Many fields and employers need professionals who have expertise in statistics and measurement to make sense of data and use data to answer research questions.

UWM’s Department of Educational Psychology offers a few options for students who are interested in specializing in educational statistics and measurement. The Master’s program will provide students with the knowledge necessary to execute research and evaluate and critique existing research — a valuable asset whether you’re planning to put your skills to use in the workforce right away or go on to doctoral studies.

Why Choose Our MS Program?

Ranked #13 in Best Master’s in Assessment and Measurement degree programs of 2025 by

You’ll be taught and mentored by faculty who specialize in this field, and after completing your master’s studies you’ll be ready to:

  • Analyze and interpret data
  • Design and build assessment instruments
  • Design research projects and address research questions using quantitative data
  • Conduct program evaluations

Admission Requirements 

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.


Before applying please see the Educational Psychology Website for department-specific application requirements.


An applicant must meet Graduate School requirements plus these departmental requirements to be considered for admission to the program:

  1. An undergraduate GPA of 3.00.
  2. Applicants may be admitted with specific program-defined course deficiencies provided that the deficiencies amount to no more than two courses. The student is expected to satisfy deficiency requirements within three enrolled semesters. No course credits earned in making up deficiencies may be counted as program credits required for the degree.
  3. Initial advisor assignment will be made by the area chair of the concentration to which the applicant has applied.
  4. For the concentrations in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, and School Psychology: a resume or curriculum vitae.
  5. Completion of the reason statement in the application.

Credits and Courses

Students are required to complete 30 credits for the master’s degree.

ED PSY 624Educational Statistical Methods I3
ED PSY 720Techniques of Educational and Psychological Measurement3
ED PSY 724Educational Statistical Methods II4
ED PSY 728Techniques of Educational Research3
Cognitive and Developmental Sciences6
Cognition: Learning, Problem Solving and Thinking
Human Development: Theory and Research
Contextual Determinants of Motivation
Social Cognition in Educational Psychology
Personality Theories and the Educational Process
Human Development: Study of Infancy and Early Childhood
Human Development: Study of the Adolescent
Human Development: Study of the Adult
Cognition: Theory and Research
Social Psychology of Group Differences: Race and Ethnicity
The Psychology of Achievement Motivation
The Multicultural Family
Immigrant Child in Developmental Perspective
Electives (11 credits)11
6 credits must be from the following Educational Statistics and Measurement courses:
Multiple Regression
Psychometric Theory and Practice
Item Response Theory
Structural Equation Modeling
Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis
Multivariate Methods
Analysis of Cross-Classified Categorical Data
Survey Research Methods
Program Evaluation in Education
Instrument Development
Theory of Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Seminar in Measurement and Evaluation:
Seminar in Statistics and Research Design
Total Credits30

Students’ programs of study are developed in consultation with their assigned advisor. Other relevant elective courses may be approved by the advisor.

Additional Requirements


Each student will be assigned two advisors: an academic advisor and a faculty advisor. The academic advisor will assist with academic planning. The faculty advisor will be available for additional support regarding course content and/or field-specific questions and concerns. A student who is not assigned to an advisor at time of admission should immediately contact the Department Chair.


Optional. Up to 6 degree credits may be awarded for thesis research. The availability of the thesis option is dependent upon faculty availability and time constraints.

Comprehensive Examination

The student who does not write a thesis must pass a final oral or written comprehensive examination. For School Counseling students, the comprehensive capstone exam is the School Counseling National Praxis Subject Exam. For Clinical Mental Health Counseling students, the comprehensive capstone exam is the CPCE. The student who writes a thesis must pass a final oral examination in defense of that thesis. 

Time Limit

The student must complete all degree requirements within five years of initial enrollment.

Educational Psychology MS: Educational Statistics and Measurement Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the Educational Statistics and Measurement MS program will be able to:  

  • Explain how various statistical methods commonly used in educational research are related to and differ from each other.
  • Choose the appropriate quantitative method for a given educational research data analysis.
  • Analyze data and obtain appropriate results using statistical software.
  • Correctly perform and interpret the results of psychometric data analyses. 
  • Correctly perform and interpret the results of quantitative data analyses commonly used in educational research.