Students in UWM's international studies program take courses in history, political science, economics, anthropology, comparative literature, and foreign languages to build a program around their own specialized interests in international relations, politics, economics, development, or culture and langauge. The International Studies (IS) major offers a number of special options designed to help students deepen their knowledge of international affairs.

Understanding the nuances of globalization in our personal and professional lives, speaking the languages of others, and appreciating cultural diversity are essential skills for living and working in the world today. UWM's International Studies program is based on the principles of the liberal arts with an emphasis in broad knowledge of people, places, and institutions, coupled with the skills to be an adaptable professional in a global marketplace. International studies majors have the ability to interact across cultures, converse in more than one language, analyze problems across cultural or national boundaries, adapt to new situations, appreciate differences in people and processes, and problem solve across different areas and formats.

With this background, students have job opportunities in many different industries and are prepared for many different roles. Career choices immediately after college are often influenced by the hands-on experiences obtained during the college years. Students are encouraged to explore all of their options through internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer experiences. Students may opt to complete an internship for credit as part of the International Studies major.

Similarly, a study abroad experience can open up new opportunities that would not have even been imagined prior to going abroad. UWM has programs at more than 70 sites around the world that vary in length from 2 to 3 weeks, to semester-long, to even a full year. Because of the complexities of planning a study abroad experience, students are encouraged to start planning early in sophomore year. Most students engage in study abroad during their junior year.  Studying abroad is strongly encouraged for all International Studies majors, but not required.

Students often wonder what the differences are between Global Studies and International Studies at UWM. The foreign language requirements for the International Studies program are not as stringent as those in Global Studies.  Global Studies majors also complete experiential learning credits, choosing a combination of study abroad and internship options.  Both studying abroad and internships are optional for International Studies majors. In addition, International Studies coursework is focused exclusively on courses found in the College of Letters & Science.

Course of Study – Bachelor of Arts Degree

Complete 120 credits including 75 credits in the College of Letters & Science and with 36 of the 75 credits in L&S upper-level (numbered above 300) courses.

The College requires that students must complete in residence at UWM at least 15 credits in upper-division (numbered 300 or above) courses in their major. The College also requires that students complete at least 30 credits overall in residence at UWM. For additional residency and transfer credit limitations, see L&S Undergraduate Policies and Regulations.

Students are also required to complete University-wide General Education Requirements and the specific L&S requirements listed below.

To complete a major, students must satisfy all the requirements of the major as stated in this catalog. Students who declare their majors within five years of entering the UW System as a degree candidate may satisfy the requirements outlined in any catalog issued since the time they entered. Credits used to satisfy the major also may be used to satisfy other degree requirements.

University General Education Requirements (GER)

Oral and Written Communication
Part A
Achieve a grade of C or better in the following course:
ENGLISH 102College Writing and Research (or equivalent)
Part B
Course designated as OWC-B; may be completed through a major-specific course requirement
Quantitative Literacy
Part A
Earn at least 3 credits with a grade of C or higher in one of the following courses or an equivalent course, or achieve a placement code of at least 30 on the mathematics placement test (or other appropriate test, as determined by the Mathematical Sciences Department)
Mathematical Literacy for College Students II
Contemporary Applications of Mathematics
Introduction to College Algebra
Algebraic Literacy II
Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning 1
Introduction to Logic - Critical Reasoning
College Algebra
Or equivalent course
Part B
Course designated as QL-B; may be completed through a major-specific course requirement
Select 3 credits3
Select 6 credits6
Social Sciences
Select 6 credits6
Natural Sciences
Select 6 credits (at least two courses including one lab)6
UWM Foreign Language Requirement
Complete Foreign Language Requirement through:
Two years (high school) of a single foreign language
Two semesters (college) of a single foreign language
Or equivalent
UWM Cultural Diversity Requirement
One course from the Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences must also satisfy UWM's Cultural Diversity requirement

 Math 111 and Philosophy 111 are jointly offered and count as repeats of one another. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.

College of Letters & Science Requirements

The degree requirements in the College of Letters and Science build on the University General Education Requirements to provide a broad base of knowledge as well as an array of skills cited by employers as critical to professional success: critical thinking, problem solving, oral and written communication, ability to work well with others, and adaptability to change. 

For the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), you must complete the UWM General Education Requirements as well as these L&S requirements: the International requirement, the Breadth requirement, and the Research requirement. The International requirement develops your potential for cross-cultural understanding in a globalizing world. The Breadth requirement ensures that you take classes in a wide variety of subjects, across humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. The Research requirement calls for you to build your critical thinking and oral and written communication skills through conducting an independent research project, usually in your major. 

For the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) you will also complete the Language other than English requirement, to further develop your understanding of cultures through language.

I. Total Credits and Upper-Division Courses Requirement

Students must complete 120 credits including 75 credits in the College of Letters & Science and with 36 of the 75 credits in L&S upper-level (numbered above 300) courses.

II. Language other than English Requirement

Students doing the BA must fulfill the language other than English requirement by either successfully completing the fourth semester of university work or equivalent in one language other than English, or by successfully completing the second semester of university work or equivalent in two languages other than English (including all world languages and American Sign Language). 

Language courses (including American Sign Language) other than English taken in high school may be used to satisfy all or part of this requirement. One year of high school language equates to one semester of college work. Proficiency tests approved by the Languages faculty may be used to satisfy all or part of this requirement. 

Completion of the L&S Language Requirement also satisfies the university-wide Language other than English GER, but not vice versa. 

III. International Requirement

To meet the International Requirement, students must successfully complete some three course (minimum 9 credits) combination of

  1. language other than English (not including American Sign Language) at 3rd semester level or above, and/or
  2. non-language courses with L&S approved international content (see Courses Approved for the L&S International Requirement for course options).

IV. Breadth Requirement

In addition to completing the University General Education Requirements, L&S students must complete the Breadth requirement.

The L&S Breadth requirement calls for 6 credits each in L&S courses designated L&S Humanities, L&S Natural Sciences, and L&S Social Sciences breadth. One of the L&S Natural Science breadth courses must be a laboratory or fieldwork course. These courses must be beyond and in addition to courses in those areas used to satisfy General Education Requirements.

Please refer to the list of Courses Approved for the L&S Breadth Requirement.

 V. The Major

The College of Letters and Science requires that students attain at least a 2.0 GPA in all credits in the major attempted at UWM. In addition, students must attain a 2.0 GPA on all major credits attempted, including any transfer work. Individual departments or programs may require higher GPAs for graduation. Some departmental majors require courses from other departments. Contact your major department for information on whether those credits will count as part of the major GPA. The College requires that students must complete in residence at UWM at least 15 credits in upper-division (numbered 300 or above) courses in their major.

Research Requirement

Within their majors, students must complete a research experience approved by the L&S faculty.  A list of courses satisfying the research requirement in each major can be found here.

VI. The Minor

Students are encouraged to consider completing a minor, but it is not required. To complete a minor, the College of Letters and Science requires that students attain at least a 2.0 GPA in all credits in the minor attempted at UWM. In addition, students must attain a 2.0 GPA on all minor credits attempted, including any transfer work. The minor must contain at least 9 credits in upper-division (numbered 300 and above) courses.

International Studies Major Requirements

The major requires 4 semesters or the equivalent in one foreign language. Students must complete at least one college course to meet this requirement; high school work alone will not suffice. Students must attain a 2.0 GPA in all UWM credits attempted for the major. In addition, the College requires that students attain a 2.0 GPA in all major credits attempted, including any transfer work.

Students may receive credit toward the International Studies (IS) major for participation in study abroad programs or the United Nations Summer Seminar. Credit towards the major also may be obtained through a semester-long internship in an international business, a government office, or a private organization with an international focus, either in Milwaukee or abroad.

Introductory Requirements 1
ECON 103Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON 104Principles of Macroeconomics3
GEOG 110The World: Peoples and Regions3
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Anthropology: Culture and Society
Lifeways in Different Cultures: A Survey of World Societies
East Asian Civilization Since 1600
Latin American Society and Culture
Women and Gender in Europe: 1750 to the Present
The Modern Middle East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
POL SCI 106Politics of the World's Nations3
or POL SCI 102 Introduction to International Relations
Requirements for the Major
INTLST 550Senior Seminar in International Studies: (subtitle) (satisfies L&S research requirement)3
Select one of the following:3-4
Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology
Techniques and Problems in Ethnography
Economic Statistics
Introduction to Geographic Information Science
Seminar on Historical Method: Research Techniques
Elementary Statistical Analysis
Introduction to Political Science Research
Political Data Analysis
Introduction to Statistical Thinking in Sociology
Feminist Research and Practice
Select one of the following:18
Option A: International Politics and World Affairs
Option B: International Economics and Development
Option C: World Languages and Culture
Select 11-12 credits from the list of electives for a total of 36 credits11-12
Total Credits50-52

The introductory courses are required and should be taken during the first two years. Credits earned in the introductory courses do not count toward the 36 credits required for the major. They cannot be taken on a credit/no credit basis.

Option A: International Politics and World Affairs

This option emphasizes political aspects of international studies. 18 credits are required as outlined below:

ECON 351Introduction to International Economic Relations3
HIST 434The United States as a World Power in the 20th Century3
POL SCI 359Problems of American Foreign Policy3
Select a minimum of three of the following:9
Economic Development
International Law
International Organization and the United Nations
Seminar in International Relations: (part of UN Summer Seminar)
Politics of Nuclear Weapons
History of International Political Thought
Theories and Methods in International Politics
International Conflict
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
Total Credits18

Option B: International Economics and Development

This option emphasizes the political, economic, and cultural aspects of developing countries as well as the economic aspects of international studies. 18 credits are required as outlined below:

ECON 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ECON 302Intermediate Macroeconomics3
ECON 353Economic Development3
POL SCI 330The Politics of International Economic Relations3
Select a minimum of two of the following:6
International Marketing
International Business
Introduction to International Economic Relations
International Trade
International Finance
International Law
International Conflict
Great Cities of the World: Their Growth and Guided Urbanization
Planning Local Economic Development
Total Credits18

Option C: World Languages and Culture

This option emphasizes the cultural aspects of international studies, examining topics such as globalization and politics from a range of perspectives. 18 credits are required as outlined below:

Select four from the following list, selecting from four different disciplinary areas:12
Cities and Culture
Law and Society
Contemporary Issues in Global Justice
The Human Economy
Political Anthropology
Comparative Literature:
Literature and Religion:
Literature and Politics:
World Cinema:
Studies in World Literature Written in English:
Global Studies:
Islam: Religion and Culture
Language, Media, and Social Practice in Global Communications
The Global Politics of Human Rghts
The Twentieth Century: A Global History
Topics in Global History:
Topics in Global History:
World Literature in Translation:
Contemporary Chinese Societies through Film
Chinese Martial Arts Fiction
Italy and Its Global Fictions:
Topics in Italian Literature and Culture in Translation:
Japanese Performance Traditions
Seminar in Japanese Literature and Culture:
Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy in Translation: Major Works
Russian Literature and Culture in Translation:
Introduction to Latino Literature in English
Select at least two upper-division courses (numbered 300 or above) in a single foreign language6
Total Credits18


AFRIC 232Survey of African Societies and Cultures3
AFRIC 311African Religious Thought and Social Organizations3
AFRIC 320Black Cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean3
AFRIC 325Africa/China Relations3
AFRIC 329Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa3
AFRIC 334Survey of Black American and Black Brazilian Societies3
AFRIC 344Global Black Social Movements3
AFRIC 351Sexuality, Gender, and Health in Africa and the Diaspora3
AFRIC 414The Black Woman in America, Africa, and the Caribbean3
AFRIC 565Topics in African & African Diaspora Studies:3
AMLLC 216Survey of Civilization:3
ANTHRO 104Lifeways in Different Cultures: A Survey of World Societies3
ANTHRO 102Introduction to Anthropology: Culture and Society3
ANTHRO 156Food and Culture3
ANTHRO 250Women's Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
ANTHRO 320Peoples and Cultures of Africa3
ANTHRO 326Peoples and Cultures of South Asia3
ANTHRO 349Seminar in Ethnography and Cultural Processes3
ANTHRO/GLOBAL 362System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction3
ANTHRO 381Honors Seminar:3
ANTHRO 431Cities and Culture3
ANTHRO 432Law and Society3
ANTHRO 433Contemporary Issues in Global Justice3
ANTHRO 440Medical Anthropology3
ANTHRO 441Nature, Knowledge, and Technoscience in Anthropological Perspective3
ANTHRO 445Psychological Anthropology3
ANTHRO 446The Child in Different Cultures3
ANTHRO 448Cultural and Human Ecology3
ANTHRO 449The Human Economy3
ANTHRO 450Political Anthropology3
ANTHRO 540Applications of Anthropology3
ANTHRO 561Techniques and Problems in Ethnography3
ANTHRO 641Seminar in Anthropology:3
ARABIC 111Cultures and Civilizations of the Muslim Middle East3
ARABIC 390Islam: Religion and Culture3
ART 509Art & Design Seminar:3
ARTHIST 205History of Film I: Development of an Art3
ARTHIST 206History of Film II: Development of an Art3
ARTHIST 382Chinese Art and Architecture3
ARTHIST 481Topics in Chinese Art:3
BUS ADM 201Introduction to Financial Accounting4
BUS ADM 456International Financial Management3
BUS ADM 465International Marketing3
BUS ADM 496International Business3
CHINESE 150Contemporary Chinese Society and Culture3
CHINESE 200Chinese Calligraphy3
CHINESE 320Contemporary Chinese Societies through Film3
CHINESE 343Chinese Martial Arts Fiction3
COMMUN 310Communication in Organizations3
COMMUN 350Intercultural Communication3
COMMUN 363Communication in Human Conflict3
COMMUN 450Cross-Cultural Communication3
COMMUN 550International and Global Communication3
COMPLIT 135Experiencing Literature in the 21st Century:3
COMPLIT 207Global Literature from Antiquity to the 1600s:3
COMPLIT 208Global Literature from the 17th Century to the Present:3
COMPLIT 231Literature and Religion: (Nazis and Anti-Semitic Propaganda)3
COMPLIT 232Literature and Politics: (subtitle)3
COMPLIT 233Literature and Film: (subtitle)3
COMPLIT 230Literature and Society:3
COMPLIT 350Topics in Comparative Literature:3
COMPLIT 360Seminar in Literature and Cultural Experience:3
COMPLIT 461Film-Fiction Interaction:3
ECON 248Economics of Discrimination3
ECON 301Intermediate Microeconomics3
ECON 302Intermediate Macroeconomics3
ECON 310Research Methods for Economics3
ECON 328Environmental Economics3
ECON 351Introduction to International Economic Relations3
ECON 353Economic Development3
ECON 411Economic Forecasting Methods3
ECON 413Statistics for Economists3
ECON 447Labor Economics3
ECON 450Health Economics3
ECON 454International Trade3
ECON 455International Finance3
ECON 489Internship in Economics, Upper Division1-6
ED POL 698Fieldwork in International Education1-6
ENGLISH 210Global Englishes3
ENGLISH 214Writing in the Professions: (International Business Writing)3
ENGLISH 278Introduction to World Literatures Written in English:3
ENGLISH 285Modern Irish Language and Literature in Translation3
ENGLISH 306Survey of Irish Literature3
ENGLISH 312Topics in Film, Television and Digital Studies:3
ENGLISH 316World Cinema:3
ENGLISH 381World Literatures Written in English:3
ENGLISH 404Language, Power, and Identity3
ENGLISH 522Studies in World Literature Written in English:3
ENGLISH 622Seminar in Irish Literature: (subtitle)3
ENGLISH 624Seminar in Modern Literature:3
ENGLISH 625Seminar in Literary History:3
ENGLISH 627Seminar in Literature and Culture:3
ETHNIC 250Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies:3
FRENCH 324Contemporary French Language and Culture3
FRENCH 357Literature of the French-Speaking World in Translation:3
FRENCH 426Growing Up French3
FRENCH 430Reaction and Innovation: French Culture of the 19th and 20th Centuries3
FRENCH 431Seminar in Literature of the Francophone World:3
FRENCH 432Seminar in French and Francophone Cultures:3
FRENCH 450Institutions and Culture of Contemporary France3
FRENCH 451Cinema of the French-Speaking World: (subtitle)3
FRENCH 510Seminar on Masterpieces of Literature Written in French: (subtitle)3
GEOG 115Globalization and Economic Development3
GEOG 125Introduction to Environmental Geography3
GEOG 213Geography of Asia3
GEOG 309Nationalities and Nations of the World3
GEOG 330Europe: East and West3
GEOG 333Muslim Geographies: Identities and Politics3
GEOG 443Cities of the World: Comparative Urban Geography3
GERMAN 333Texts and Contexts3
GERMAN 334Introduction to German Studies3
GERMAN 360German for the Global World3
GERMAN 415Topics in German Studies:3
GERMAN 460German Literature from 1945 to the Present3
GLOBAL 101Introduction to Global Studies I: People and Politics3
GLOBAL 201Introduction to Global Studies II: Economics and the Environment3
GLOBAL 202Introduction to Global Studies III: Globalization and Technology3
GLOBAL 297Study Abroad: (subtitle)1-12
GLOBAL 311Contexts for Global Management3
GLOBAL 351Language, Media, and Social Practice in Global Communications3
GLOBAL 362System Failure: Globalization and Language Extinction3
GLOBAL 371Rethinking Global Security3
GLOBAL 442Humanitarianism in Global Perspective3
GLOBAL 447The Global Politics of Human Rghts3
GLOBAL 451Access, Security, and Intercultural Contexts in Global Communications3
GLOBAL 471Strategies for Realizing Security in Global Contexts3
GLOBAL 489International Internship in Global Studies, Upper Division1-6
GLOBAL 497Study Abroad: (subtitle)1-12
GLOBAL 499Ad Hoc: (subtitle)1-6
GLOBAL 541Cross-Cultural Management3
HIST 180Latin American Society and Culture3
HIST 200Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues: (Cuba Under Castro)3
HIST 210The Twentieth Century: A Global History3
HIST 236Britain Since 1688: Rise and Decline of a Great Power3
HIST 242Women and Gender in Europe: 1750 to the Present (if not selected as one of the introductory courses)3
HIST 248The First World War3
HIST 249The Second World War in Europe3
HIST 282The Modern Middle East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (if not selected as one of the introductory courses)3
HIST 286The Korean War3
HIST 287The Vietnam War3
HIST 290Topics in Global History:3
HIST 341Imperial Russia3
HIST 343Russia Since 19173
HIST 348Poland and Its Neighbors, 1945 to the Present3
HIST 363Germany: Hitler and the Nazi Dictatorship3
HIST 364The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-453
HIST 372Topics in Global History:3
HIST 377Modern China3
HIST 378Revolution in China3
HIST 386Africans in World History: Communities, Cultures, and Ideas3
HIST 387Colonization in Africa: A History of Resistance and Adaptation3
HIST 392The History of Southern Africa3
HIST 393History of Mexico3
HIST 394History of Japan to 16003
HIST 395History of Japan Since 16003
HIST 400Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History:3
HIST 401Topics in Middle Eastern History:3
HIST 402Topics in Asian History:3
HIST 434The United States as a World Power in the 20th Century3
HONORS 200Honors Seminar: The Shaping of the Modern Mind:3
INTLST 260Introduction to International Careers2
INTLST 450Internship in International Studies2-6
INTLST 699Independent Study1-6
ITALIAN 245Italy and Its Global Fictions: (subtitle)3
ITALIAN 256Introduction to Italian Food Studies: A Cultural History3
ITALIAN 312Contemporary Italian Language and Culture3
ITALIAN 321Introduction to Italian Literature3
ITALIAN 322Introduction to Italian Literature and Film3
ITALIAN 457Topics in Italian Literature and Culture in Translation:3
JAPAN 110Japanese Popular Culture3
JAPAN 200Japanese Culture and Its Effect on Language3
JAPAN 321Analyzing Hollywood-Japan Film Remakes3
JAPAN 331Reading Japanese Short Stories3
JAPAN 441Business Japanese I3
JAPAN 351Japanese Performance Traditions3
JAPAN 355Seminar in Japanese Literature and Culture:3
JEWISH 328The Arab-Israeli Conflict3
JEWISH 358The Jews of Modern Europe: History and Culture3
JEWISH 421Introduction to Yiddish Literature:3
LACS 101Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies3
LACUSL 300Advanced Topics in Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latinx Studies: (Latino, Latin American, and Caribbean Cities)3
NURS 301Introduction to Global Health3
PEACEST 203Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies3
PHILOS 204Introduction to Asian Religions3
PHILOS 237Technology, Values, and Society3
POLISH 236Polish Culture in its Historical Setting3
POL SCI 310Russian and Post-Soviet Politics3
POL SCI 312The Politics of Authoritarian Regimes3
POL SCI 316International Law3
POL SCI 320Politics of Developing Countries3
POL SCI 325Latin American Politics3
POL SCI 330The Politics of International Economic Relations3
POL SCI 333Seminar in Comparative Politics:3
POL SCI 335Comparative Political Systems3
POL SCI 337International Organization and the United Nations3
POL SCI 338Seminar in International Relations:3
POL SCI 339European Integration3
POL SCI 340Politics of Nuclear Weapons3
POL SCI 343Asian International Relations3
POL SCI 345Korean Politics and Foreign Policy3
POL SCI 359Problems of American Foreign Policy3
POL SCI 361History of International Political Thought3
POL SCI 365Theories and Methods in International Politics3
POL SCI 370International Conflict3
POL SCI 371Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict3
POL SCI 374Health, Wealth, and Democracy3
POL SCI 377Elections in the Modern World3
POL SCI 379Morality, Conflict and War3
POL SCI 381The Development of Western Political Thought3
POL SCI 382Modern Political Thought3
POL SCI 391Current Crises and Events in International Relations3
POL SCI 423Conduct of American Foreign Affairs3
PORTUGS 225Understanding Brazil:3
PORTUGS 299Ad Hoc:1-6
PORTUGS 360Luso-Brazilian Culture:3
PORTUGS 499Ad Hoc: (Understanding Portuguese-Speaking Africa)3
RUSSIAN 245Russian Life and Culture3
RUSSIAN 350Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy in Translation: Major Works3
RUSSIAN 391Russian Literature and Culture in Translation:3
SOCIOL 324Race and Ethnicity in Global Contexts3
SOCIOL 325Social Change3
SOCIOL 331Sociology of Health Care3
SOCIOL 350Environmental Sociology3
SOCIOL 377Urbanism and Urbanization3
SOCIOL 495Seminar in Sociology: (International Urban Sociology)3
SPANISH 225Understanding the Hispanic World: (subtitle)3
SPANISH 332Using Spanish in the Business World3
SPANISH 342Business and Legal Spanish3
SPANISH 350Introduction to Literary Analysis3
SPANISH 371Introduction to Latino Literature in English3
SPANISH 391Social and Historical Issues in the Hispanic World:3
SPANISH 470Survey of Hispanic Literature and Civilization3
SPANISH 472Survey of Spanish-American Literature and Civilization3
SPANISH 474Survey of Spanish Literature and Civilization3
SPANISH 491Topics in Hispanic Culture:3
SPANISH 506Seminar in Spanish Literature:3
SPANISH 507Seminar in Spanish-American Literature:3
SPANISH 570Seminar in Spanish Golden Age Literature:3
URBPLAN 315Great Cities of the World: Their Growth and Guided Urbanization3
URBPLAN 684Planning Local Economic Development3
WGS 500Advanced Social Science Seminar in Women's and Gender Studies: (Gender in Asia)3

International Studies BA Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the International Studies program will be able to: 

  • Identify and explain major concepts, theories, actors, and dominant paradigms of international studies. 
  • Create descriptions and arguments about the situations and impacts of international actors and their relationship to the United States. 
  • Compose and present materials using the concepts and subject knowledge of international studies. 

Current students with questions about the International Studies major can contact Assistant Director, Christine Wolf,

Letters & Science Advising

During your time at UWM, you may have multiple members of your success team, including advisors, peer mentors, and success coaches. Letters and Science students typically work with at least two different types of advisors as they pursue their degrees: professional College Advisors and Faculty Advisors. L&S College Advisors advise across your entire degree program while departmental Faculty Advisors focus on the major.

College Advisors are located in Holton Hall and serve as your primary advisor. They are your point person for your questions about navigating college and completing your degree. College Advisors will:

  • assist you in defining your academic and life goals;
  • help you create an educational plan that is consistent with those goals;
  • assist you in understanding curriculum, major and degree requirements for graduation, as well as university policies and procedures;
  • provide you with information about campus and community resources and refer you to those resources as appropriate; and 
  • monitor your progress toward graduation and completion of requirements.

Faculty Advisors mentor students in the major and assist them in maximizing their development in the program. You will begin working with a Faculty Advisor when you declare your major. Faculty Advisors are an important partner and will:

  • help you understand major requirements and course offerings in the department; 
  • explain opportunities for internships and undergraduate research and guide you in obtaining those experiences; and 
  • serve as an excellent resource as you consider potential graduate programs and career paths in your field.

Students are encouraged to meet with both their College Advisor and Faculty Advisor at least once each semester. Appointments are available in-person, by phone or by video. 

Currently enrolled students should use the Navigate360 website to make an appointment with your assigned advisor or call (414) 229-4654 if you do not currently have an assigned Letters & Science advisor. Prospective students who haven't enrolled in classes yet should call (414) 229-7711 or email

Honors in the Major

Honors and high honors in the major are awarded at graduation to students who achieve the following:

Honors: at least a 3.0 overall GPA with a 3.5 GPA on all credits attempted in the major and a 3.50 GPA on all advanced credits attempted in the major;

High Honors: at least a 3.0 overall GPA with a 3.75 GPA on all credits attempted in the major and a 3.75 GPA on all advanced credits attempted in the major.

College of Letters and Science Dean's Honor List

GPA of 3.750 or above, earned on a full-time student's GPA on 12 or more graded credits in a given semester.

Honors College Degree and Honors College Degree with Distinction

Granted to graduating seniors who complete Honors College requirements, as listed in the Honors College section of this site.

Commencement Honors

Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.500 or above, based on a minimum of 40 graded UWM credits earned prior to the final semester, will receive all-university commencement honors and be awarded the traditional gold cord at the December or May Honors Convocation. Please note that for honors calculation, the GPA is not rounded and is truncated at the third decimal (e.g., 3.499).

Final Honors

Earned on a minimum of 60 graded UWM credits: Cum Laude - 3.500 or above; Magna Cum Laude - 3.650 or above; Summa Cum Laude - 3.800 or above.