete one of the following:
3 or more credits in any 200-level or above Math course
Introduction to Statistics in African and African Diaspora Studies
Introduction to Anthropological Statistics
Economic Statistics
Quantitative Analysis in Geography
The Quantitative Analysis of Historical Data
Elementary Statistical Analysis
Elementary Logic
Political Data Analysis
Survey Research
Psychological Statistics
Introduction to Statistical Thinking in Sociology

Note: This requirement is NOT the same as the University General Education Requirement for Quantitative Literacy Part B. To complete the BA, students must take one of the L&S approved courses. Not all of the courses listed here will satisfy the QL-B requirement.

III. Foreign Language Requirement 

Placement testing may be used to satisfy all or part of this requirement. Language courses (including American Sign Language) other than English taken in high school may be used to satisfy all or part of this requirement. One year of high school language equates to one semester of college work.

Completion of the L&S Language Requirement also satisfies the university-wide Foreign Language GER, but not vice versa.

Completed in one of the following ways:0-18
Successful completion of the 4th semester of college work or equivalent in one language other than English (including American Sign Language)
Successful completion of the 3rd semester of college work or equivalent in one language other than English (including American Sign Language) PLUS the 2nd semester of college work or equivalent in another language other than English (including American Sign Language)

IV. International Requirement 

See Approved Courses for the L&S International Requirement for course options.  

Completed in one of the following ways:9
Complete 3 courses (min. 9 cr) in a single foreign language (not including literature-in-translation or American Sign Language) at the 3rd semester level and above
Complete 3 non-language courses (min. 9 credits) with an international content chosen from at least 2 curricular areas.
Complete 9 credits in combination of the two options above.

V. Breadth Requirement

Along with completing the University General Education Requirements of 3 credits in the Arts (A); 6 credits in the Humanities (HU), Social Sciences (SS), and Natural Sciences (NS/NS+); and a course with the Cultural Diversity (CD/+) designation, L&S students must complete the Breadth requirement.

Select 3 credits3
Complete 12 credits of L&S courses with Humanities Breadth designation; no more than 6 credits from a single subject area. *12
Social Sciences
Complete 12 credits of L&S Courses with Social Science Breadth designation; no more than 6 credits from a single curricular area. *12
Natural Sciences
Complete 12 credits of L&S Courses with Natural Sciences Breadth designation, including at least one laboratory or field course; no more than 6 credits from a single curricular area. *12
Cultural Diversity
Complete 3 credits in a course with Cultural Diversity (CD) designation. **3

Students should check their course selections carefully with the list of approved L&S Breadth Courses.  Students are advised to select at least 6 credits worth of courses in each of the Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Sciences areas that can satisfy both the campus-wide General Education Requirements and the L&S Breadth requirement.


Students are advised to select a course that satisfies the Cultural Diversity requirement as well as a Humanities or Social Science breadth/GER requirement. 

 VI. The Major

The College of Letters and Science requires that students attain at least a 2.0 GPA in all credits in the major attempted at UWM.  In addition, students must attain a 2.0 GPA on all major credits attempted, including any transfer work.  Individual departments or programs may require higher GPAs for graduation. Some departmental majors require courses from other departments.  Contact your major department for information on whether those credits will count as part of the major GPA.  The College requires that students must complete in residence at UWM at least 15 credits in upper-division (numbered 300 or above) courses in their major.

Research Requirement

Within their majors, students must complete a research experience approved by the L&S faculty.  A list of courses satisfying the research requirement in each major can be found here.

VII. The Minor

The College of Letters and Science requires that students attain at least a 2.0 GPA in all credits in the minor attempted at UWM.  In addition, students must attain a 2.0 GPA on all minor credits attempted, including any transfer work.

Spanish Major Requirements

The major in Spanish requires 33 credits at the 300 level and above. At least 15 of these advanced credits must be taken in residence at UWM. PORTUGS 202 may be used to satisfy 3 credits of these 33 advanced credits.

The College requires that students attain at least a 2.0 GPA in all credits in the major attempted at UWM, as well as in any transfer work counting toward the major.

All majors are required to take an exit examination, which is offered on campus near the end of each semester. It is recommended strongly that they take this exam during their last semester in the Spanish program.

SPANISH 308Advanced Writing and Reading3
SPANISH 318Advanced Speaking and Listening3
or SPANISH 319 Advanced Speaking and Listening for Heritage Speakers
SPANISH 341Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics3
SPANISH 350Introduction to Literary Analysis3
Select three electives at the 300-level or above, or PORTUGS 202: 19
Portuguese for Spanish Speakers 2
Using Spanish in the Business World
Advanced Spanish Grammar
Spanish for Health Professionals
Introduction to Translation: English to Spanish
Health Issues in the Hispanic World
Social and Historical Issues in the Hispanic World:
Only one of the following 300-level courses, taught in English, count as an elective:
Luso-Brazilian Culture:
Introduction to Latino Literature in English
Topics in Latino Literature in English:
Select three electives at the 400-level or above: 19
Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
Spanish Syntax and Morphology
Hispanic Sociolinguistics
Survey of Hispanic Literature and Civilization
Survey of Spanish-American Literature and Civilization
Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization
Topics in Hispanic Culture:
Select one course at the 500 level (fulfills L&S Research Requirement): 33
Seminar in Spanish Literature:
Seminar in Spanish-American Literature:
Seminar in Hispanic Literature:
History of the Spanish Language
Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics:
Seminar in Spanish Golden Age Literature:
Seminar on Cervantes:
Seminar in Modern Spanish Literature and Civilization:
Total Credits33

Students may always use a higher-level course to satisfy lower-level electives. For example, to satisfy the "three 300-level or above electives" requirement, a student may take one 300-level course and two 500-level courses.


We encourage our Spanish majors to build on their proficiency in Spanish in order to develop their language skills in Portuguese, a language closely related to Spanish historically, geographically and linguistically. Because of this, PORTUGS 202 also counts towards the Spanish major, as a 300-level elective, and prepares students to continue their study of Portuguese if they are interested in completing a minor.


Students must complete the L&S research experience in a 500-level course. All of these courses include a research component that serves to develop students’ ability to do independent research in a specific field of interest. Both the oral presentation and the written research paper will be evaluated and rated in the areas of language acquisition/usage as well as research ability/synthesis. Students who complete a second 500-level course as one of their electives and fulfill other GPA requirements can apply for Honors in the major.


Spanish BA Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the Spanish, B.A. program will be able to: 

Speaking Proficiency 

  • narrate in the past, present and future with enough accuracy to be understood by native Spanish speakers.   
  • use vocabulary and rephrasing to talk about topics related to their personal lives as well as topics of academic and social interest with minimal miscommunication.  
  • communicate at paragraph length with fluency and notice and self-correct errors.  

Listening Proficiency 

  • understand authentic language on a variety of topics related to their personal lives and topics of academic and social interest, when they have clear contextual clues or prior knowledge of the topics.  

Writing Proficiency  

  • narrate in the past, present and future with enough accuracy to be understood by native Spanish speakers.  
  • produce written texts related to basic functions of academic and professional writing.  
  • communicate at paragraph length with some use of connecting and transitional phrases to create cohesion.  

Reading Proficiency  

  • understand authentic language on a variety of general interest topics, when the texts employ frequently used grammatical structures and vocabulary and offer clear context clues.  

Linguistic Understanding  

  • compare shared structures in English and Spanish and contrast structures unique to each language. 
  • recognize and sometimes reproduce cultural characteristics of language like formalities and levels of politeness.  

Cultural Understanding  

  • recognize and differentiate between cultural practices of different cultures of the Spanish-speaking world and compare them with their own. 
  • evaluate cultural products, such as visual art, literature and film, and argue the relationship between cultural products and practices.  

Disciplinary Expertise  

  • recognize and correctly reproduce discipline-specific vocabulary in areas of interest such as literary analysis, cultural studies, linguistics, health care, and business and legal transactions.  
  • design and edit basic analytic essays (or other culminating projects) using the second language in the disciplinary areas. 

Letters & Science Advising

During your time at UWM, you may have multiple members of your success team, including advisors, peer mentors, and success coaches. Letters and Science students typically work with at least two different types of advisors as they pursue their degrees: professional College Advisors and Faculty Advisors. L&S College Advisors advise across your entire degree program while departmental Faculty Advisors focus on the major.

College Advisors are located in Holton Hall and serve as your primary advisor. They are your point person for your questions about navigating college and completing your degree. College Advisors will:

  • assist you in defining your academic and life goals;
  • help you create an educational plan that is consistent with those goals;
  • assist you in understanding curriculum, major and degree requirements for graduation, as well as university policies and procedures;
  • provide you with information about campus and community resources and refer you to those resources as appropriate; and 
  • monitor your progress toward graduation and completion of requirements.

Faculty Advisors mentor students in the major and assist them in maximizing their development in the program. You will begin working with a Faculty Advisor when you declare your major. Faculty Advisors are an important partner and will:

  • help you understand major requirements and course offerings in the department; 
  • explain opportunities for internships and undergraduate research and guide you in obtaining those experiences; and 
  • serve as an excellent resource as you consider potential graduate programs and career paths in your field.

Students are encouraged to meet with both their College Advisor and Faculty Advisor at least once each semester. Appointments are available in-person, by phone or by video. 

Currently enrolled students should use the Navigate360 website to make an appointment with your assigned advisor or call (414) 229-4654 if you do not currently have an assigned Letters & Science advisor. Prospective students who haven't enrolled in classes yet should call (414) 229-7711 or email

Honors in the Major

Spanish majors who meet the following requirements may apply to the undergraduate advisor to graduate with Honors in the Major:

  1. Maintain at least a 3.500 GPA in all advanced credits that count toward the major;
  2. Maintain at least a 3.000 GPA in all graded courses attempted at UWM; and
  3. Take at least two 500-level Spanish courses.

College of Letters and Science Dean's Honor List

GPA of 3.750 or above, earned on a full-time student's GPA on 12 or more graded credits in a given semester.

Honors College Degree and Honors College Degree with Distinction

Granted to graduating seniors who complete Honors College requirements, as listed in the Honors College section of this site.

Commencement Honors

Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.500 or above, based on a minimum of 40 graded UWM credits earned prior to the final semester, will receive all-university commencement honors and be awarded the traditional gold cord at the December or May Honors Convocation. Please note that for honors calculation, the GPA is not rounded and is truncated at the third decimal (e.g., 3.499).

Final Honors

Earned on a minimum of 60 graded UWM credits: Cum Laude - 3.500 or above; Magna Cum Laude - 3.650 or above; Summa Cum Laude - 3.800 or above.