KIN 190 Topics Course in Physical Activity:
Introductory level topics of current interest in health and physical activity. Special course fees may be required depending on topic.
Current Offerings:
KIN 200 Introduction to Kinesiology
Introduction to the discipline of kinesiology and its subdisciplines of exercise physiology, motor behavior, biomechanics, and psychology and sociology of physical activity.
Current Offerings:
KIN 202 Field Work in Kinesiology
KIN 208 Experiential Learning in Kinesiology
Students conceptualize, understand, and apply the experiences of their internship. Students will consider the questions, among others: 'What is an internship?', and 'How does my internship connect to my career and to my community?'.
Current Offerings:
KIN 211 First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
KIN 212 Fieldwork in Athletic Training
KIN 216 Organization and Administration of Athletic Training
Delivery of athletic training services in various settings. Topics include program, personnel, information management, budgeting, documentation, insurance, legal considerations and current topics.
Current Offerings:
KIN 220 Anatomical Kinesiology
Anatomical analysis of the human body including joint actions, anatomical, muscular, and neuromuscular control aspects necessary for movement.
Current Offerings:
KIN 230 Health Aspects of Exercise and Nutrition
KIN 255 Women in Sport and Physical Activity
KIN 270 Statistics in the Health Professions: Theory and Practice
Overview of statistical theory and practical application for health professionals. Includes problem solving strategies, descriptive and inferential techniques, and critical evaluation of research design.
Current Offerings:
KIN 289 Seminar in Athletic Training
Exposure to peer presentations, guest lectures on current topics, current literature updates/discussion, and program information updates.
Current Offerings:
KIN 290 Special Topics in Human Movement Sciences:
KIN 296 UROP Research Study:
KIN 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specifically prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
KIN 298 Independent Projects
KIN 299 Independent Reading
Designed for individual and small groups in special study. Meetings/nature of study to be arranged with staff/faculty chosen to supervise.
Current Offerings:
KIN 300 Professional Preparation Seminar
Seminar lecture/discussion to prepare students for internships and other professional opportunities. Topics include goal setting, resume-writing, site selection, interviewing techniques, and professional development.
Current Offerings:
KIN 301 Field Experience in Kinesiology - I
KIN 302 Field Experience in Kinesiology - II
KIN 303 Field Experience in Kinesiology - III
Continued exposure to hands-on aspect of the field; prepare students for intership and develop advanced professional skills and conduct.
Current Offerings:
KIN 310 Responding to Emergencies
KIN 311 CPR/AED Recertification
KIN 312 Introduction to Prevention, Recognition, and Treatment of Athletic Injuries
Introduction to athletic training principles and techniques necessary for the prevention, recognition, care, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries.
Current Offerings:
KIN 314 Recognition and Evaluation of Injuries: Lower Extremity
Techniques/knowledge necessary to perform examination, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of sport-related injuries and illnesses of the lower extremity and associated areas.
Current Offerings:
KIN 315 Recognition and Evaluation of Injuries: Upper Extremity
Techniques/knowledge necessary to perform examination, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of sport-related injuries and illnesses of the upper extremity and associated areas.
Current Offerings:
KIN 316 Recognition and Evaluation of Athletic Injuries: Head, Neck, and Trunk
Techniques/knowledge necessary to perform examination, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of sport-related injuries and illnesses of the head, neck, and torso.
Current Offerings:
KIN 330 Exercise Physiology
KIN 335 Exercise Testing: Assessing Physical Fitness
Guidelines and methods for administering, interpreting, and communicating health-related physical fitness assessments for individuals. Combines lecture and discussion with hands-on laboratory experience.
Current Offerings:
KIN 336 Principles of Strength and Conditioning
Basic principles necessary to understand the effects of exercise and conditioning on human physiology. Exercise techniques and measures used to assess performance outcome.
Current Offerings:
KIN 337 Exercise Prescription: Principles of Exercise Program Design
Guidelines and methods for designing, implementing, and evaluating exercise programs for individuals. Combines lecture and discussion with hands-on laboratory experience.
Current Offerings:
KIN 350 Psychological Aspects of Sport and Exercise
Examines relationships between psychological function and participation in sport and exercise. Topics include motivation, stress, group dynamics, and performance enhancement.
Current Offerings:
KIN 351 Sociological Aspects of Health and Human Movement
Introduction to sociology of physical activity. Examination of diversity and social inequality as they relate to health and physical activity.
Current Offerings:
KIN 360 Motor Development Across the Lifespan
Introduction to gross motor behavior development through the lifespan (neo-natal to senior adult). Growth, maturation, environmental influences, and developmental theories.
Current Offerings:
KIN 361 Principles of Motor Learning
KIN 365 Health Aspects of Mind and Body Practices
Exploration of the scientific research available on the effectiveness of common mind and body practices and the mechanisms through which these practices affect health.
Current Offerings:
KIN 368 Intervention Strategies in Complementary and Integrative Health Approaches
KIN 400 Ethics and Values in the Health and Fitness Professions
KIN 400X Ethics and Values in the Health and Fitness Professions
KIN 410 Medical Aspects of Illness Management
Knowledge and techniques used in identification and management of common medical conditions and illnesses in physically active populations.
Current Offerings:
KIN 412 Foundations of Injury Prevention & Performance
The foundational knowledge, skills, and science that inform injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance in sport and physical activity.
Current Offerings:
KIN 413 Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Training
Introduction to tissue healing, pain control, indications, contraindications, protocols, and the body's responses to various therapeutic modalities.
Current Offerings:
KIN 414 Therapeutic Exercise and Rehabilitation Techniques in Athletic Training
Introduction to the theory and practical aspects of therapeutic exercise and rehabilitation techniques used in the care of musculo-skeletal injuries.
Current Offerings:
KIN 416 Competencies in Athletic Training
KIN 430 Exercise Testing for Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
Methods for assessing physical fitness in various populations, guidelines for graded exercise testing and exercise prescription. integrates lecture material with laboratory experience.
Current Offerings:
KIN 440 Innovative Approaches to Health and Wellness Coaching
KIN 480 Organization and Administration in the Exercise and Fitness Industry
Study of the delivery of exercise services in relationship to organization and administration of programs with emphasis on promotions, budget, supervision, equipment and facilities.
Current Offerings:
KIN 481 Program Development and Evaluation in the Exercise and Fitness Industry
Study of systematic program design and evaluation including systems approach, evaluation models, problem solving by objectives, management by objectives and accountability.
Current Offerings:
KIN 489 Kinesiology Internship
Application of kinesiology principles through guided, intensive field experience in exercise, sport, and health settings. Supervised development of professional skills and career exploration.
Current Offerings:
KIN 497 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
KIN 520 Introduction to Biomechanics Research
Introduction to biomechanics experimental methods and instrumentation. Emphasis on understanding the research literature and research process, from study design to data analysis.
Current Offerings:
KIN 520G Introduction to Biomechanics Research
Introduction to biomechanics experimental methods and instrumentation. Emphasis on understanding the research literature and research process, from study design to data analysis.
Current Offerings:
KIN 522 Biomechanics of Athletic Performance
Exploration of the mechanical factors that affect performance in a variety of athletic activities with a focus on methods to detect and correct faults in technique.
Current Offerings:
KIN 522G Biomechanics of Athletic Performance
Exploration of the mechanical factors that affect performance in a variety of athletic activities with a focus on methods to detect and correct faults in technique.
Current Offerings:
KIN 530 Physiology of Performance
KIN 530G Physiology of Performance
KIN 531 Clinical Exercise Physiology
Study of the physiological responses to exercise and the adaptations to physical training for those with chronic diseases, conditions and/or physical shortcomings.
Current Offerings:
KIN 531G Clinical Exercise Physiology
Study of the physiological responses to exercise and the adaptations to physical training for those with chronic diseases, conditions and/or physical shortcomings.
Current Offerings:
KIN 532 Electrocardiography Interpretation
In depth study of the 12 lead EKG and selected cardiovascular medications encountered in preventative and rehabilitative exercise programs.
Current Offerings:
KIN 532G Electrocardiography Interpretation
In depth study of the 12 lead EKG and selected cardiovascular medications encountered in preventative and rehabilitative exercise programs.
Current Offerings:
KIN 533 Physiology of Performance: Testing and Application
KIN 533G Physiology of Performance: Testing and Application
KIN 534 Physical Activity, Exercise and Health
KIN 534G Physical Activity, Exercise and Health
KIN 550 Psychological Aspects of Human Movement
Study of the relationships between psychological factors and human physical activity. Introduction to research relevant to sport and exercise psychology.
Current Offerings:
KIN 550G Psychological Aspects of Human Movement
Study of the relationships between psychological factors and human physical activity. Introduction to research relevant to sport and exercise psychology.
Current Offerings:
KIN 555 Exercise Psychology
KIN 555G Exercise Psychology
KIN 556 Multilevel Approaches to Changing Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors
An introduction to key theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding health-related behavior and evidence-based practical approaches for promoting behavior change.
Current Offerings:
KIN 556G Multilevel Approaches to Changing Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors
An introduction to key theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding health-related behavior and evidence-based practical approaches for promoting behavior change.
Current Offerings:
KIN 561 Investigating Motor Behavior in Health, Aging, and Disease
An introduction to the major theoretical and empirical perspectives used to examine how the nervous system and musculoskeletal system work cooperatively to produce human movement in health, aging, and disease.
Current Offerings:
KIN 561G Investigating Motor Behavior in Health, Aging, and Disease
An introduction to the major theoretical and empirical perspectives used to examine how the nervous system and musculoskeletal system work cooperatively to produce human movement in health, aging, and disease.
Current Offerings:
KIN 570 Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity
Relationships between sociological factors and human physical activity. Introduction to research relevant to the sociology of sport and other forms of physical activity.
Current Offerings:
KIN 570G Sociological Aspects of Physical Activity
Relationships between sociological factors and human physical activity. Introduction to research relevant to the sociology of sport and other forms of physical activity.
Current Offerings:
KIN 573 Body Image: Influences and Health-Related Implications
In-depth examination of the multidimensional body image construct: body image development, assessment, and modification; impact on health and behavior; body image in special populations.
Current Offerings:
KIN 573G Body Image: Influences and Health-Related Implications
In-depth examination of the multidimensional body image construct: body image development, assessment, and modification; impact on health and behavior; body image in special populations.
Current Offerings:
KIN 574 Obesity and Weight Management
Examination of the epidemiology of obesity, genetic and environmental contributors, body weight regulation, health and psychosocial consequences, and approaches to assessment, prevention, and treatment.
Current Offerings:
KIN 574G Obesity and Weight Management
Examination of the epidemiology of obesity, genetic and environmental contributors, body weight regulation, health and psychosocial consequences, and approaches to assessment, prevention, and treatment.
Current Offerings:
KIN 575 The Social Construction of Obesity
KIN 575G The Social Construction of Obesity
KIN 580G Sports Nutrition
KIN 590 Current Topics in Human Kinetics:
KIN 590G Current Topics in Human Kinetics:
KIN 642G Professionalism and Ethos of Care
The ethics of professional practice, fiduciary relationships, rights, duties associated with the patient/therapist relationship, and the role character plays in ethical decision-making.
Current Offerings:
KIN 701 Seminar in Human Movement Sciences
Research in the Human Movement Sciences subdisciplines including critical review of theories, perspectives and methods. Faculty, student presentations of current work.
Current Offerings:
KIN 702 Statistical Analysis in the Health Sciences
KIN 703 Research Methods in Kinesiology
Methods for multi-disciplinary human movement inquiry; problem/statistical design; critique of available literature; preliminary thesis/project design.
Current Offerings:
KIN 706 Research & Applied Statistics in Physical Therapy
Specific quantitative research designs and statistics with an emphasis on clinical research; methods for critically evaluating research literature.
Current Offerings:
KIN 710 Evidence Based Practice: Levels of Evidence
Strategies for evaluating the evidence underlying physical therapy practice as a framework for creating and evaluating best practice decisions.
Current Offerings:
KIN 711 Evidence Based Practice: Interventions
Focus on information access and retrieval from research literature used to inform physical therapy interventions for treatment of movement disorders.
Current Offerings:
KIN 712 Evidence Based Practice: Tests & Measures
KIN 713 Professional Issues in Physical Therapy
KIN 714 Evidence for Practice I
Provides clinicians with a rubric for searching & evaluating the published literature supporting physical therapy practice & informing best practice decisions.
Current Offerings:
KIN 715 Evidence for Practice II
Synthesis of prior coursework in the development and presentation of a clinical practice decision supported with best evidence practices.
Current Offerings:
KIN 716 Seminar: The Culture of Evidence
KIN 717 Pharmacology In Rehabilitation
Pharmacologic agents encountered in physical therapy rehabilitation settings focusing on pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, biotransformation of drugs, and clinical application for relevant drug classifications.
Current Offerings:
KIN 720 Advanced Biomechanics Research
Introduction to advanced biomechanics collection techniques. Course focuses on basic programming, data collection/analysis, and presentation skills.
Current Offerings:
KIN 721 Muscle Mechanics & Modeling
An in-depth background in muscle mechanics. Basic muscle mechanics, classic research studies, and the development of a computer muscle model to understand force production and movement control through musculoskeletal modeling.
Current Offerings:
KIN 725 Interdisciplinary Themes in Biomechanics
KIN 743 Health Systems Review
Provides systems overview of screening procedures necessary to provide a comprehensive physical therapy diagnosis with an emphasis on screening for referral.
Current Offerings:
KIN 761 Concepts of Human Motor Control
A systematic examination of neuromotor control mechanisms and critical review of research in human motor behavior focusing on variables limiting or facilitating performance and/or skill acquisition.
Current Offerings:
KIN 762 Research Practicum in Motor Control
Demonstration/participation laboratory focused on human motor control experimental design. Topics include sampling, subject protection, techniques for quantification of motor performance characteristics and neuromuscular correlates.
Current Offerings:
KIN 763 Neural Control of Movement
KIN 764 Neurophysiology of Human Movement
KIN 780 Clinical Teaching
Exploration of patient education intervention focusing on patient adherence in the context of learning theory, adult learning, and learning domains.
Current Offerings:
KIN 798 Independent Project
KIN 799 Independent Reading
KIN 830 Physiological Adaptations to Exercise
Physiological factors related to performing physical activity and exercise on a chronic basis; various environmental influences on physical performance.
Current Offerings:
KIN 850 Seminar in Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity:
KIN 871 Socialization and Physical Activity
KIN 888 Candidate for Degree
KIN 895 Research and Thesis
KIN 909 Guided Teaching Experience in Health Sciences
This course provides the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, with the opportunity to design, deliver, and evaluate an undergraduate course.
Current Offerings:
KIN 910 Advanced Seminar in Health Sciences
Faculty, graduate students, and invited guests will present their research and engage in discussion around themes of broad interest, e.g., public health.
Current Offerings:
KIN 930 Seminar in Exercise Physiology
KIN 990 Research and Thesis
KIN 991 Doctoral Dissertation
KIN 999 Advanced Independent Study
NUTR 101 New Student Seminar in Nutritional Sciences & Pre-Dietetics
NUTR 110 Introduction to Food Principles & Preparation
Introduction to the physical and chemical properties of foods, food safety and sanitation, food preparation procedures, and evaluation of prepared food products in a lab setting.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 208 Introductory Internship in Nutritional Sciences
Students conceptualize, reflect upon, and apply the experiences of their public health internship. They will consider questions such as: 'How does my internship connect to my future career and community?'
Current Offerings:
NUTR 210 Food Science
Continued study of the physical/chemical properties of foods; topics include food composition and nutrition, food additives and regulations, food safety and processing, food engineering.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 230 Health Aspects of Exercise and Nutrition
NUTR 235 Introduction to Nutrition for the Health Professions
NUTR 240 Nutrition for Exercise and Wellness
NUTR 241 Why We Eat What We Eat: An Ecological Approach
Examination of food choice and eating behavior using a multilevel, social ecological perspective. Nutrition and health implications will be discussed.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 245 Life Cycle Nutrition
An exploration of physiological, sociological, and developmental factors that affect humans nutritional needs and recommendations throughout the life cycle.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 290 Special Topics in Nutritional Sciences:
Topics of current interest in nutritional sciences, food, and health. Special course fees may be required depending on course. May be retaken w/chg in topic.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in a UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specifically prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 305 Hunger at Home: Food and Nutrition Security in Milwaukee County
Course informed by stakeholders and community leaders involved in anti-hunger/food security initiatives in Milwaukee County. Integration of problem-based learning challenges students to work in small groups to seek solutions to complex problems and real-world scenarios.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 350 Nutrition Communication and Education
Approaches to nutrition and health communication and education; development of nutrition and health-related communication materials for target audiences.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 355 Modifying Nutrition and Eating Behavior
Introduction to nutrition assessment and evidence-based approaches to facilitate dietary change. Determinants of eating behavior, including cultural considerations, will be integrated throughout the course.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 430 Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism
NUTR 430G Advanced Nutrition and Metabolism
NUTR 435 Nutrition and Disease Prevention
Evidence-based examination of the role of food, nutrients, dietary patterns, and eating behaviors in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of chronic disease.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 440 Innovative Approaches to Health and Wellness Coaching
NUTR 470 Nutritional Sciences Capstone Experience
Supervised internship experience and professional preparation course to be taken the last semester of the undergraduate Nutritional Sciences major.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 484 Community Nutrition Supervised Practice I
Guided by a preceptor, students are introduced to organizations delivering nutrition care in community settings; introductory skills for dissemination of nutrition information are practiced.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 497 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 555 Public Health Nutrition and Food Politics
NUTR 555G Public Health Nutrition and Food Politics
NUTR 556 Multilevel Approaches to Changing Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors
An introduction to key theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding health-related behavior and evidence-based practical approaches for promoting behavior change.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 556G Multilevel Approaches to Changing Physical Activity and Eating Behaviors
An introduction to key theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding health-related behavior and evidence-based practical approaches for promoting behavior change.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 574 Obesity and Weight Management
Examination of the epidemiology of obesity, genetic and environmental contributors, body weight regulation, health and psychosocial consequences, and approaches to assessment, prevention, and treatment.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 574G Obesity and Weight Management
Examination of the epidemiology of obesity, genetic and environmental contributors, body weight regulation, health and psychosocial consequences, and approaches to assessment, prevention, and treatment.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 580 Sports Nutrition
NUTR 580G Sports Nutrition
NUTR 701 Nutrition Counseling
Students will learn and practice evidence-based, client-centered techniques used in individual and group counseling, within the scope of practice for dietetic professionals. Select aspects of nutritional assessment are integrated into the course.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 702 Advanced Nutrition Education
A practical course for future nutrition educators on how to design, deliver, and evaluate educational interventions and programs for diverse audiences that are grounded in scientific evidence and theory.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 703 Culinary Medicine for Nutrition & Dietetic Professionals
Through demonstrations and hands-on practice of fundamental culinary skills, students will learn how to integrate nutrition and culinary knowledge and skills to facilitate health, well-being, and prevention and treatment of disease in individuals and groups.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 704 Current and Emergent Issues in Nutrition & Dietetics
Examines current and emergent issues in nutrition and dietetics. Students will utilize peer-reviewed research, evidence-based analyses, and national and international nutrition guidelines and recommendations while exploring timely nutrition-related topics and trends.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 721 Medical Nutrition Therapy I
First course in the medical nutrition therapy series which explores disease pathology, nutrition assessment, and nutrition intervention for various disease states with an emphasis on chronic disease.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 722 Medical Nutrition Therapy II
Second course in the medical nutrition therapy series which continues to explore disease pathology, nutrition assessment, and nutrition intervention for various disease states with an emphasis on critical illness.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 795 Food Systems Management & Field Experience
Introduces students to foodservice operations, quantity food production, design of foodservice facilities, and management of foodservice operations. In the second half of the course, students will participate in a supervised food systems management field experience.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 796 Medical Nutrition Therapy Field Experience
Students will engage in supervised experiential learning opportunities in medical nutrition therapy within clinical practice settings, including the application of the nutrition care process to increasingly complex medical conditions.
Current Offerings:
NUTR 800 Professional Preparation in Nutrition & Dietetics
Students in the last semester of their program will explore topics and develop skills important to professional life including ethics, developing a professional development portfolio, licensure/certification, and preparing for the RDN exam and job market.
Current Offerings:
PH 100 New Student Experience in Public Health
Students new to UWM develop academic and life skills for success, explore campus resources, and reflect on personal development and careers in public health.
Current Offerings:
PH 101 Introduction to Public Health
Introduction to history, science and philosophy of Public Health including scientific research, policy development and health education.
Current Offerings:
PH 142 Exploring Global Environmental Health
Introduction to the sciences underpinning the study and response to infectious, chemical, and physical environmental threats to human health within a global public health framework.
Current Offerings:
PH 201 Public Health from Cells to Society I
Introduces public health as a holistic interdisciplinary field spanning cell to society. Emphasizes active learning about current public health problems from multilevel and lifecourse perspectives.
Current Offerings:
PH 202 Public Health from Cells to Society II
Introduces multilevel societal drivers of health inequities over the lifecourse. Actively explores how social inequality gets under the skin to influence current public health problems.
Current Offerings:
PH 206 Child and Adolescent Health
Review evidence-based child and adolescent health promotion in school, community, and clinical settings; Adolescent risk behaviors of special interest.
Current Offerings:
PH 208 Public Health Internship Course
Students conceptualize, reflect upon, and apply the experiences of their public health internship. They will consider questions such as: 'How does my internship connect to my future career and community?'
Current Offerings:
PH 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content, and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
PH 302 Health and Disease: Concepts and Contexts
Concepts of health and disease across social, historical, political, and cultural contexts, with particular attention to the workings of race, gender, and sexuality.
Current Offerings:
PH 303 Climate Change, the Environment and Human Health
Acquire knowledge about and be able to identify ways in which climate change adversely affects human health globally, nationally and locally.
Current Offerings:
PH 304 Foundations of Epidemiology
Introduces descriptive and analytic epidemiology, determinants of health and health inequities in populations, and basic application of quantitative epidemiologic methods to public health.
Current Offerings:
PH 306 Adolescent Health & Development
A public health perspective on adolescent development and health/mental health promotion Readings, assignments and activities focus on drug use, sexuality, obesity, trauma, depression and violence.
Current Offerings:
PH 319 Introduction to Health Disparities
An introduction to health inequalities as they pertain to racial and ethnic populations in the U.S. and an overview of key determinants of population health.
Current Offerings:
PH 327 Foundations for Action in Public Health
PH 345 Green fish, green worms & more: animal models and their applications
An introduction to the field of applied public health biology where animal models are being utilized to determine how environmental contaminants influence human health.
Current Offerings:
PH 346 Environmental Health and Disease
Investigates how the environment and/or environmental factors impact human health and population health with an emphasis on the developmental origins of disease.
Current Offerings:
PH 355 Public Health Research Methods I
Introduction to public health qualitative and quantitative research methods and considerations for conducting ethical public health research.
Current Offerings:
PH 375 Topics in Public Health:
PH 408 Comparative Health Systems: A Social Determinants Approach
Building on a conceptual foundation and diverse examples, introduces the US and international healthcare systems, and their role in improving population health and health equity.
Current Offerings:
PH 410 True Lies: Consuming and Communicating Quantitative Information
Develops quantitative critical thinking skills, from elementary statistics to causal inference and data visualization. Examines how data are used in health-related sciences and mass-media reports.
Current Offerings:
PH 427 Strategies for Action in Public Health
In-depth study of assessment and planning methods, theory application, and interdisciplinary community-engaged approaches and strategies for taking action to promote population health and health equity.
Current Offerings:
PH 428 Program Implementation & Evaluation for a Healthy Society
Introduces concepts and methods for developing strategies of implementation and evaluation of health programs. Fundamental knowledge and skills for implementing and evaluating health promotion programs.
Current Offerings:
PH 455 Public Health Research Methods II
Application of qualitative and quantitative methods, interpretation of findings and communication of results in public health research.
Current Offerings:
PH 467 History of Scientific Reasoning in Global Public Health and Epidemiology
Introduction to the historical development of public health and epidemiology, and how historical and social contexts shape scientific theories of disease distribution and determinants.
Current Offerings:
PH 478 Public Health Research Using Social Media
PH 600 Public Health Integrative Experience (Service Learning)
Culmination of public health major. Integrates and applies core public health competencies through an experiential service learning placement in a community organization, and seminar-style discussions.
Current Offerings:
PH 700 Structures of Inequality and Population Health
Foundations of public health, critical social theory, and social justice praxis, which provide essential interdisciplinary tools for analyzing sociostructural processes and advancing social and health equity.
Current Offerings:
PH 701 Public Health Principles and Practice
PH 702 Introduction to Biostatistics
Development and application of statistical reasoning and methods in addressing, analyzing and solving problems in public health. Includes lab section with introduction to SAS, including macros and core statistical analysis functions.
Current Offerings:
PH 703 Environmental Health Sciences
PH 704 Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
Quantitative study of patterns and determinants of health in human populations applying biomedical and social epidemiology perspectives. Problem-based lab includes surveillance, measurement, study design, and causal inference applications.
Current Offerings:
PH 705 Principles of Public Health Policy and Administration
The role of policy in influencing population health, policies that promote public health, the policymaking process, and the planning and administration of health systems.
Current Offerings:
PH 706 Perspectives on Community & Behavioral Health
Philosophical underpinnings, conceptual frameworks, and strategies for the application of behavioral and social science concepts to the goals of public health.
Current Offerings:
PH 708 Health Systems and Population Health
Using fundamental concepts of health systems design, international comparisons, and case studies, this course demonstrates strategies through which health systems could improve health and reduce inequities by addressing social vulnerabilities.
Current Offerings:
PH 710 Seminar in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
This course provides general approaches and collection of biostatistics and bioinformatics methods and practice used in public health.
Current Offerings:
PH 711 Intermediate Biostatistics
Introduction to modern multivariable statistical analysis, based on generalized linear models. Topics include linear regression, logistic regression, one-way and two-way ANOVA, longitudinal analysis, missing data, and mixed models.
Current Offerings:
PH 712 Probability and Statistical Inference
Introductory graduate-level course that provides students with a mathematical treatment and understanding of key concepts in probability and distribution theory and statistical inference, and their applications in public health.
Current Offerings:
PH 714 Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology
Introduction to statistical methods for the analysis of family and population based genetic data, including methods can be used in linkage analysis, family-based and population-based association studies.
Current Offerings:
PH 715 Applied Categorical Data
PH 716 Applied Survival Analysis
PH 717 Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
This course will cover data analysis techniques for longitudinal data with focus on application in public health with related examples using SAS.
Current Offerings:
PH 718 Data Management and Visualization in R
PH 719 Social Justice in Public Health
This course is designed to introduce you to the major social variables (e.g., socioeconomic status, race, poverty, social support, neighborhood environment) that affect public health.
Current Offerings:
PH 720 Special Topics in Biostatistics:
Survey of an area in Biostatistics. Specific credits and add'l prereqs announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered.
Current Offerings:
PH 721 Introduction to Translational Bioinformatics
Review bioinformatics knowledge and analytical skills, high-throughput technologies that produce various omic data, along with the methodologies to analyze and interpret different layers of information.
Current Offerings:
PH 722 An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics
In parallel to classical statistical frequentist approach, Bayesian statistics serves another way to make statistical inference, which not only rely on the sample information collected, but also on external prior knowledge.
Current Offerings:
PH 723 Design, Conduct and Analysis of Clinical Trials
Introduction to the design, conduct and analysis of phase I-IV clinical trials, with an emphasis on phase III trials and ethical issues in clinical research.
Current Offerings:
PH 725 Theories and Models of Health Behavior
Examine theories of health behavior targeted to each level of the social ecological model, including historical and public health context. Assess utility of these theories in various domains.
Current Offerings:
PH 726 Community Health Assessment
Introduction to the concepts and techniques of community health assessment; conducting and critically analyzing community assessments.
Current Offerings:
PH 727 Program Planning & Implementation in Public Health
Systematic approach to planning and implementing public health programs, examining program monitoring, methods of impact assessment, and measuring efficiency.
Current Offerings:
PH 728 Program Evaluation in Public Health
Students design and present research and evaluation plans, receive guidance on developing conceptual frameworks and hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and developing program evaluation plans.
Current Offerings:
PH 729 Survey Research Methods in Public Health
PH 730 Overview of Children with Special Health Care Needs
Overview of the complex issues affecting children with special health care needs and their families, including access/use of health programs and other services, policies, interventions, financing, and coordination/transition of care.
Current Offerings:
PH 733 Overview of Qualitative Methods for Public Health
PH 740 Special Topics in Public Health:
PH 741 Environmental Public Health Microbiology
PH 743 Environmental Risk Assessment
Risk assessment practices from an environmental health perspective, complexities and challenges of regulation, management, and mitigation of risks for both human and ecosystem health.
Current Offerings:
PH 745 Developmental Toxicology
An introduction to the field of developmental toxicology and how environmental contaminants influence vertebrate development, including humans.
Current Offerings:
PH 750 Seminar in Environmental Health Sciences:
PH 752 Public Health and Mental Health
Understanding mental health and mental illness from a public health perspective; designed for an interdisciplinary audience of students, researchers and practitioners.
Current Offerings:
PH 758 Social Epidemiology
Foundations of social epidemiology, including key concepts, theoretical frameworks, and methods for studying social and structural determinants of population health and health inequity.
Current Offerings:
PH 759 Intro to Regression for Understanding the SDOH
Using STATA on real data to build regression models, perform diagnostics, and interpret results. Utilize social theory to put results into context.
Current Offerings:
PH 761 Epidemiology Field Methods
Prepares students to conduct epidemiologic field studies. Introduction of reviewing literature, designing questionnaires, developing surveillance systems, conducting emergency outbreak investigations, applying for IRB approval, and public relations.
Current Offerings:
PH 762 Environmental Epidemiology
Expands upon basic epidemiological principles to tackle current problems in studies of health impacts of contaminants in air, water, food supply, consumer products, and indoor spaces, emphasizing a cross-disciplinary approach.
Current Offerings:
PH 763 Epidemiology for Equity
Students will integrate epidemiology methods with the principles, methods, and skills of participatory action research aimed at structural change to promote social and/or environmental justice and health equity.
Current Offerings:
PH 768 Cancer Epidemiology
The course will provide an introduction to cancer epidemiology and prevention evaluating methods to study cancer etiology and survival with a particular focus on understanding cancer disparities.
Current Offerings:
PH 769 Critical Perspectives on Nutritional Epidemiology and the Food System
This course offers a synthesis of nutritional epidemiological methods and food systems perspectives to build students critical understanding of diets, nutrition, and their public health implications.
Current Offerings:
PH 776 Qualitative Approaches in Public Health Policy
Introduces students to foundational approaches to qualitative research for use in public health policy and administration. Provides opportunities to practice foundational data collection, research analysis, reflexivity, and research design skills.
Current Offerings:
PH 777 Quantitative Research Methods for Public Health Policy
Introduces quantitative methods commonly used in public health policy and administration decision-making, skills to analyze quantitative research and to apply knowledge generated from research to the public health policy and administration context.
Current Offerings:
PH 779 Public Health Policymaking and Policy Analysis
Introduces students to key frameworks for public health policymaking and policy analysis. Students apply concepts to a real world public health problem of their choice.
Current Offerings:
PH 780 Seminar in Public Health Policy and Administration
Survey of an area in Public Health Policy and Administration. Specific credits and add'l prereqs announced in Schedule of Classes each time course offered.
Current Offerings:
PH 781 Public Health Management
Basic concepts, best-practice leadership, and management principles with the emphasis on organizational behavior in public health settings.
Current Offerings:
PH 784 Social and Economic Policy as Health Policy
This course examines how social and economic policies, including education, income re-distribution, and housing shape population health. A broad overview of the social determinants of health is introduced/reviewed and current knowledge of the impact.
Current Offerings:
PH 785 Principles of Public Health Economics
The course introduces the application of microeconomic theories and models to explain major topics and trends in public health and health care settings.
Current Offerings:
PH 790 Field Experience in Public Health
Apply skills learned in the classroom to real world public health problems in a mentored field placement, engaging both faculty and site preceptors.
Current Offerings:
PH 791 Leadership in Public Health
Complements the Field Experience. Presentations on leadership, negotiation, and inter-professional teamwork, participation in case workshops, and written papers foster the integration of core concepts, critical thinking and reflection skills.
Current Offerings:
PH 800 Capstone in Public Health
Application of acquired public health knowledge, experience and competencies in developing a public health project that demonstrates readiness for professional practice. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only.
Current Offerings:
PH 801 Seminar in Public Health Research
PH 804 Advanced Epidemiology
PH 808 Writing a Federal Grant in the Public Health Sciences
This course is designed to provide students a hands-on experience with all aspects of preparation of a hypothesis driven grant application to a federal agency such as the NIH or NSF.
Current Offerings:
PH 811 Causal Inference
This course will cover a variety of approaches to define and estimate causal effects, as well as the sensitivity analysis for both clinical trial and observational studies.
Current Offerings:
PH 812 Statistical Learning & Data Mining
PH 813 Practice of Biostatistical Consulting
This course teaches the elements of statistical consulting, appropriate statistical analysis approaches, and how to interpret findings and effectively communicate with clients.
Current Offerings:
PH 818 Statistical Computing
PH 819 Social and Environmental Justice in Public Health
PH 820 Maternal and Child Health Foundations, Policy and Practice
The foundations of MCH, historical context, financing, challenges, and opportunities in advancing MCH at state, national and international level including the integration of men.
Current Offerings:
PH 821 Advanced Survey of Environmental Health
PH 823 Applied Analysis of Binary Outcomes in Public Health Research
Apply principles of epidemiology, statistics, and study design in analyzing a public health dataset of choice, covering confounding, modification, bias, missing data, and interpretation in light of limitations.
Current Offerings:
PH 826 Principles of Community Intervention Research
Seminar covering classics in community-based public health research and the development of conceptual and methodological skills in community engagement.
Current Offerings:
PH 827 Research Design in Community and Behavioral Health Promotion
Examination of experimental, quasi-experimental, and nonexperimental study designs, focus groups, and coding with qualitative software.
Current Offerings:
PH 830 Leadership and Advocacy in Maternal and Child Health
Overview of leadership, negotiation, and advocacy theory, skills, and styles in maternal and child health (MCH) and public health and their applications in policies, practice, and interventions to promote health equity.
Current Offerings:
PH 831 Community Engagement and Participatory Research Approaches in Public Health
PH 859 Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities in the United States
The course will analyze studies of racial/ethnic health disparities, with a focus to include multi-level and temporal perspectives to better understand the social context in which the determinants of racial/ethnic health are embedded.
Current Offerings:
PH 864 Research Ethics in Epidemiology and Public Health
Training in research ethics and ethical analysis in the context of public health and epidemiology research. Covers all topics outlined in the NIH's Responsible Conduct of Research Training.
Current Offerings:
PH 865 Critical Methodologies for Health Equity Research
Analyzes interdisciplinary critical methodologies for researching health inequities across diverse axes of power and considers how to integrate these methodologies into epidemiologic and public health research to advance health equity.
Current Offerings:
PH 868 Epidemiologic Links Between Infectious and Chronic Disease
Discussion of social patterning of infection, epidemiologic and physiologic links between infections and chronic disease, and methodological considerations in the evaluation of such associations.
Current Offerings:
PH 870 Epidemiology in Health Policy and Advocacy
Using epidemiologic evidence to inform public health policy, through engagement with the policy process, communication with policymakers, and evidence-based appraisal of policy alternatives and advocacy for sound policy.
Current Offerings:
PH 895 Applied Biostatistics Research Project
PH 904 Survey of Analytic Methods for Epidemiology
PH 911 Generalized Linear Models
This course will cover theory of advanced biostatistics models with focus on generalized linear models and will also cover generalized estimating equation, generalized linear mixed models. We will emphasize implementation in R.
Current Offerings:
PH 919 Core Seminar in Community and Behavioral Health Promotion
These seminars are intended as professional development to prepare students for successful careers in the area of Community and Health Behavior Promotion.
Current Offerings:
PH 960 Core Doctoral Seminar in Epidemiology
This advanced doctoral seminar discusses practical aspects of an epidemiology career, from developing a research question and study, to managing a grant, writing results and reporting results to the press.
Current Offerings:
PH 990 Research and Dissertation