Effective Fall 2021, the Art Education specialization has suspended admission.
Specialization Overview
The program is designed to permit students to integrate their particular media and curricular interests in art and art education with theoretical knowledge and educational practices tied to the contexts of urban education and community studies. An art education specialization provides each graduate student with opportunities for growth as an artist, teacher, and researcher through the development of their own arts practices and the study of the social and cultural implications of the arts in society and among learners. The program emphasizes the exploration of media, the development of socially responsive art curricula in urban environments, and research using disciplines of inquiry in the arts and art education.
The program requires each participant to develop research skills using qualitative and quantitative methods. The PhD is a research degree, not just a professional preparation degree. Mastery of these skills is demonstrated through coursework, research projects, and the dissertation. Many graduates apply their skills in institutions of higher education; public or private school settings; federal, state, or local governmental agencies; community organizations; and the private sector.
Degree Overview
The School of Education offers an interdepartmental program of study leading to the PhD. Students must choose a specialization in either Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Exceptional Education, or Mathematics Education.
The program is designed to permit students to integrate their particular curricular areas of interest and specialization with a broader field of education, including urban education. Each specialization is departmentally focused and students must satisfy the admissions and curriculum requirements indicated for their particular specialization. Recognition of the specialization is acknowledged by official designation on the student’s transcript.
Each of the specializations offers the doctoral student an opportunity to pursue study in a specific program area. For example, Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Leadership emphasizes governance and leadership issues within urban adult education organizations. Curriculum and Instruction provides program emphasis in a content area (e.g., reading), education level (e.g., early childhood), a general area (e.g., curriculum theory) or special area (e.g., guiding instructional improvement). Exceptional Education provides program emphasis in departmental interest areas (e.g., handicapping condition), or a cross-disciplinary interest.
A separate PhD with specialization in Counseling Psychology, Learning and Development, Research Methodology, and School Psychology is offered through the Department of Educational Psychology.
All graduates should have a broad understanding of the issues, problems and trends related to education, including urban education, and the application of these to their major.
The program requires each participant to develop research skills ranging from logic in inquiry to development of specific methodological skills in qualitative and quantitative methods. The PhD is a research degree and not only a professional preparation degree. Therefore research is an integral part of the program. Mastery of these skills is demonstrated through coursework, research projects and the dissertation. Graduates apply their skills, in institutions of higher education, public or private school settings, federal, state, or local governmental agencies, community organizations, and the private sector.
Cooperating Departments
- Administrative Leadership
- Educational Policy and Community Studies
- Educational Psychology
- Teaching and Learning
- Information Studies (School of)
Admission Requirements
Effective Fall 2021, the Art Education specialization has suspended admission.
Application Deadlines
Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.
An applicant must meet Graduate School requirements plus the following program requirements to be considered for admission. Applicants must also complete the reason statement in the application.
Graduate Record Examination
GRE scores are not required for admission to program.
Grade Point Average
Applicants must have an undergraduate GPA of 2.75.
Check with specializations that might have additional requirements.
Writing Sample
Applicants must submit a writing sample completed within the last five years. The writing sample must be single authored, at least 1500 words, and must be selected from one of the following options:
- Master’s Thesis
- Undergraduate Senior Thesis
- Technical Report
- Term Paper
- Publication
- Written Description of a Project
- Action Research Project
- Writing sample or written response showing evidence of analytical and argumentative writing and reasoning. The response should address the following: How would you conceptualize and analyze issues in urban education? The response to this question must show evidence of appropriate references to a knowledge base.
The writing sample must be submitted with the application.
Reasons Statement
A Reasons Statement is used to determine the appropriateness of your educational and professional goals and serves as an example of your ability to express yourself in writing. In the statement:
- Explain your reasons for pursuing graduate study.
- Describe specific interests and your background in the field.
- List any relevant skills or training you have acquired.
- List relevant academic awards or honors you have received.
Curriculum Vitae/Resume
All UEDP applicants are required to submit a current Curriculum Vitae/Resume.
The program requires 3 letters of recommendation. These letters must be submitted through the application’s electronic recommendation feature by the recommenders themselves. Letters uploaded or sent by the applicant will not be accepted. If possible, please provide your recommenders with a summary of your application materials. Feel free to encourage your recommenders to provide illustrations linking your experiences and abilities with the aims of the doctoral specialization.
Applicants are required to articulate their urban and research interests and goals in application materials. An intended concentration within the PhD must be specified at time of application.
- Applicants who fail to satisfy these admission requirements will not be recommended for admission. However, satisfying these minima does not guarantee admission.
- Applicants who are not recommended for admission will be provided an opportunity to request a reconsideration.
Individual specializations may expect prior coursework in that area. Applicants may contact the Director for specific information. Openings in the program are limited.
Students should apply by December 1st of the year prior to entry, or earlier, if they plan to apply for University-wide fellowships. Applications completed after the priority deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis up until April 1st for Fall admission of that calendar year.
Application materials MUST be submitted by April 1st in order to be admitted for the fall semester.
Credits and Courses
Minimum degree requirement is 54 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree (although students ordinarily take more than 54), at least 27 of which must be earned in residence at UWM (i.e., on the UWM campus).
A minimum grade of B or better is required for all courses counting toward the Urban Education doctoral degree. Students earning a B- or lower must consult with their advisor to fulfill the requirement within one semester.
In consultation with the major professor, the student designs a program of studies that enables the student to gain the knowledge and skills appropriate to the student’s goals.
The program of studies includes the following:
The Doctoral Seminars
All doctoral students must take three 3-credit seminar courses devoted to content involving education in an urban environment.
Code | Title | Credits |
EDUC 701 | Critical Issues in Urban Education | 3 |
EDUC 801 | Seminar in Urban Education | 3 |
EDUC 901 | Advanced Seminar in Urban Education | 3 |
Research Requirement
Department specialization requirements may exceed those specified here.
Code | Title | Credits |
Choose one: | 3-4 | |
Educational Statistical Methods II (prerequisite is ED PSY 624) | ||
Techniques of Educational Research (prerequisite is ED PSY 624) | ||
CURRINS/AD LDSP 729 | Qualitative Research and Field Studies in Educational Settings | 3 |
Additional advanced-level (600 or above) coursework from either a qualitative track or quantitative track | 6 | |
Approved research design course | 3 | |
Total Credits | 15-16 |
All students must demonstrate knowledge in this area by completing the specialization equivalent to the preliminary exam and successfully defending a dissertation.
Designated Specialization
Students indicate a specific area of specialization by applying for one of the transcript-designated specializations in either Adult, Continuing, and Higher Education Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Exceptional Education, Mathematics Education, Multicultural Studies, or Social Foundations of Education. Students may be required to meet the specific admissions and program requirements for their intended specialization in addition to meeting the PhD admissions and program requirements. (Please see the accompanying explanation and requirements for each specialization.)
Residence requirements cannot be met at the master’s level, and must be fulfilled before you can achieve dissertator status. There are two types of doctoral residency that must be met:
Academic Year Requirement
You must complete 8 to 12 graduate credits in each of two consecutive semesters, or 6 or more graduate credits in each of three consecutive semesters, including summer sessions. This requirement is intended to provide immersion in the chosen discipline and foster participation in the community of scholars.
50% Requirement
At least 50% of the graduate credits required for your PhD program must be completed at UWM in doctoral status.
Art Education Specialization
Students wishing to specialize in Art Education must first be admitted to the Urban Education Doctoral Program (UEDP). Applications will be reviewed by the UEDP Admissions Committee as well as the Art Education graduate faculty in the Department of Art and Design within the Peck School of the Arts.
Specialization Requirements
- The student must meet all Urban Education Doctoral Program requirements.
- The student must submit a program for concentration in Art Education, developed in conjunction with the student’s advisor. The program of study must be reviewed and approved by the Art Education graduate faculty and the UEDP director.
- Students not having the equivalent of a master of arts, master of science, or master of fine arts degree in art education, or related field recognized by the Department of Art and Design may be required to take appropriate coursework as a prerequisite to the doctoral specialization in Art Education.
- Students will be required to pass a preliminary examination by demonstrating competence in urban education, research methods, the specialization in Art Education, and their additional area of study.
A dissertation will be required in the specialization area of Art Education. The dissertation advisor must be an approved doctoral advisor or major professor who is a member of the specialization faculty.
For a specialization in Art Education, coursework must be completed in four areas:
- Urban education
- Research
- Art education
- An additional area of study
At least 27 credits must be completed in doctoral status at UWM, not including dissertation credits.
Code | Title | Credits |
Urban Course Seminar Requirements | 9 | |
Critical Issues in Urban Education | ||
Seminar in Urban Education and the Visual Arts | ||
Advanced Seminar in Urban Education | ||
Research Methods Course Requirements | 16 | |
Educational Statistical Methods I | ||
Educational Statistical Methods II | ||
Qualitative Research and Field Studies in Education Settings | ||
Select at least 6 credits (700-level or above) from either a quantitative track or a qualitative track 1 | ||
Major Concentration Course Requirements | 9 | |
Curricular Designs for Art Instruction | ||
Teaching Art With Works of Art | ||
Select 6 credits in Art Education courses (700-level or above) | 6 | |
Select 9 credits in a specific area 2 | 9 | |
Select at least 6 credits in one department outside the Department of Art and Design and the School of Education that enables the research endeavor | 6 | |
Total Credits | 55 |
- 1
Students should work with the major professor to determine the appropriate advanced level courses.
- 2
Select 9 credits in a specific area such as:
- Content Area (studio practices, art history, aesthetics, art criticism, cultural foundations, research methods).
- Education level (early childhood, elementary, secondary, higher education, adult).
- Social Contexts (museums, community studies, preK-12, gifted and talented, global studies, interdisciplinary practices).
- Curricular Issues (assessment and evaluation, digital and electronic media and instruction, curriculum studies).
Additional Requirements
Major Professor
Upon admission to the doctoral program, the student is assigned an initial advisor from his or her intended specialization. This person is available to discuss initial course selection and provide general advice about the program and specialization. After beginning the program and before filing a Program of Studies, the student will seek a permanent major professor from his/her specialization who is eligible to serve in such a capacity. This permanent advisor may be the initial advisor if the student desires. The major professor is also chair of the student’s dissertation committee.
Selection of the major professor is by mutual consent between the student and the faculty member. The student must notify the UEDP in writing when the major professor has been selected.
Foreign Language Requirement
There is no foreign language requirement. However, individual students may be required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language if such proficiency is determined to be necessary by a student’s committee.
The residency requirement is satisfied through the successful completion of 9 or more credits in each of two consecutive semesters, excluding summer, or by completing at least 6 graduate credits in each of three consecutive semesters, excluding summer.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of Doctoral Studies when residency requirements have been met. Such notification must be in writing and must include the semesters, year(s) and number of credits taken during each of the applicable semesters.
Doctoral Committee Membership
Three graduate faculty from the Department of Art and Design, at least two of which must be from the Art Education area (including the major professor).
Doctoral Preliminary Examination
The student must pass a doctoral preliminary examination to qualify for formal admission to candidacy for the degree. The examination covers the area of specialization, urban education, the minor, and research methods.
The candidate must present a dissertation reporting the results of an original research study appropriate to the student’s program. Prior to beginning the research, the candidate must present an acceptable dissertation proposal and defend it at an oral hearing.
Dissertation Defense
The candidate must, as the final step toward the degree, pass an oral examination in defense of the dissertation.
Time Limit
Students who do not complete all degree requirements within seven years from the date of admission to the doctoral program will be recommended for dismissal to the Graduate School.
Other Requirements
This is only a summary of the doctoral program requirements. A complete list of requirements is available from the Office of Doctoral Studies. Doctoral Committees may specify course requirements which exceed the minima described here.
For additional information on the PhD, see the Graduate School Doctoral Requirements
Exit Requirements
Contingent upon the satisfactory completion of program requirements, the preliminary qualifying examination, and the successful oral defense of the dissertation, the Urban Education Doctoral Committee chair will give final approval for the specialization inclusion on transcripts.
Urban Education PhD Learning Outcomes
Scholars graduating from the Urban Education Doctoral Program will be able to…
- study, research, and convey contemporary educational issues within complex urban settings. (Urban Education Researchers & Practitioners)
- explore and apply frameworks to examine urban educational issues. (Urban Issues)
- conceptualize, formulate and execute methods and models used with qualitative and quantitative data. (Qualitative & Quantitative Data)
- synthesize, communicate, and defend original research in an area of specialization. (Dissertation Research)