The Department of Educational Psychology prepares psychologists, counselors, researchers and educational professionals to effectively promote educational research, cognitive & developmental science, and mental health in urban environments. We aim to prepare counselors, psychologists, researchers, and educational professionals who 1) have a foundation of knowledge about the bio/psycho/social bases of behavior, 2) are culturally responsive to, and understand, the unique developmental, contextual, and systems approaches in urban settings and environments, 3) can become scholars with applied research skills in their area of specialization, and 4) demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and values of their chosen area of specialization.

Students may pursue a Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology in one of four concentration areas: cognitive and developmental sciences, educational statistics and measurement, school psychology, and counseling psychology (school counseling and clinical mental health counseling). The Department also offers certification sequences to qualify students as school psychologists and school counselors.

Undergraduate students may take courses in Educational Psychology toward various certificates or toward the minor in Counseling. The minor is available to undergraduates from other majors, such as Psychology, Nursing, Criminal Justice, Communication, and other areas in which students are interested in developing counseling skills.

The Counseling Psychology and School Psychology specializations at the master’s and doctoral level are accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA).

Counseling Courses

Educational Psychology Courses

NameRankDegreeSchoolGraduate FacultyEmeritus Faculty
Kelsey Autin Assistant Professor PhD University of Florida Yes No
Razia Azen Professor PhD University of Toronto Yes No
Adrian Chan Professor PhD No Yes
Roberta Corrigan Professor PhD No Yes
Andrew Davis Professor PhD University of Northern Colorado Yes No
Anne Ellison Professor EdD No Yes
Nadya Fouad Distinguished Professor PhD University of Minnesota No Yes
Megan Gilbertson Assistant Professor PhD Northern Illinois University Yes No
Kyongboon Kwon Professor PhD University of Georgia Yes No
Susie Lamborn Associate Professor PhD University of Denver Yes No
Christopher Lawson Associate Professor PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Yes No
Doug Mickelson Associate Professor PhD No Yes
Jacqueline Nguyen Associate Professor PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Yes No
Ankita Nikalje Assistant Professor PhD Purdue University Yes No
Brittany Polacek Clinical Assistant Professor MSEd University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh No No
Leah Rouse Associate Professor PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Yes No
Martin Sapp Professor EdD No Yes
Philip Smith Professor PhD No Yes
Karen Stoiber Professor PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison Yes No
John Surber Associate Professor PhD No Yes
Stephen Wester Professor PhD University of Florida Yes No
Bo Zhang Professor PhD University of Pittsburgh Yes No