ATRAIN 296 Undergraduate Research
ATRAIN 599 Independent Study I
ATRAIN 599G Independent Study I
ATRAIN 701 Athletic Training Foundational Skills
Use and application of taping, wrapping, bracing, and splinting procedures for the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 702 Ethics in Healthcare
ATRAIN 703 Foundations of Interprofessional Practice
ATRAIN 704 Professionalism and Leadership in Healthcare
ATRAIN 705 Athletic Training Practice Based Research I
ATRAIN 706 Athletic Training Practice Based Research II
ATRAIN 708 Clinical Gait Analysis
Instrumented and observational gait analysis techniques and discussion of the theoretical background of normal and abnormal gait with application to clinical examples.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 710 Prevention & Care of Emergent Medical Conditions in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 723 Physiological Regulation in Exertion & Disease
ATRAIN 725 Gross Anatomical Kinesiology
ATRAIN 726 Pathoetiology of Musculoskeletal Injury
ATRAIN 744 Organizational Competencies in Athletic Training
Practice of management skills in athletic training consistent with practice in the U.S. health care system and current practice environments.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 745 Administrative Management in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 747 Clinical Exam and Diagnosis of the Lower Extremity in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 748 Clinical Exam and Diagnosis of the Head and Spine in Athletic Training
Knowledge and skills to examine, treat, prevent, and rehabilitate activity-related injuries and pathologies of the head, spine and pelvis.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 749 Clinical Exam and Diagnosis of Upper Extremity in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 753 Medical Physiology II
ATRAIN 754 Clinical Exam and Diagnosis of Medical Conditions in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 757 Foundations of Therapeutic Interventions in Athletic Training
Knowledge, skill and science of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance in sport and physical activity; focused on the lower extremity.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 758 Physical Agents
The physiological basis, scientific rationale for, and clinical application of thermal, electrophysiology/electrotherapy and electromagnetic physical agents.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 759 Advanced Therapeutic Interventions
Knowledge, skill and science of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and performance in sport and physical activity; focused on the upper extremity along with advanced rehabilitation techniques.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 785 Clinical Education in Athletic Training: I
Introductory field practicum experience with an emphasis on application of clinical skills and behaviors related to prevention and care of emergent medical conditions.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 786 Clinical Education in Athletic Training: II
Intermediate field practicum experience with an emphasis on application of clinical skills and behaviors related to examination and treatment of injury and pathology of the lower extremity.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 787 Clinical Education in Athletic Training: III
Intermediate field practicum experience with an emphasis on application of clinical skills and behaviors related to examination and treatment of injury and pathology of the head, spine, and pelvis.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 788 Clinical Education in Athletic Training: IV
Advanced field practicum experience with an emphasis on application of clinical skills and behaviors related to examination and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries to the upper extremity.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 790 Advanced Topics in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 799 Independent Study II
ATRAIN 800 Athletic Training Board of Certification Exam Preparation
Provides athletic training students with a systematic roadmap for independent preparation for the Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer Exam (BOC Exam).
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 883 Capstone Clinical Education in Athletic Training
Capstone field practicum experience with an emphasis on application of clinical skills and behaviors related to athletic training practice.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 888 Candidate for Degree
ATRAIN 890 Research and Thesis
ATRAIN 900 Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Health Sciences
Overview of higher education in the health sciences and the responsibilities of the professoriate in fulfilling the missions of research, teaching, and service.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 901 Seminar in Athletic Training
ATRAIN 909 Guided Teaching Experience in Health Sciences
This course provides the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, with the opportunity to design, deliver, and evaluate an undergraduate course.
Current Offerings:
ATRAIN 990 Research and Dissertation
ATRAIN 999 Advanced Independent Study
COMSDIS 210 Survey of Communication Disorders
A broad overview of speech, language, and hearing disorders. Normal development, adult functions and cultural differences are explored, as well as general approaches to rehabilitation.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 220 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech, Hearing, and Language Mechanisms
COMSDIS 230 Introduction to Phonetics
Descriptive study of the production and perception of English speech sounds; broad phonetic transcription; introduction to physiological, acoustic, and clinical phonetics.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 240 Normal Speech and Language Development
Intensive study of children's speech and language acquisition and research techniques for investigating children's speech and language behavior. Interrelationship with other development areas also discussed.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 250 Interprofessional Communication in the Health Sciences
Introduction to best-practices in interprofessional communication within the Health Sciences; emphasis on patient-provider interactions, regulations, health literacy, and interprofessional communication.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 350 Clinical Process I: Articulation and Phonology Disorders
Introduction to the clinical process and its application to the assessment and intervention of articulation and phonology discorders in children.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 351 Clinical Process II: Child Language Disorders
COMSDIS 380 Bases of Hearing Science
Consideration of fundamental physical and psychophysical concepts in hearing science and advanced topics in auditory physiology promoting a basic understanding of hearing and hearing measurement.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 450 Bases of Fluency and Voice Disorders
Overview of the basic requirements for fluent speech and voice production. Also includes an introduction to the disorders of fluency and voice.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 460 Survey of Adult Neurogenic Language and Speech Disorders
Principles and concepts underlying acquired adult neurogenic language and speech disorders. Topics include aphasia, apraxis, dysarthria, dementia, closed head injury, and right hemisphere disorders.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 470 Introduction to Audiology
Overview of clinical hearing assessment including principles of assessment, instrumentation and calibration, basic audiometry, interpretation of audiometric results, and hearing disorders. Participation in laboratories required.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 480 Speech Science
Study of anatomic, physiologic, acoustic and perceptual parameters involved in speech production and perception; exposure to instrumentation for clinical application/research.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 490 Audiologic (Re)Habilitation
Study of the fundamentals of (re)habilitative audiology. Includes study of current comprehensive audiologic (re)habilitative approaches with pediatric through geriatric populations.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 500 Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology:
COMSDIS 520 Counseling in Communication Disorders
Current theories in counseling and guidance, procedures designed specifically for use with the communicatively impaired. Opportunity for application of knowledge will be provided.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 520G Counseling in Communication Disorders
Current theories in counseling and guidance, procedures designed specifically for use with the communicatively impaired. Opportunity for application of knowledge will be provided.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 579 Special Topics in Communication Sciences and Disorders:
COMSDIS 579G Special Topics in Communication Sciences and Disorders:
COMSDIS 580 Communication Problems of the Older Adult
Study of the impairments to the communicative process caused by physiological, environmental, and social psychological changes which come with aging.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 580G Communication Problems of the Older Adult
Study of the impairments to the communicative process caused by physiological, environmental, and social psychological changes which come with aging.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 620 Craniofacial Disorders
Genetic, embryological, anatomical and physiological aspects of craniofacial disorders, including cleft lip and palate; associated communicative disorders; diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for related speech-language problems.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 620G Craniofacial Disorders
Genetic, embryological, anatomical and physiological aspects of craniofacial disorders, including cleft lip and palate; associated communicative disorders; diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for related speech-language problems.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 630 Communication Disorders in Multicultural Populations
Application of theoretical models and research perspectives to the assessment and treatment of communication disorders in children from multicultural populations.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 630G Communication Disorders in Multicultural Populations
Application of theoretical models and research perspectives to the assessment and treatment of communication disorders in children from multicultural populations.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 634 Collaborative Consultation/Teaming-Serving Young Children with Disabilities
Focus on development of collaboration and consultation skills for professionals employed in interdisciplinary and interagency settings.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 634G Collaborative Consultation/Teaming-Serving Young Children with Disabilities
Focus on development of collaboration and consultation skills for professionals employed in interdisciplinary and interagency settings.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 640 Clinical and Research Instrumentation in Communication Sciences & Disorders
Hands-on laboratory experience with several clinically practical and non-invasive instrumentation systems for analyzing, monitoring, documenting normal as well as abnormal articulation, voice and prosody.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 640G Clinical and Research Instrumentation in Communication Sciences & Disorders
Hands-on laboratory experience with several clinically practical and non-invasive instrumentation systems for analyzing, monitoring, documenting normal as well as abnormal articulation, voice and prosody.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 650 Communication Assessment and Intervention for Persons with Disabilities
Application of various theories and models of communication assessment and intervention for persons with severe/profound disabilities.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 650G Communication Assessment and Intervention for Persons with Disabilities
Application of various theories and models of communication assessment and intervention for persons with severe/profound disabilities.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 660 School-Age Language
COMSDIS 660G School-Age Language
COMSDIS 661 The Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist in Literacy
COMSDIS 661G The Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist in Literacy
COMSDIS 670 Advanced Procedures in Aural Rehabilitation for the SLP
Examination of hearing disorders and their impact on speech and language. Audiogram interpretation, treatment of hearing disorders, and aural rehabilitation techniques for B-3 through geriatric populations.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 670G Advanced Procedures in Aural Rehabilitation for the SLP
Examination of hearing disorders and their impact on speech and language. Audiogram interpretation, treatment of hearing disorders, and aural rehabilitation techniques for B-3 through geriatric populations.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 688 Evaluation and Diagnosis in Speech-Language Pathology
The diagnostic process in speech-language assessment: case histories and interviewing, formal and informal assessment, interpretation of results, and report writing.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 688G Evaluation and Diagnosis in Speech-Language Pathology
The diagnostic process in speech-language assessment: case histories and interviewing, formal and informal assessment, interpretation of results, and report writing.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 690 Cognitive Communication Disorders in Adults
Communication disorders related to traumatic brain injury and dementia in adults. Emphasis on neuropathology, symptomatology, assessment, and management.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 690G Cognitive Communication Disorders in Adults
Communication disorders related to traumatic brain injury and dementia in adults. Emphasis on neuropathology, symptomatology, assessment, and management.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 699 Advanced Independent Study
COMSDIS 701 Research Design and Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders
Introduction to strategy, design, and methodology in quantitative research; includes considerations in evaluating and understanding components of research articles, and integrating research into clinical practice.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 702 Clinical Phonology and Articulation
Normal and disordered aspects of articulation and phonology. Emphasis on theoretical and practical considerations for clinical assessment and treatment.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 703 Voice Disorders
Diagnosis and treatment of hyperfunctional disorders; psychogenic voice disorders; organic diseases, trauma, and congenital disorders of the larynx; resonance disorders; and alaryngeal speech.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 704 Speech Fluency and Stuttering
Theory and research related to the nature and treatment of stuttering. Discussion of factors important to the clinical management of fluency in children and adults.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 705 Aphasia in Adults
Nature of aphasia and related communication disorders. Study of pertinent diagnostic and prognostic techniques and therapeutic procedures.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 706 Language Assessment and Intervention
Application of various theoretical models and research perspectives to the assessment and treatment of children with language impairments.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 709 Evaluation and Management of Swallowing Disorders
Study of normal and abnormal swallowing across the lifespan, with emphasis on etiologies, clinical and instrumental evaluation techniques, and management.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 710 Motor Speech Disorders
Basic neurological substrates of the dysarthrias and apraxia, differential diagnosis and treatment of acquired and developmental communication disorders associated with apraxia and dysarthria.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 711 Applied Speech Science
Advanced study of physiological, acoustical, and perceptual perspectives of normal and abnormal speech production mechanisms; laboratory experience with speech science instrumentation for research/clinical application.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 712 Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults
Nature of acquired neurogenic communication disorders, including aphasia, TBI, RHD and dementia. Study of pertinent diagnostic and prognostic techniques and therapeutic procedures.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 713 Degenerative Cognitive Communication Disorders in Older Adults
Nature of healthy cognitive aging and cognitive and communicative disorders of dementia. Study of pertinent diagnostic and prognostic techniques and therapeutic procedures.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 715 Assessment and Intervention in Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Application of current research in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for assessment, prescription of AAC systems, and intervention planning for individuals with severe communication disorders.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 717 Special Populations in Communication Disorders
Seminar reviewing the current literature on selected populations of individuals with communication disorders and the implications of this literature on clinical practice.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 720 Advanced Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology:
COMSDIS 721 The Clinical Process
COMSDIS 724 Advanced Clinical Experiences in Speech-Language Pathology
COMSDIS 725 Speech/Language Services in Educational and Medical Environments
COMSDIS 726 Speech-Language Pathology Externship in Medical Environments
COMSDIS 727 Speech-Language Pathology Externship in Educational Environments
COMSDIS 728 Instrumentation Laboratory
COMSDIS 729 Speech-Language Pathology Internship Course in Medical Environments
Cultivation and enhancement of the critical thinking abilities and collaborative skills of student clinicians within the context of clinical placements. Active analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of clinical scenarios, case studies, internship experiences.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 730 Speech-Language Pathology Internship Lab In Medical Environments
COMSDIS 731 Speech-Language Pathology Internship in Educational Environments
COMSDIS 732 Speech Language Pathology Internship Lab in the Education Environment
COMSDIS 770 Clinical Practice in Audiologic Assessment
Supervised clinical experience at Community Audiology Services, West Allis, WI. Activities include audiologic assessment and (re)habilitation with children and adults (adult emphasis).
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 771 Clinical Practice in Audiologic (Re)Habilitation:
COMSDIS 784 Professional Portfolio Development I
COMSDIS 785 Professional Portfolio Development II
COMSDIS 790 Research and Thesis
COMSDIS 791 Research Experience in Communication Sciences and Disorders
COMSDIS 799 Independent Studies
Independent pursuit of a creative project designed by the student and supervised by a faculty or instructional academic staff member.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 802 Seminar in Applied Phonology:
Specific topic and any additional prerequisites announced in the Timetable each time the course is offered. May be repeated w/chg in topic to 7 cr max.
Current Offerings:
COMSDIS 804 Seminar in Stuttering and Fluency:
COMSDIS 888 Candidate for Degree
COMSDIS 909 Guided Teaching Experience in Health Sciences
This course provides the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, with the opportunity to design, deliver, and evaluate an undergraduate course.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 151 Foundations of Scientific Inquiry for Occupational Science and Technology
Foundation of basic inquiry skills needed to pursue a career in health sciences. Attention is paid to observation, collection, visualization and reporting skills.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 201 Introduction to Occupational Science and Technology
OCCTHPY 220 Gizmos and Gadgets: Introduction to Assistive Technology
Survey of historical, current, and emerging assistive technology devices, services, and rehabilitation and disability through use of internet resources, print resources and guest speakers.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 250 Concepts of Time and Occupation
Examines the science and application of time related to human occupation, activity, and health through interactive and hands-on learning activities, videos and guest speakers.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 260 Enhancing Health Through Activity, Occupation and Technology I
Introduction to the role of activities, occupations, and technology in the promotion of good health and as interventions for individuals, groups and communities.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 280 Applied Human Anatomy for Health Professionals
OCCTHPY 290 Topics in Occupational Therapy:
Topics of current interest in occupational therapy. See Schedule of Classes for course offerings. May be retaken with change in topic to max of 9 cr. Prereq: none. Additional prereqs will be listed in the schedule of classes as appropriate.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 297 Study Abroad - Occupational Therapy:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 301 Applied Neuroscience for Health Professionals
A functional approach to the human nervous system and neuropathology. Orientation to evaluation and treatment for neurological disorders.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 305 Applied Psychopathology
OCCTHPY 308 Musculoskeletal Pathology and Occupational Function
The origin, nature, and course of musculoskeletal disorders are described and analyzed within the context of occupational performance and occupational biomechanics.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 315 Group Process in Rehabilitation
OCCTHPY 320 Introduction to Ergonomics for Healthcare Professionals
Introduction to ergonomics and work-related musculoskeletal disorders with special focus on work and settings relevant to Occupational Therapy and other healthcare professions.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 322 Program Development in Rehabilitation
OCCTHPY 323 Program Management in Rehabilitation
OCCTHPY 326 Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics I
Evaluation of occupational performance and planning for treatment for the birth to 21 y/o population with occupational dysfunction. Includes experiential component.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 328 Occupational Therapy in Physical Rehabilitation I
OCCTHPY 329 Occupational Therapy in Gerontology
OCCTHPY 329G Occupational Therapy in Gerontology
OCCTHPY 330 Foundations of Professional Practice in Occupational Therapy
Foundation for successful professional practice in the field of occupational therapy. Students will apply knowledge of core professional documents, ethics and leadership. Specific cr announced in Schedule of Classes each time course is offered.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 340 Evidenced for Practice I: Applications of Biostatistics
Applications of instrumentation, biostatistics and epidemiology in occupational studies. Emphasizes research design, measurement and interpretation of statistical results.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 341 Evidence for Practice II: Appraising Evidence
Critically examines current research evidence in occupational studies and health care. Emphasizes spectrum of quantitative and qualitative approaches. Prereq: OCCTHPY 340(C).
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 350 Professional Development Seminar I
Integrate academic knowledge with observation skills; refine skills through client observation; complete facility tours and paired visits to OT-related sites.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 360 Enhancing Health Through Activity, Occupation and Technology II
Integrate understanding of relationship of occupation and health, occupation-based intervention and technology. Reflect on personal occupations and design interventions for individuals, groups, communities.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 390 Professional Development Seminar II
Integrate OT academic knowledge with observation and intervention skills; refine skills through client interaction; complete 1st Level I fieldwork
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 401 Overview of Medical Conditions
Overview of common impairments and related diagnoses such as spinal cord injury, head injury, burns, cognitive disorders and psychiatric disorders with implications for OT practice.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 405 Occupational Therapy in Physical Rehabilitation II
OCCTHPY 411 Occupational Therapy and Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Advanced clinical techniques in psychosocial occupational therapy emphasizing social skills training, life coping skills, OT evaluations and intervention planning in rehabilitation and community settings.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 420 Principles of Human Factors and Usability
Introduction to principles of human factors, interaction, and usability as they pertain to the design of consumer devices and assistive technologies.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 425 Occupational Therapy Senior Seminar
OCCTHPY 426 Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics II
Evaluation of occupational performance and treatment implementation for the birth to 21 y/o population with occupational dysfunction. Lec and lab.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 427 Essentials of Splinting
Evaluation and splint fabrication of upper and lower extremity and trunk. Hands-on lab experience in splint design using various patterns, applications, and materials.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 427G Essentials of Splinting
Evaluation and splint fabrication of upper and lower extremity and trunk. Hands-on lab experience in splint design using various patterns, applications, and materials.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 460 Professional Development Seminar III
Integrate OT academic knowledge with observation and interaction skills; develop clinical techniques and analyze and reflect on skills; complete 2nd Level I fieldwork
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 490 Professional Development Seminar IV
Integrate OT academic knowledge with interaction skills; develop clinical techniques and analyze/reflect on skills; work on preparation for Level II fieldwork.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 497 Study Abroad - Occupational Therapy:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 497G Study Abroad - Occupational Therapy:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared course work.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 505 Work and Disability
Constructs related to employment of people with disabilities (e.g. legislation; theories; interventions; accommodations; job placement, development, support) taught through experiential learning and case studies.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 519 Therapeutic Communication
OCCTHPY 519G Therapeutic Communication
OCCTHPY 521 Essentials of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology
OCCTHPY 522 Health, Performance, & Injury Monitoring in Organizations
The physical, psychosocial, and technical systems of the health-performance continuum that influence injury, performance, and productivity will be introduced through exploration of populations including the industrial worker, public service, performing arts, sports, and disabled athletes.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 522G Health, Performance, & Injury Monitoring in Organizations
The physical, psychosocial, and technical systems of the health-performance continuum that influence injury, performance, and productivity will be introduced through exploration of populations including the industrial worker, public service, performing arts, sports, and disabled athletes.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 530 Contemporary Issues and Professional Preparation in OST
Exploration of contemporary issues and careers in the general areas of occupational science and technology. Attention is on preparation for entry level employment and/or graduate education.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 540 Evidence for Practice I
OCCTHPY 540G Evidence for Practice I
OCCTHPY 541 Evidence for Practice III: Creating Evidence
Seminar to study the research process, review of relevant research literature and use of basic research tools necessary for thesis/project development.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 541G Evidence for Practice III: Creating Evidence
Seminar to study the research process, review of relevant research literature and use of basic research tools necessary for thesis/project development.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 542 Evidence for Practice II
Study of the research process, review of relevant research literature and use of basic research tools necessary for thesis/project development.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 542G Evidence for Practice II
Study of the research process, review of relevant research literature and use of basic research tools necessary for thesis/project development.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 550G Upper Extremity Evaluation and Treatment in Hand Therapy
OCCTHPY 590 Topics in Occupational Therapy:
OCCTHPY 590G Topics in Occupational Therapy:
OCCTHPY 592 Innovative Solutions in Human Factors and Performance
Students will work as part of an entrepreneurial student-team to design, test, and produce process prototype solutions for real-world injury, health, and performance problems presented from community and industrial partners.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 592G Innovative Solutions in Human Factors and Performance
Students will work as part of an entrepreneurial student-team to design, test, and produce process prototype solutions for real-world injury, health, and performance problems presented from community and industrial partners.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 593 Introduction to Biomedical and Rehabilitation Instrumentation
Familiarizes students with medical instrumentation in post acute care settings. Basic electrical, electronic and mechanical terminologies.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 593G Introduction to Biomedical and Rehabilitation Instrumentation
Familiarizes students with medical instrumentation in post acute care settings. Basic electrical, electronic and mechanical terminologies.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 595 Vision I: Introduction to Low Vision & Visual Impairment
Introduces student to visual impairment including blindness and 'low vision'. Structure and function of the visual system and most common types of pathology.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 595G Vision I: Introduction to Low Vision & Visual Impairment
Introduces student to visual impairment including blindness and 'low vision'. Structure and function of the visual system and most common types of pathology.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 596 Vision II: Practical Aspects of Visual Impairment & Low Vision Intervention
Functional implications of visual system pathology; focus on practical aspects of adapting to visual impairment, low vision evaluation and access to service/resources.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 596G Vision II: Practical Aspects of Visual Impairment & Low Vision Intervention
Functional implications of visual system pathology; focus on practical aspects of adapting to visual impairment, low vision evaluation and access to service/resources.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 599 Independent Study I
OCCTHPY 599G Independent Study I
OCCTHPY 610 Advances in Occupational Science
Explores origins and recent developments in occupational science. Examines the multidimensional nature of occupation; the dynamics of person, environment, occupation interaction; applications to practice.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 610G Advances in Occupational Science
Explores origins and recent developments in occupational science. Examines the multidimensional nature of occupation; the dynamics of person, environment, occupation interaction; applications to practice.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 620 Introduction to Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology
Principles of assistive and rehabilitation technology application and foundation skills for professionals working with people with disabilities to evaluate products and strategies for their use.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 620G Introduction to Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology
Principles of assistive and rehabilitation technology application and foundation skills for professionals working with people with disabilities to evaluate products and strategies for their use.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 625 Design and Disability
Universal design principles/theories related to creating access for individuals with disabilities. Enables professionals to evaluate and provide recommendations for product and environment universal design.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 625G Design and Disability
Universal design principles/theories related to creating access for individuals with disabilities. Enables professionals to evaluate and provide recommendations for product and environment universal design.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 634 Collaborative Consultation/Teaming-Serving Young Children with Disabilities
Focus on development of collaboration and consultation skills for professionals employed in interdisciplinary and interagency settings.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 634G Collaborative Consultation/Teaming-Serving Young Children with Disabilities
Focus on development of collaboration and consultation skills for professionals employed in interdisciplinary and interagency settings.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 701 Advanced Measurement and Instrumentation in Health Care
Reviews and critiques measurement theories and instruments used by health related researchers and professionals. Includes traditional, outcome and contemporary methods differing from classical psychometric theory.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 703 Applied Neuroscience
Emphasizes neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and disorders of the nervous system. Focus on relationship between structure and function of the nervous system as applied to OT.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 704 Musculoskeletal Analysis and Occupational Function
The origin, nature, and course of musculoskeletal and neurological disorders and their relationship to clinical biomechanics and occupational performance.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 705 Occupational Therapy in Physical Rehabilitation I
Development of assessment skills for common medical conditions that occupational therapists encounter in physical rehabilitation settings.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 706 Occupational Therapy in Physical Rehabilitation II
OCCTHPY 707 Professional Development Seminar I
OCCTHPY 708 Professional Development Seminar II
Development of skills in critical evaluation of OT practice through integration of academic knowledge and 40 hours of Level I fieldwork experience.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 709 Professional Development Seminar III
Critical evaluation of OT practice and preparation for Level II fieldwork through integration of academic knowledge and 40 hour Level I fieldwork experience.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 710 Community Models of Occupational Therapy Practice
OCCTHPY 711 Professional Leadership for Occupational Therapists
OCCTHPY 718 Occupational Therapy in Acute Care
This course provides a foundation for entry-level OT practitioners in the acute care setting with an awareness of common medical conditions and their treatment implications.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 719 Occupational Therapy in Psychosocial Practice
The nature of human occupation, areas of occupation, performance skills, and performance patterns within varied contexts for persons with behavioral and psychiatric disorders.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 720 Application of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy Theory
Critical analysis of occupational science and occupational therapy theories as they relate to practice issues, strategies, and research.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 721 Fieldwork Seminar I: Foundations of Professional Practice in OT
OCCTHPY 724 Advanced Design and Disability
Accessible and universal design principles, theories and practices are taught enabling evaluation and design of products and environments for people with and without disabilities.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 725 Occupational Therapy Field Service I
Provides students with opportunity to apply knowledge and practice in clinical setting through participation in therapy under supervision; integrates academic with professional knowledge.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 735 Occupational Therapy Field Service II
Provides students with opportunity to apply knowledge and practice in clinical setting through participation in therapy under supervision; development of advanced knowledge and skills.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 740 Occupational Therapy with Children and Families
Examines current practices and future trends for evaluation and treatment of occupational performance between birth and 21 years of age within family and community contexts.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 742 Single Case Experimental Design
Readings, discussions, and learning experiences in single-case research methodology. Learners acquire knowledge and skills to plan, implement and analyze single-case interventions.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 743 Advances in Child and Family Centered Occupational Therapy
Exploration of child development and family systems from an ecological perspective. Current evaluation and intervention strategies are studied through contemporary trends and evidence for practice.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 744 Advanced Occupational Therapy for Aging Adults
The aging of America has wide-ranging implications for occupational therapy. This course provides students with knowledge and skills to evaluate and work with older adults.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 745 Occupational Therapy Field Service III
Additional, optional field placement beyond ACOTE requirements to accommodate special interests in treatment, health care systems and other professional settings.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 750 Computer Applications in Occupational Therapy Practice
Exploration of the current and future uses of computer technology in the field of occupational therapy. Completion of a student-designed software application.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 760 Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology
OCCTHPY 770 Assessment in Assistive Technology and Accessible Design
Background theory, principles of selection, application in practice, and procedures for applying assistive technology (AT) and universal design (UD) assessment and instrumentation.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 774 Trauma Counseling I: Theory and Research
Seminar examining impact of trauma experience on individuals, groups and communities following a catastrophic event. Explores traumatic events, mental injuries and impact on memory, learning, physical health and dysfunctional behavior.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 775 Trauma Counseling II: Diagnosis and Treatment
Seminar on diagnosis and assessment instruments as well as intervention and therapeutic techniques used to address trauma issues in counseling acute and chronic traumatized clients.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 777 Fieldwork in Assistive Technology
OCCTHPY 780 Physical Agents in Rehabilitation
Application of physical agents to restore functional abilities in a rehabilitation setting; includes review of research literature and competency testing.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 788 Legal Issues and Regulatory Agencies in Ergonomics
OCCTHPY 790 Design Project
Integration and application of concepts learned in other ergonomic courses to analyze and abate ergonomic hazards in a scientific manner.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 799 Independent Study II
OCCTHPY 810 Critical Evaluation of Theory, Research and Practice
OCCTHPY 820 Occupational Science Evidence When Serving Individuals and Populations
Origins, epistemology and recent developments in occupational science. Examines the multidimensional nature of occupation and complex relationships to health and health disparities from an occupational science lens.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 880 Master's Project
OCCTHPY 890 Research and Thesis
OCCTHPY 900 Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Health Sciences
Overview of higher education in the health sciences and the responsibilities of the professoriate in fulfilling the missions of research, teaching, and service.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 901 Seminar in Occupational Therapy
OCCTHPY 909 Guided Teaching Experience in Health Sciences
This course provides the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, with the opportunity to design, deliver, and evaluate an undergraduate course.
Current Offerings:
OCCTHPY 990 Research and Dissertation
OCCTHPY 999 Advanced Independent Study
Supervised investigation of particular topic area either not covered by other occupational therapy courses or at a level of sophistication beyond that in a course.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 296 Undergraduate Research
PRPP 551 Psychology of Injury: Prevention, Rehabilitation & Return to Participation
PRPP 551G Psychology of Injury: Prevention, Rehabilitation & Return to Participation
PRPP 552 Psychology of Personal Excellence
Research on elite athletes, performing artists, and corporate executives is used to discuss characteristics of peak performance and identify strategies to facilitate personal excellence.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 552G Psychology of Personal Excellence
Research on elite athletes, performing artists, and corporate executives is used to discuss characteristics of peak performance and identify strategies to facilitate personal excellence.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 553 Psychological Considerations for Optimizing Health & Performance
Psychological factors linked to health and performance will be explored in depth to enable health care providers to optimize care to their clients and contribute meaningfully within interprofessional health care teams.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 553G Psychological Considerations for Optimizing Health & Performance
Psychological factors linked to health and performance will be explored in depth to enable health care providers to optimize care to their clients and contribute meaningfully within interprofessional health care teams.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 599 Independent Study I
PRPP 599G Independent Study I
PRPP 790 Advanced Topics in Performance Psychology:
PRPP 799 Independent Study II
PRPP 854 Professional Studies in Sport & Performance Psychology
PRPP 855 Mentored Fieldwork in Sport and Performance Psychology
Mentored fieldwork experience with an emphasis on application of consulting skills and behaviors in sport and performance psychology settings.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 888 Candidate for Degree
PRPP 890 Research and Thesis
PRPP 900 Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Health Sciences
Overview of higher education in the health sciences and the responsibilities of the professoriate in fulfilling the missions of research, teaching, and service.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 901 Seminar in Performance Psychology
PRPP 909 Guided Teaching Experience in Health Sciences
This course provides the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, with the opportunity to design, deliver, and evaluate an undergraduate course.
Current Offerings:
PRPP 990 Research and Dissertation
PRPP 999 Advanced Independent Study
PT 599G Independent Study
PT 700 Introduction to Physical Therapy Practice and Examination Techniques
PT 701 Clinical Foundations of the Physical Therapy Examination
PT 702 Scientific Principles of Interventions
The basic therapeutic interventions used to treat impairments and functional limitations in the different biological systems that lead to movement dysfunction.
Current Offerings:
PT 704 Physical Agents
The physiological basis, scientific rationale for, and clinical application of thermal, electrophysiology/electrotherapy and electromagnetic physical agents.
Current Offerings:
PT 707 Innovation and Inquiry
PT 709 Research Practicum
Development of strategies for evaluating and contributing to the evidence for physical therapy practice. Students will select and critically review evidence, develop, execute and present a case report to inform best practice.
Current Offerings:
PT 711 Health Promotion/Wellness for Physical Therapy Practice
PT 712 Case-Based Clinical Decision Making
Clinical decision-making in physical therapy including formulation of a diagnosis and plan of care supported by evidence from literature.
Current Offerings:
PT 713 Healthcare Systems and Administration
Practice of management skills in athletic training and physical therapy consistent with practice in the U.S. health care system and current practice environments.
Current Offerings:
PT 714 Professionalism and Leadership in Healthcare
PT 716 Clinical Radiology
Medical diagnostics emphasizing indications & implications for imaging studies used to augment information obtained from the physical therapy examination.
Current Offerings:
PT 720 Human Gross Anatomy
PT 721 Medical Physiology
Physiological principles related to rehabilitation in physical therapy practice setting and interaction of physiological systems during normal activities and after injury or disease.
Current Offerings:
PT 722 Medical Physiology II
PT 723 Physiological Regulation in Exertion & Disease
PT 731 Professional Development 1
PT 732 Professional Development 2
PT 733 Professional Development 3
PT 734 Professional Development 4
PT 735 Advanced Clinical Reasoning
A systems overview of considerations necessary to complete a comprehensive physical therapy evaluation including the ability to recognize patient health risk factors, detect atypical symptoms and signs, and effectively utilize review of systems.
Current Offerings:
PT 740 Kinesiology & Biomechanics of Normal & Abnormal Movement
Principles & theories of the biomechanics of human motion presented to develop analytical skills to assess normal & abnormal movement.
Current Offerings:
PT 750 Functional Neuroanatomy
PT 751 Motor Behavior
The theoretical and research evidence basis for normal and disordered movement via motor control, motor learning, and motor development literature.
Current Offerings:
PT 760 Foundations of Interprofessional Practice
PT 788 PT Independent Learning
Supervised learning and investigation leading to professional development as a physical therapist either not covered by other physical therapy courses.
Current Offerings:
PT 798 Independent Project
PT 799 Independent Reading
PT 820 Cardiopulmonary Evaluation & Treatment
The normal and abnormal structure and function of the cardiovascular, pulmonary and lymphatic systems with emphasis on medical and other therapeutic strategies.
Current Offerings:
PT 821 Integument System
Exploration of factors predisposing skin to breakdown; preventative measures, specific examination, and intervention techniques utilized in treating burns, wounds, and amputations.
Current Offerings:
PT 840 Musculoskeletal System: Lower Extremities
Orthopedic physical therapy evaluation and treatment aspects of lower extremity musculoskeletal problems involving skeletal, connective tissue and muscular components.
Current Offerings:
PT 842 Musculoskeletal: Spine
Evaluation and treatment techniques for spinal dysfunction and injury including mechanical assessment, postural training, therapeutic exercise, manual therapy, and modalities.
Current Offerings:
PT 844 Musculoskeletal: Upper Quarter
Orthopedic physical therapy evaluation and treatment aspects of upper quarter musculoskeletal problems involving skeletal, connective tissue and muscular components.
Current Offerings:
PT 850 Neuromuscular: Adult
Application of motor control and learning, neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology to physical therapy examination and treatment of adults with neurological diagnosis.
Current Offerings:
PT 852 Neuromuscular: Pediatric
Pediatric onset diagnosis, related examination, interventions, clinical management, and legislation impacting pediatric physical therapy practice.
Current Offerings:
PT 880 Clinical Fieldwork I
The student will be assigned to a clinically based learning experience with an emphasis on practicing recently learned clinical skills on a patient population.
Current Offerings:
PT 881 Fieldwork II: Basic Skills Experience
Clinically based learning experience focusing on patient evaluation and treatment skills while fostering professional behavior through clinical mentorship.
Current Offerings:
PT 900 Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Health Sciences
Overview of higher education in the health sciences and the responsibilities of the professoriate in fulfilling the missions of research, teaching, and service.
Current Offerings:
PT 901 Seminar in Physical Therapy
PT 909 Guided Teaching Experience in Health Sciences
This course provides the student, under the supervision of a faculty member, with the opportunity to design, deliver, and evaluate an undergraduate course.
Current Offerings:
PT 980 PT Clinical Internship I
PT 981 PT Clinical Internship II
PT 982 PT Clinical Practice Elective
PT 988 Professional Physical Therapy Credential Preparation
PT 990 Research and Dissertation
PT 999 Advanced Independent Study
Supervised investigation of particular topic area either not covered by other physical therapy courses or at a level of sophistication beyond that in a course.
Current Offerings: