The Graduate Microcredential in Nonprofit Financial Management and Accountability is designed to empower current and aspiring nonprofit leaders with essential financial stewardship and ethical management skills. Tailored for professionals, this program blends rigorous academic content with practical applications, covering budgeting, financial reporting, compliance, and strategies for enhancing transparency and trust. Delivered through online coursework, the curriculum is crafted by seasoned practitioners and scholars, ensuring participants gain valuable insights and actionable skills.

Upon completing the program, graduates will be well-equipped to navigate the financial complexities of the nonprofit sector with integrity, promoting organizational sustainability and impact. They will also become part of a professional network, fostering opportunities for ongoing learning and collaboration in nonprofit management. This microcredential signifies a commitment to financial excellence, preparing leaders to advance their organizations and careers while maintaining the highest accountability standards.

Admission Requirements

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines vary by program, please review the application deadline chart for specific programs. Other important dates and deadlines can be found by using the One Stop calendars.


This program is offered to UWM graduate students already enrolled in another degree or certificate with a minimum 3.0 GPA and non-degree or special students enrolling in credit-bearing microcredentials. Non-Degree Students enrolled in this program are generally not eligible for financial aid.

Credits and Courses

Required Courses
BUSMGMT 724Accounting for Nonprofit Organizations3
NONPROF 795Introduction to Nonprofit Revenue Streams and Portfolios3
NONPROF 958Seminar in Nonprofit Administration:3
Total Credits9

Note: Microcredentials do not automatically stack to a degree. A maximum of 12 credits earned as a nondegree student can be transferred to a graduate degree program. Students wishing to stack microcredentials to a graduate degree will need to apply to the degree at or under 12 credits to have coursework count toward their degree. 

Additional Requirements

Transfer Credit

This program does not allow transfer credit.