GEO SCI 100 Introduction to the Earth
GEO SCI 102 Evolution of the Earth
Principles for interpreting the physical and paleontological history of the earth using case studies from the rock record. 2 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 105 Earth, Air, Fire and Water
A study of planet Earth from formation through history to modern-day oceans, atmosphere, continents, and interior; how all interact to form the human environment.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 106 The Earth Environment
GEO SCI 108 A History of Life
GEO SCI 120 Geology of the Planets
Geological features of the planets, similarities and differences in materials and processes, significance of space exploration to geology. Lec/Lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 150 Introduction to Ocean Sciences
Survey of the interdisciplinary sciences supporting oceanography. Designed for students who do not plan to major in geological sciences but are interested in the recent advances of marine sciences. Lec, voluntary dis.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 151 Ocean Sciences Laboratory
Laboratory exercises and demonstrations of the physical, chemical and biological processes operating in the oceans and how scientists study these processes. 2 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 194 First-Year Seminar:
GEO SCI 199 Independent Study
GEO SCI 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 301 Principles of Mineralogy
Major rock-forming minerals, their associations, geologic occurrence, and importance with an emphasis on identification using physical properties and other techniques. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 302 Elementary Petrology
Continuation of GEO SCI 301. Igneous and metamorphic rocks, including classification, genesis, field identification, and petrographic microscope study. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 316 Introduction to Geophysics
Geophysical methods and their applications to the understanding of the interior of the Earth and global tectonics. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 381 Honors Seminar:
GEO SCI 400 Water Quality
GEO SCI 400G Water Quality
GEO SCI 409 Process Geomorphology
Study of geological processes and their effect on the formation and evolution of land forms. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, field trips for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 409G Process Geomorphology
Study of geological processes and their effect on the formation and evolution of land forms. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, field trips for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 414 Structural Geology
Description and analysis of primary and secondary geological structures; regional and global frameworks of geological structures. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 420 Methods in Paleomagnetism and Environmental Magnetism
Theoretical and practical foundation in paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism, including hands-on work with samples and real data.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 421 Conservation Paleontology
GEO SCI 422 Plant-Insect Interactions in Deep Time
Fossil record of interactions between plants and insects, focusing on herbivory and pollination; basic overview of the fossil record and evolutionary history of plants and insects.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 435 History of Geologic Thought
GEO SCI 435G History of Geologic Thought
GEO SCI 443 Glacial and Pleistocene Geology
GEO SCI 443G Glacial and Pleistocene Geology
GEO SCI 455 Field Geology
GEO SCI 463 Physical Hydrogeology
Study of ground water occurrence, its interrelationship with surface water, aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water supply development, including well hydraulics, water quality, and groundwater law. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, & field trip.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 463G Physical Hydrogeology
Study of ground water occurrence, its interrelationship with surface water, aquifer properties, groundwater flow and water supply development, including well hydraulics, water quality, and groundwater law. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, & field trip.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 464 Chemical Hydrogeology
Natural chemical processes that occur in groundwater systems, how they are modified by human activity and contamination, and attempts to regulate them. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 464G Chemical Hydrogeology
Natural chemical processes that occur in groundwater systems, how they are modified by human activity and contamination, and attempts to regulate them. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 497 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 497G Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 499 Ad Hoc:
Course created expressly for offering in a specified enrollment period. Requires only dept & assoc dean approval. In exceptional circumstances, can be offered in one add'l sem.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 511 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Techniques and principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, including methods of correlation, analysis of facies, stratigraphic mapping, and tectonic controls of sedimentation. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, and field trips.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 511G Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
Techniques and principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy, including methods of correlation, analysis of facies, stratigraphic mapping, and tectonic controls of sedimentation. 3 hrs lec, 3 hrs lab, and field trips.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 515 Physical Sedimentology
GEO SCI 515G Physical Sedimentology
GEO SCI 520 Introduction to Paleontology
GEO SCI 520G Introduction to Paleontology
GEO SCI 525 Terroir: Geology in a Glass
GEO SCI 525G Terroir: Geology in a Glass
GEO SCI 545 X-Ray Analytical Methods
Methods in x-ray diffractometry and spectrometry. Nature and generation of x-rays, collection and interpretation of powder diffraction patterns and elemental analysis using x-ray spectrometry.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 545G X-Ray Analytical Methods
Methods in x-ray diffractometry and spectrometry. Nature and generation of x-rays, collection and interpretation of powder diffraction patterns and elemental analysis using x-ray spectrometry.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 558 Conducted Field Trip:
GEO SCI 558G Conducted Field Trip:
GEO SCI 562 Environmental Surface Hydrology
GEO SCI 562G Environmental Surface Hydrology
GEO SCI 563 Field Methods in Hydrogeology
Introduction to current equipment and methodology used in field evaluation of hydrologic systems. Well installation and monitoring, stream gauging, indirect surface observations. Lab, field trip for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 563G Field Methods in Hydrogeology
Introduction to current equipment and methodology used in field evaluation of hydrologic systems. Well installation and monitoring, stream gauging, indirect surface observations. Lab, field trip for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 564G Field Methods in Hydrogeology
Introduction to current equipment and methodology used in field evaluation of hydrologic systems. Well installation and monitoring, stream gauging, indirect surface observations. Lab, field trip for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 614 Advanced Structural Geology
Advanced analysis of deformation as applied to geological structures from microscopic through regional scales. Lec, field trip for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 614G Advanced Structural Geology
Advanced analysis of deformation as applied to geological structures from microscopic through regional scales. Lec, field trip for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 637 Planetary Geology
GEO SCI 637G Planetary Geology
GEO SCI 638 Advanced Igneous Petrology
Recent trends and applications in the fields of igneous petrology. Quantitative modelling of important petrologic processes. Critical reading of journal articles in petrology. Lec.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 638G Advanced Igneous Petrology
Recent trends and applications in the fields of igneous petrology. Quantitative modelling of important petrologic processes. Critical reading of journal articles in petrology. Lec.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 655 Topics in Structure and Tectonics:
GEO SCI 655G Topics in Structure and Tectonics:
GEO SCI 694 Undergraduate Seminar:
GEO SCI 695 Internship in Geoscience
An internship consistent with the student's plan of study in geosciences. Requirements and evaluation determined by the department on an individual basis.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 695G Internship in Geoscience
An internship consistent with the student's plan of study in geosciences. Requirements and evaluation determined by the department on an individual basis.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 696 Topics in the Geological Sciences:
GEO SCI 696G Topics in the Geological Sciences:
GEO SCI 697 Seminar in the Geological Sciences:
GEO SCI 697G Seminar in the Geological Sciences:
GEO SCI 699 Advanced Independent Reading
Advanced independent geologic study under supervision of Geo Sci faculty or instructional academic staff member. Students must submit a study proposal. For more information, consult supervising instr or dept chair.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 720 Methods in Paleomagnetism and Environmental Magnetism
This course is designed to provide students with a theoretical and practical foundation in paleomagnetism and environmental magnetism, including hands-on work with samples and real data.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 721 Conservation Paleontology
GEO SCI 722 Plant-Insect Interactions in Deep Time
Fossil record of interactions between plants and insects, focusing primarily on herbivory and pollination; basic overview of the fossil record and evolutionary history of plants and insects.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 730 Modelling Techniques for Hydrogeology
Study and application of modelling techniques in hydrogeology. Includes finite difference and finite element techniques for groundwater flow, contaminent transport, and geochemistry.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 740 Carbonate Sedimentology
Depositional processes, environments and stratigraphic analysis of carbonate rocks. Lec, lab, field trip, for which fee is assessed.
Current Offerings:
GEO SCI 749 Biogeochemistry of Soils
GEO SCI 750 Contaminant Hydrogeology
GEO SCI 790 Graduate Seminar in the Geological Sciences:
GEO SCI 888 Candidate for Degree
GEO SCI 990 Master's Thesis
GEO SCI 997 Doctoral Externship
GEO SCI 998 Doctoral Dissertation
GEO SCI 999 Advanced Independent Reading