The Peace and Conflict Studies Undergraduate Certificate is premised on the notion that helping people work together to creatively manage conflict will result in more peaceful and just societies, locally and internationally.

Building peace in our community, nation, and world will depend on our ability to work well together to solve problems and pursue opportunities. The Certificate aims to help students build the foundation in these essential skills and is open to students majoring in any field who wish to explore the meaning of peace, including human welfare and quality of life, as well as the resolutions of different types of political, economic, or social conflicts.

The certificate can enhance the resume of students going into social work, education, public administration, law, healthcare, international affairs, human resources and global business. The program is interdisciplinary combining coursework from fields such as social sciences, health sciences, humanities, and more.

Certificates are similar to minors in terms of credit requirements but draw on coursework from multiple fields of study rather than from a single department.


The Peace and Conflict Studies Undergraduate Certificate is open to all students seeking a bachelor's degree from UWM, to students who previously have received a bachelor's degree from UWM or any other accredited college or university, and to those who do not plan to pursue a college or university degree (non-degree students) but who have a strong interest in this subject. To be admitted to the University as non-degree students, individuals must meet regular University admission requirements. The program leading to the certificate is open to students majoring in any field.


A student must complete 18 credits in the program. At least 9 credits must be in advanced courses (300 level and above), and at least 9 credits must be completed at UWM. A 2.500 GPA average is required in the certificate. Students interested in the Peace and Conflict Studies Undergraduate Certificate should consult with the coordinator or their advisor to add the certificate and outline a program of study.

The Peace and Conflict Studies Certificate consists of three areas: Core (3 credits); Fieldwork (3 credits); and Elective Coursework (12 credits), as outlined below:

Required Core:
PEACEST 203Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies3
Required Fieldwork: Can be fulfilled in one of three ways: 13
Study Abroad
Independent Study
Electives 12
Total Credits18

The purpose of this requirement is to enable the student to engage in peace studies through "practical" experience or research. The student should be engaged in the "practice of peace" through community service, conflict identification and education, environmental awareness, governmental politics, or social change. The area of study must be approved by the coordinator of the peace studies certificate and must meet the requirements of the department through which it is being completed. The fieldwork requirement may be fulfilled in one of three ways: an internship, study abroad, or independent study.


Students are encouraged to construct an area of concentration from their elective credits. Suggested areas of concentration may be geographic and/or thematic, such as:

  • World regions and countries
  • World religions and practices
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • International relations
  • Sustainable development
  • Peace studies/education
  • Environmental studies
  • Social change/social justice
  • Economic development

Select at least four 3-credit courses. A maximum of 9 credits (3 courses) may be taken in any one department. The list below includes recommended electives and is not exhaustive. Course offerings change from year to year. Students should consult with their advisor or the certificate Coordinator.

AFRIC 265Psychological Effects of Racism3
AFRIC 300Urban Violence3
AFRIC 322Order and Disorder: The Quest for Social Justice3
AFRIC 344Global Black Social Movements3
ANTHRO 150Multicultural America3
CES 210Introduction to Conservation and Environmental Science3
CES 461The Politics and Policy of Sustainability3
CHPS 245Client Diversity in Health Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Perspective3
COMMUN 350Intercultural Communication3
COMMUN 363Communication in Human Conflict 13
COMMUN 365Negotiation Skills Workshop3
COMMUN 450Cross-Cultural Communication3
COMPLIT 232Literature and Politics:3
COMPLIT 360Seminar in Literature and Cultural Experience:3
CRM JST 310Race, Crime, and Criminal Justice3
CRM JST 592Critical Issues in Criminal Justice: (Restorative Justice)1-3
ECON 353Economic Development3
ED POL 111Introduction to Community Action and Change3
ED POL 114Community Issues, Policies, and Solutions3
ED POL 520Peace Education3
ED POL 521Nonviolence in Education3
ED POL 579Current Topics in Cultural Foundations of Education: (Antiracist Education)1-6
ENGLISH 150Multicultural America3
ENGLISH 404Language, Power, and Identity3
ETHNIC 102Transnational Migrations: People on the Move3
ETHNIC 375Global Violence, Disease, and Death3
FILM 150Multicultural America3
FRSHWTR 392Water, Energy, Food, and Climate3
FRSHWTR 461Politics and Policy of Sustainability3
GEOG 114Geography of Race in the United States3
GEOG 125Introduction to Environmental Geography3
GEOG 333Muslim Geographies: Identities and Politics3
GEOG 443Cities of the World: Comparative Urban Geography3
GLOBAL 101Introduction to Global Studies I: People and Politics3
GLOBAL 361Environment and Sustainability3
GLOBAL 371Rethinking Global Security3
GLOBAL 442Humanitarianism in Global Perspective3
GLOBAL 447The Global Politics of Human Rghts3
GLOBAL 451Access, Security, and Intercultural Contexts in Global Communications3
GLOBAL 461The Politics and Policy of Sustainability3
GLOBAL 471Strategies for Realizing Security in Global Contexts3
HIST 150Multicultural America3
HIST 248The First World War3
HIST 262North American Indian History to 18873
HIST 271The 1960s in the United States: A Cultural History3
HIST 282The Modern Middle East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries3
HIST 287The Vietnam War3
HIST 363Germany: Hitler and the Nazi Dictatorship3
HIST 364The Holocaust: Anti-Semitism & the Fate of Jewish People in Europe, 1933-453
HIST 387Modern Africa3
HIST 392The History of Southern Africa3
HMONG 265Hmong Americans: History, Culture, and Contemporary Life3
JEWISH 261Representing the Holocaust in Words and Images3
LATINX 101Introduction to Latino Studies3
NURS 101Cultural Diversity in Health Care3
NURS 575Global Health: Ethics and Human Rights3
NURS 620Global Food Security and Systems3
PEACEST 460Systems Thinking, Mapping, and Sustainability3
PEACEST 462Conflict Transformation: Negotiation and Mediation Skills3
PEACEST 470Conflict Analysis and Restorative Practices3
PEACEST 471Facilitation Skills for Peacebuilding3
PH 142Exploring Global Environmental Health3
PH 303Climate Change, the Environment and Human Health3
PH 319Introduction to Health Disparities3
PHILOS 244Ethical Issues in Health Care:3
PHILOS 303Mind and Knowledge3
PHILOS 355Political Philosophy3
PHILOS 475Special Topics in Indian Religious Thought: (Gandhi and Nonviolence)3
POL SCI 316International Law3
POL SCI 328The Arab-Israeli Conflict3
POL SCI 337International Organization and the United Nations3
POL SCI 340Politics of Nuclear Weapons3
POL SCI 359Problems of American Foreign Policy3
POL SCI 361History of International Political Thought3
POL SCI 365Theories and Methods in International Politics3
POL SCI 370International Conflict3
POL SCI 371Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict3
POL SCI 379Morality, Conflict and War3
PSYCH 230Social Psychology: Psychological Perspectives3
SOCIOL 233Social Inequality in the United States3
SOCIOL 325Social Change3
SOCIOL 343Collective Behavior3
SOCIOL 350Environmental Sociology3
THEATRE 204Theatre and Social Change3
URBPLAN 141Urban Planning Solutions to Contemporary Urban Problems3
URBPLAN 350Social Justice, Urban Planning and the New Urban America3
URB STD 150Multicultural America3
WGS 150Multicultural America3
WGS 201Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: A Humanities Perspective3
WGS 401Global Feminisms3