Counseling is an essential component across disciplines in psychology, education, social work, and related health professions. The foundational body of knowledge and development of introductory skills in the field of counseling are applicable to students pursuing these professions. A counseling minor would enable individuals to empower diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals and overcome personal challenges and obstacles in a variety of settings.


Minor Requirements

ED PSY 212Career Planning and Development for the Multicultural Workplace3
ED PSY 220Positive Psychology Applied to Culture, Learning, & Development3
COMMUN 350Intercultural Communication3
or COMMUN 402 Gender and Communication
ED PSY 330Introduction to Learning and Development3
or ED PSY 640 Human Development: Theory and Research
COUNS 403Overview of Counseling Skills3
COUNS 600Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling3
Total Credits18


  • 18 credits, at least 9 at the 300 level and above;
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 on all credits in the minor, including UWM and transfer credits.

Undergraduate Advising

Our purpose is to provide collaborative, mentoring relationships which promote educational, career, and professional development. We value a student-centered, holistic, and ethical approach to advising based on strong partnerships with students, faculty and staff, and the larger campus community. We are committed to creating a respectful and supportive environment. We encourage students to be self-reliant through informed decisions and choices based upon dissemination of accurate information. We value our own continuous professional development to enhance the quality of the advising experience.

How to Prepare for an Advising Meeting

  • Review your Advisement Report in PAWS.
  • Come prepared with questions or topics for discussion.
  • Make a list of courses you think you should take.
  • Investigate opportunities to prepare for the job you want.
  • Keep a record of your academic progress.
  • Understand you are ultimately responsible for creating your educational, life, and career plans.
  • Maintain honest and open communication with your advisor.
  • Take responsibility for choices you make as a student and member of the UW-Milwaukee community.

Scheduling an Appointment

Office of Student Services
Enderis Hall, Room 209
(414) 229-4721

Graduate Advising

If you are a School of Education graduate student, you may schedule an appointment with your faculty advisor by contacting your faculty advisor directly. Faculty contact information can be found in the Directory. Your faculty advisor will be listed in your PAWS account.