This program will prepare you to work as a school psychologist and leads to certification from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. As part of the EdS degree requirements, students will complete 600 hours of practicum and 1,200 hours of internship. Based on a scientist-practitioner model and coursework in educational psychology and complementary disciplines, our program emphasizes a concrete link between theory, research and practice through core applied courses and supervised practical and internships. The EdS program is approved by the National Association of School Psychologists.

Upon completion of the master’s degree in Educational Psychology (School Psychology concentration), the student will be considered for the Education Specialist Degree program in School Psychology. The student must file an application for the EdS with the Graduate School. Admission to the EdS program is dependent upon successful completion of master’s degree requirements. Students who are not admitted into the Education Specialist Degree program are not eligible for school psychology certification.

Admission Requirements 

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.

Credits and Courses

Advanced Professional and Clinical Practice
ED PSY 710Child and Adolescent Mental Health Issues in Schools3
ED PSY 732Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Strategies in Education3
ED PSY 955Advanced Therapeutic Interventions3
ED PSY 959Seminar in School Psychology:3
ED PSY 974Beginning Practicum in School Psychology6
ED PSY 975Advanced Practicum in School Psychology6
ED PSY 976MS Internship in School Psychology (retakeable for 8 credits total)8
Choose one from either of the following two categories:3-4
Development, Learning & Cognition
Cognition: Learning, Problem Solving and Thinking (or other course chosen in consultation with advisor)
Contextual Determinants of Motivation
Social Cognition in Educational Psychology
Immigrant Child in Developmental Perspective
Educational Statistics and Measurement
Educational Statistical Methods I
Techniques of Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational Statistical Methods II
Educational Foundations
Choose one:3
Leadership in Multicultural Organizations
Collaborations for Teachers with Families, Schools, and Communities
Reading Interests of Adolescents
Issues and Trends in Exceptional Education
Or other course chosen in consultation with advisor
Total Credits38-39

Additional Requirements

Education Specialist Final Project

Upon completion of all course work, including practicum, students will demonstrate their professional knowledge by completing a Education Specialist Final Project. The Final Project will demonstrate the student’s knowledge and proficiency in a clinical area such as innovative assessment practices, consultation, psychosocial therapy, or behavioral/academic intervention planning. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and proficiency by successfully completing one of the following projects:

  • Produce a video recording showing a consultation session with a consultee
  • Produce a video recording of a therapy session with a child or adolescent
  • Develop a treatment manual for reducing psychosocial, behavioral or academic problems in children or adolescents
  • Develop a parenting program for families with difficult or at-risk children
  • Develop materials for an in-service program for teachers or parents (i.e., power point presentation, overheads, or manual)
  • Develop a school-wide prevention program for at-risk students
  • Develop an innovative assessment program for reducing academic, behavioral and/or psychosocial problems
  • Conduct and produce a comprehensive intervention (social-emotional, academic) report

The Education Specialist Final Projects are due at the end of the internship. Projects will be judged to be acceptable by the school psychology faculty in charge of the internship and the student’s advisor. Recommendations for satisfactory completion of all of the Education Specialist degree requirements will be made by the student’s advisor, and will be forwarded to the department chair.

Certification as a School Psychologist

Students completing the MS concentration and the EdS in School Psychology are eligible for certification as a School Psychologist in the State of Wisconsin. School Psychologists are eligible and encouraged to obtain National Certification as a School Psychologist (NCSP) by taking the national certification examination.