Celtic Studies examines the history, culture, and languages of the Celtic region.

The Undergraduate Certificate in Celtic Studies is open to all students interested in learning about the history, folklore, art, language, and culture of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The features of the region are explored from both a historical perspective and through a modern day lens. The certificate complements a number of different majors such as history, political science, English, anthropology, and art history, and can make graduates more marketable for international careers and graduate programs.

Certificates are similar to minors in terms of credit requirements but draw on coursework from multiple fields of study rather than from a single department.


The Undergraduate Certificate Program in Celtic Studies is open to all students seeking a bachelor's degree from UWM, to students who previously have received a bachelor's degree from UWM or any other accredited college or university, and to those who do not plan to pursue a college or university degree (non-degree students) but who have a strong interest in this subject. To be admitted to the University as non-degree students, individuals must meet regular University admission requirements. All students will receive the certificate upon successful completion of the program requirements.


To obtain the certificate, students must complete 18 credits in required courses with a minimum GPA of 2.750, including CELTIC 133 and at least 9 credits in upper-division (numbered 300 and above) courses selected from Celtic courses and/or the list of approved electives. At least half the credits for the certificate must be taken in residence at UWM. All students are urged to participate in a study abroad program. Credits earned via study abroad through a UWM-sponsored program count as residence credits. No more than 9 credits from a single curricular area may count toward the certificate requirements, and students must select courses from at least three different curricular areas in completing their requirements.

Credits earned at other institutions equivalent to courses in the certificate program may be accepted in partial fulfillment of the program requirements, subject to review by the certificate program committee.

Students elect one of the following options:

Option A: Language Emphasis

CELTIC 133Celtic Crossings: Overview of the History and Cultures of the Celtic World3
CELTIC 203Third Semester Irish Gaelic3
CELTIC 204Fourth Semester Irish Gaelic3
Select at least 9 additional credits numbered 300 or above from Celtic courses and/or the approved Celtic studies electives list9
Total Credits18

Option B: Cultural Emphasis

CELTIC 133Celtic Crossings: Overview of the History and Cultures of the Celtic World3
CELTIC 103First Semester Irish Gaelic3
Select at least 12 additional credits from Celtic courses and/or the approved Celtic studies electives list12
Students in the cultural emphasis are encouraged, but not required, to take the following course:
Second Semester Irish Gaelic
Total Credits18

Approved Celtic Studies Electives

Students may select from all Celtic courses or any of the following courses offered in other areas.

ANTHRO 305The Celtic World3
ANTHRO 306European Archaeology3
ANTHRO 381Honors Seminar: (The Celtic World)3
DANCE 370World Movement Traditions:2-3
Irish Dance History and Practice
Irish Step Dance
ENGLISH 192First-Year Seminar: (Celtic Folk and Fairy Tales)3
ENGLISH 243Introduction to Literature by Women:3
Irish Women Writers
Contemporary Celtic Women Writers
ENGLISH 245The Life, Times, and Work of a Literary Artist: (Flannery O'Connor)3
ENGLISH 247Literature and Human Experience: (Literature from Northern Ireland)3
ENGLISH 263Introduction to the Novel:3
The Irish Tradition
The Irish Novel
ENGLISH 277Introduction to Ethnic Minority Literature: (Irish American Literature)3
ENGLISH 285Modern Irish Language and Literature in Translation3
ENGLISH 306Survey of Irish Literature3
ENGLISH 325The Art of Fiction: (The Irish Short Story)3
ENGLISH 344Modern Drama: (Contemporary British and Irish Plays)3
ENGLISH 518Studies in Irish Literature:3
ENGLISH 622Seminar in Irish Literature:3
FILMSTD/COMPLIT/ENGLISH 316World Cinema: (Scottish Film)3
HIST 200Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues:3
Ireland: A Celtic Nation
The Celtic Cultural Experience
Ireland’s English Problem
HIST 235English History to 16883
HIST 236Britain Since 1688: Rise and Decline of a Great Power3
HIST 370Topics in the History of Religious Thought: (Christianity in Early England and Ireland)3
HIST 371Topics in European History: (Christianity in Early England and Ireland)3
PORTUGS 499Ad Hoc: (Galician Culture: An Overview)1-6
THEATRE 490Topics in Theatre:1-4
Irish Theatre: A Sense of Place
20th Century Irish Theatre and Consequence of Place