The master's concentration in adult, continuing, and higher education administration prepares students for positions of administration and leadership in business, community, and higher education environments. Potential careers include adult educators, trainers, human resource directors and administrators in vocational and technical education, university extension, continuing professional education, student advisors, managers of support programs for traditionally underrepresented students, student housing specialists, student programming specialists, business managers, and administrative positions at all levels of postsecondary education.

Students in the master’s degree with the concentration in Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Administration can jointly earn a certification in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education or a certificate in Support Services for Online Students in Higher Education. In this case, the student must complete an application (including the application fee) for both programs (master’s program and certificate program).

The master’s degree programs are offered online and hybrid. 

Admission Requirements 

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.


An applicant must meet Graduate School requirements to be considered for admission to the program. Applicants must also complete the reason statement in the application.

Credits and Courses

Minimum degree requirement is 33 graduate credits, 24 of which must be in education and up to 9 of which may be in related fields. Credit distribution must be:

ACHEA Specialty Area18
Related Electives15
Total Credits33

The student must plan an individual program of studies in consultation with the faculty advisor. 

Required Core Courses 

Specialty Area: Adult and Continuing Education
AD LDSP 667Program Planning in Adult Education3
AD LDSP 707Using Technology With Adult Learners3
AD LDSP 757Principles and Foundations of Adult Education3
AD LDSP 777Leadership in Multicultural Organizations3
AD LDSP 787Administration of Adult Education Programs3
AD LDSP 886Developing Your ePortfolio in ACHEA (Capstone Course)3
Specialty Area: Higher Education Administration
AD LDSP 709Introduction to Higher Education Administration3
AD LDSP 711Organization and Governance in Higher Education Administration3
AD LDSP 747Strategic Planning and Budgeting in Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education3
AD LDSP 778Introduction to College Student Personnel Administration3
AD LDSP 797The Student in the Collegiate Context3
AD LDSP 886Developing Your ePortfolio in ACHEA (Capstone Course)3

Elective Courses

AD LDSP 507Introduction to Group Leadership3
AD LDSP 605Survey of Human Resource Development3
AD LDSP 607Coordination of Staff Development and Training Program3
AD LDSP 617Leadership in Youth-Serving Organizations3
AD LDSP 630Field Work in Schools, Agencies and Institutions2-6
AD LDSP 647Evaluation of Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Programs3
AD LDSP 687Instructional Design and Teaching Strategies3
AD LDSP 703Resources for Self-directed Learning1
AD LDSP 704Technologies for Online Student Support1
AD LDSP 706Professional Development for Online Instruction1
AD LDSP 708Online Support Services in Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education3
AD LDSP 710Organizational Change and Team Leadership3
AD LDSP 737Distance Education for Adults3
AD LDSP 740Seminar in Innovative Technologies for Learning in Education3
AD LDSP 750Internship in Administrative Leadership1-6
AD LDSP 795Women and Leadership in Education3
AD LDSP 827Seminar in Adult and Organizational Learning3
AD LDSP 900Role of the Professoriate3
AD LDSP 967Seminar in Urban Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education3
AD LDSP 978Seminar in Student Personnel Administration3

Additional Requirements

Major Professor as Advisor

The student must have a major professor to advise and supervise the program of studies as specified in Graduate School regulations. A student who is not assigned to an advisor at time of admission should immediately contact the Department Chair.

Thesis or Master’s Paper

Optional. See Credits and Courses above.

Final Portfolio

As a capstone requirement, students who begin the program Fall 2011 and thereafter must develop and submit a comprehensive portfolio for review by faculty. The student must pass both the written part of the portfolio and the oral portfolio defense.

Comprehensive Examination

Students who began the program before Fall 2011 have the option of passing a written and/or oral final comprehensive examination as the capstone requirement.

Time Limit

The student must complete all degree requirements within seven years of initial enrollment.

Administrative Leadership MS: ACHEA Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Administration (ACHEA) program will be able to: 

  • Apply principles, theories, concepts, and research evidence guiding multicultural leadership in Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Administration programs and organizations to communicate effectively with diverse populations and address issues of belonging, inclusivity, equity, and social justice. 
  • Apply principles, theories, concepts, and research on higher education services and adult learning and development to understand the nature, function, and history of ACHEA field. 
  • Use adult learning and college student development principles, theories, concepts, and research to develop and evaluate adult and college student affair processes and practices for quality and developmental impact, and to address challenges in professional practice. 
  • Design adult and higher education programs, interventions, and practices, articulating intended outcomes and employing evidence-based methods to determine the achievement of targeted results. 
  • Identify, explain, and contrast theories, concepts, principles, and research evidence that inform the use of technologies to enhance ACHEA instructional design, advising practices, and adult learning. 
  • Understand, interpret, and apply theories, principles, concepts, and research evidence to their current and future professional practice by utilizing critical thinking skills and evidence-based reasoning to address issues effectively.