The undergraduate microcredential in Senior Living and Services Leadership provides foundational knowledge designed to satisfy industry demand in a wide range of settings to support the aging population. Required courses are available in a fully online format, open to degree-seeking students and conveniently accessible to working professionals enrolled as university special students. Eligibility is open to current UWM students in degree or certificate programs as well as non-degree or special students enrolling at UWM solely for a credit-bearing microcredential.

HCA 333 Health Organizations Professional Practice Standards is one of three courses included in the microcredential, along with HS 102 Healthcare Delivery in the United States and HCA 361 Post-Acute Care and Management. HCA 333 may also be taken independently of the microcredential, as a specialized course option in partial fulfillment of eligibility requirements to sit for the State of Wisconsin Nursing Home Licensing and National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards examinations.  

HCA 333 is approved for all three specialized course categories specific to the State of Wisconsin Nursing Home Administrator licensing application pre-certification education requirements, including Administration of a Nursing Home, Organization of Health-Care Systems, and Long-Term Patient Care.

Completion of the full three-course microcredential in Senior Living and Services Leadership prepares learners for broader career options in preparation for administration and leadership of assisted living and skilled nursing facilities, adult family homes, community-based residential facilities, residential care apartment communities, and various employment settings providing post-acute, long-term care and managed long-term care services. The microcredential introduces and instructs the learner in the topics of health system structure and design in the United States, professional practice standards, regulations, and managerial leadership.

The microcredential does not require enrollment in a four-year undergraduate degree program and can accommodate the schedules of students and working professionals. The three required courses for the microcredential are included in the undergraduate curriculum for the Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration, thus providing the opportunity for students to stack this microcredential toward degree completion. 

The three required courses can be completed in any order and are available as electives for any student including university special students. The microcredential is recognized on your final transcript upon completion. Your academic advisor will assist with declaring this microcredential, badging and posting of the Senior Living and Services Leadership microcredential on your final transcript through the registrar. If applicable, program criteria apply, including a “C” course grade minimum for Health Care Administration students.


Required Courses
HS 102Healthcare Delivery in the United States3
HCA 333Health Organizations Professional Practice Standards2
HCA 361Post-Acute Care and Management3


Degree-seeking students or University Special students are eligible for this credential. This microcredential cluster does not qualify for gainful employment.

Senior Living and Services Leadership Microcredential Learning Outcomes

Skills and competencies associated with the Senior Living and Services Leadership microcredential include:

  1. Demonstrate problem-solving skills in care, services, and supports;
  2. Analyze operational processes;
  3. Interpret and apply state and federal regulatory expectations related to environments and quality;
  4. Apply organizational management, leadership, and strategies; and
  5. Utilize formal and informal logic tools to engage with arguments by responding effectively in various contexts.

The microcredential provides the learner with skills to support career readiness and/or advancement including: 

  • Career and Self-Development
  • Communication
  • Critical Thinking
  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork
  • Technology