The master's concentration in educational administration and supervision prepares the student for a career as principal at schools ranging from the kindergarten through grade 12 levels, director of special education and pupil services, or curriculum director. Through this program of studies, the student can fulfill professional education requirements for administrative and supervisory licenses in Wisconsin and most other states.

Our rigorous program, led by faculty who are actively engaged in research in the field, meets Wisconsin state licensure requirements and will give you the skills you need to succeed in today’s challenging educational landscape.

The master’s degree programs are offered online and hybrid.

Admission Requirements 

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.


An applicant must meet Graduate School requirements to be considered for admission to the program. Applicants must also complete the reason statement in the application.

Credits and Courses

Minimum degree requirement is 33 graduate credits, 27 of which must be in education and 6 of which may be in related fields. Credit distribution must be: 18-24 credits in educational administration and supervision; 9-15 credits in related electives; and a master's capstone portfolio.

The student plans an individual program of studies in consultation with a major professor. If the student intends to apply for the Specialist Certificate upon completion of the master’s degree, the program of studies may satisfy Specialist Certificate admission requirements.

Required Core Courses

Administrative Leadership
AD LDSP 702Leadership in Educational Organizations3
AD LDSP 710Organizational Change and Team Leadership3
AD LDSP 712Instructional Leadership3
AD LDSP 732The Politics of Education3
AD LDSP 752School Law3
AD LDSP 762Management of Educational Resources3
AD LDSP 861Foundations in Systems of Educational Equity3
Total Credits21
Courses Related to Specific Administrative Licenses
AD LDSP 750Internship in Administrative Leadership1-6
AD LDSP 780Internship in Student Service Administration3
AD LDSP 790Internship in Instructional Leadership3
AD LDSP 792Principalship Field Practicum3
AD LDSP 800Administration of the School Plant2-3
AD LDSP 805Legislative and Legal Aspects of Special Education3
AD LDSP 812Educational Personnel Administration and Supervision3
AD LDSP 842Program Planning and Evaluation in Education3
AD LDSP 862School Finance3
AD LDSP 961Analysis and Design of Special Education and Student Services3
Choose one:3
Guiding Instructional Improvement (preferred course)
Curriculum Planning and Ideologies

Additional Requirements

Major Professor as Advisor

The student must have a major professor to advise and supervise the program of studies as specified in Graduate School regulations. A student who is not assigned to an advisor at time of admission should immediately contact the Department Chair.

Final Portfolio

As a capstone requirement, students must develop and submit a comprehensive portfolio for review by faculty. The student must pass both the written part of the portfolio and the oral portfolio defense.

Time Limit

The student must complete all degree requirements within seven years of initial enrollment.

Administrative Leadership MS: Educational Administration and Supervision Learning Outcomes

Students graduating from the Educational Administration and Supervision program will be able to: 

  1. Demonstrate the knowledge, abilities, and capacities to lead, adapt, and transform organizational systems through comprehensive school improvement planning. 
  2. Demonstrate the knowledge, abilities, and capacities to enact professional norms, values, and ethical leadership practices for intentional equity, inclusion, and cultural responsiveness. 
  3. Demonstrate the knowledge, abilities, and capacities to lead coherent systems of effective teaching and learning for students and adults in pre-K to 12 schools. 
  4. Demonstrate the knowledge, abilities, and capacities to effectively engage the school, district, families, and the community in reciprocal partnerships to promote the success and well-being of all pre-K to 12 students. 
  5. Demonstrate the knowledge, abilities, and capacities to effectively lead operations and management for effective teaching and learning and cultivate relationships for collaborative decision making and governance that advance schools and evidence-informed practices in public policy.