Like all businesses, health care organizations require strong leadership to run smoothly. As an experienced health care administrator, your career could span the operation of a single department to executive leadership and management positions in which you’re responsible for millions of dollars of facilities and equipment as well as hundreds of employees.

Our undergraduate Health Care Administration (HCA) program will help you master the basic business principles and tools that you will need for effective decision-making when you enter this field: finance, information systems, strategic planning, human resource management and marketing. You will also develop strong management and leadership competencies including business skills, problem-solving, communication and relationship management, collaboration and teamwork, adaptability, cultural competency and systems thinking skills that will be essential to your success.

The UWM HCA program is certified by the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) and is the only AUPHA-certified health care administration program in the State of Wisconsin. Our HCA program has a proud history of national recognition by the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), earning the prestigious Higher Education Network Award for 4 consecutive years in the undergraduate category as the program with the highest level of student engagement.


University General Education Requirements6
Electives to include remaining University Requirements16
Major Requirements58
Extra-Departmental Requirements40
Total Credits120

Course of Study

The Health Care Administration program offers a four-year curriculum leading to a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Health Care Administration. The curriculum includes all necessary requirements for a minor in business administration. Students begin by taking freshman- and sophomore-level foundation courses in the biological and health sciences, health information administration, as well as the liberal arts. This coursework provides a solid basis for the advanced study of healthcare administration that follows. Successful completion of a faculty-supervised, semester-long internship (minimum of 120 hours) at an approved healthcare agency or related industry is required in the senior year.

Admission to the Major

The Health Care Administration program will consider applications to the major at the end of each semester, as long as the student's cumulative UWM GPA is 2.5 or above, the student has completed the admission prerequisite courses, and the student has met the grade requirements for required courses. Students are encouraged to apply to the major as soon as they meet these requirements and have achieved sophomore status.

Application forms for admission to the major in HCA can be accessed online or can be requested from the College of Health Professions and Sciences (CHPS) Office of Student Affairs. Completed application forms and copies of transcripts of previous college work can be submitted to the CHPS Office of Student Affairs. The following courses are prerequisites for admission to the major:

Select one of the following:0-3
College Writing and Research
Completion of the UWM English competency requirement
COMMUN 103Public Speaking3
ECON 103Principles of Microeconomics3
or ECON 104 Principles of Macroeconomics
Select one of the following:0-3
Introduction to College Algebra
Algebraic Literacy II
Achieve math placement level of 30
HS 102Healthcare Delivery in the United States3
HCA 220Leading Healthcare Professionals3

Students are required to earn a grade of C or higher in all required courses. 

No student applying to the program with a cumulative UWM GPA lower than 2.5 will be admitted. A student whose cumulative UWM GPA falls below 2.5 will be placed on probationary status and will not be able to graduate with the degree in Health Care Administration until their cumulative UWM GPA is 2.5 or higher. Students remaining on probation for more than two consecutive semesters will be dismissed from the major.

Requirements for Internship

The faculty-supervised internship (minimum of 120 hours) is an integral component of the Health Care Administration major. Students, under the direction of a preceptor, are given opportunities for management-related experience in local, national, and international healthcare organizations and related industries. Students must be admitted to the major and complete the internship application form by October 1 to be considered for the spring semester and March 1 for the fall semester. Summer internships will be considered for approval on a case-by-case basis, and the application deadline is March 1. Prior to internship, students must complete a background check and must meet physical and health screening requirements.

Graduation Requirements

The following requirements must be met to graduate:

  1. Completion of the required credits;
  2. A cumulative UWM GPA of 2.5;
  3. A grade of C or better in all required courses; and
  4. Completion of all University General Education Requirements.

Degree Requirements

University General Education Requirements
Competency Requirements
Oral and Written Communication (OWC) Part A & B:
HCA 249Writing for Professional Development in Health Administration 13
Quantitative Literacy (QL) Part A & B:
KIN 270Statistics in the Health Professions: Theory and Practice 13
Foreign Language
Distribution Requirements 1
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Cultural Diversity
Major Requirements
HCA 220Leading Healthcare Professionals3
HCA 300Professional Development Seminar for Health Administration Students1
HCA 307Epidemiology for the Health Sciences3
HCA 333Health Organizations Professional Practice Standards2
HCA 340Healthcare Process Measurement3
HCA 361Post-Acute Care and Management3
HCA 400Healthcare Marketing3
HCA 421Operations Management in Healthcare Organizations3
HCA 422Human Resource Management in Healthcare Organizations3
HCA 450Healthcare Quality Management3
HCA 460Healthcare Reimbursement Systems and Policies3
HCA 502Healthcare Delivery Systems: National and International Perspectives3
HCA 521Advanced Systems Thinking and Strategy for Healthcare Leaders3
HCA 580Health Care Administration Internship4
HI 537Health Information Technology and Management3
HS 102Healthcare Delivery in the United States3
HS 105Survey of the Health Professions 13
HS 222Language of Medicine3
HS 224Computational Tools for Healthcare Professionals3
HS 311Law and Ethics for Healthcare Professionals3
Extra-Departmental Requirements
BIO SCI 201Human Structure and Function 13
BUS ADM 201Introduction to Financial Accounting4
BUS ADM 330Organizations3
BUS ADM 350Principles of Finance3
BUS ADM 360Principles of Marketing3
BUS ADM 370Introduction to Supply Chain Management3
CHPS 245Client Diversity in Health Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Perspective 13
COMMUN 103Public Speaking 13
ECON 103Principles of Microeconomics 13
ECON 104Principles of Macroeconomics 13
ECON 450Health Economics3
MATH 105Introduction to College Algebra 13
ENGLISH 102College Writing and Research 13
Total Credits120

General Education Requirements (GERs): The courses required within the HCA curriculum satisfy the University's General Education Requirements for Cultural Diversity, Social Sciences, Quantitative Literacy, and Oral and Written Communication; students should use their elective credits to satisfy GER requirements for Natural Sciences, Humanities, Arts, and Foreign Language requirements.

Curriculum for the Health Care Administration Major

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Semester 1Credits
HS 105 Survey of the Health Professions 3
HS 222 Language of Medicine 3
MATH 105 or MATH 108 or QLA GER 3
Elective: Recommend GER - Humanities 3
Semester 2
BIO SCI 201 Human Structure and Function 3
COMMUN 103 Public Speaking 3
HS 224 Computational Tools for Healthcare Professionals 3
HS 102 Healthcare Delivery in the United States 3
Elective: Recommend GER - Arts 3
Year 2
Semester 1
ECON 103
Principles of Microeconomics
or Principles of Macroeconomics
HCA 220 Leading Healthcare Professionals 3
HCA 249 Writing for Professional Development in Health Administration 3
KIN 270 Statistics in the Health Professions: Theory and Practice 3
Elective: Recommend GER - Foreign Language 3
Semester 2
ECON 104 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
CHPS 245 Client Diversity in Health Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Perspective 3
HCA 307 Epidemiology for the Health Sciences 3
Elective: Recommend GER - Natural Sciences 3
Elective: Recommend GER - Foreign Language 3
Year 3
Semester 1
BUS ADM 201 Introduction to Financial Accounting 4
BUS ADM 330 Organizations 3
HCA 300 Professional Development Seminar for Health Administration Students 1
HCA 361 Post-Acute Care and Management 3
HCA 450 Healthcare Quality Management 3
HI 537 Health Information Technology and Management 3
Semester 2
BUS ADM 350 Principles of Finance 3
ECON 450 Health Economics 3
HS 311 Law and Ethics for Healthcare Professionals 3
HCA 333 Health Organizations Professional Practice Standards 2
HCA 340 Healthcare Process Measurement 3
Open Elective 1
Year 4
Semester 1
BUS ADM 360 Principles of Marketing 3
BUS ADM 370 Introduction to Supply Chain Management 3
HCA 421 Operations Management in Healthcare Organizations 3
HCA 422 Human Resource Management in Healthcare Organizations 3
HCA 521 Advanced Systems Thinking and Strategy for Healthcare Leaders 3
Semester 2
HCA 400 Healthcare Marketing 3
HCA 460 Healthcare Reimbursement Systems and Policies 3
HCA 502 Healthcare Delivery Systems: National and International Perspectives 3
HCA 580 Health Care Administration Internship 4
 Total Credits120

General Education Requirements (GERs): The courses required within the HCA curriculum satisfy the University's General Education Requirements for Cultural Diversity, Social Sciences, Quantitative Literacy, and Oral and Written Communication; students should use their elective credits to satisfy GER requirements for Natural Sciences, Humanities, Arts, and Foreign Language requirements.

Health Care Administration BS Program Competencies

Data Analytics and Assessment Skills  

Data Analytics and Assessment Skills focus on identifying, collecting, and understanding data; employing and evaluating rigorous methods for assessing health needs; and using evidence for decision making. 

Policy Development and Program Planning Skills 

Policy Development and Program Planning Skills focus on developing, implementing, and evaluating policies, programs, and services; engaging in quality improvement for organizational and community planning; and influencing policies and programs. 

Communication Skills 

Communication Skills focus on employing effective oral and written communication strategies to convey information and combat misinformation and disinformation; soliciting and using stakeholder input; identifying opportunities to communicate data and information; facilitating communications; and building trust with stakeholders. 

Cultural Competency Skills 

Cultural Competency Skills focus on recognizing and responding to inclusivity across the workforce and populations served; committing to continuous self-reflection; reevaluating organizational policies; and advocating to reduce systemic barriers that further health inequities. 

Community Partnership Skills 

Community Partnership Skills focus on understanding and developing relationships within the community; engaging with partners and advancing collaboration; and evaluating effectiveness to improve community health and resilience. 

Health Sciences Skills 

Health Sciences Skills focus on using and contributing to the evidence base; critiquing and developing research; using evidence when developing policies and programs; and establishing cross-sector partnerships to improve health. 

Management and Finance Skills 

Management and Finance Skills focus on securing, managing, and engaging human and financial resources; supporting professional development and contingency planning to achieve program and organizational goals; developing and defending budgets; motivating personnel; evaluating and improving program and organization performance; and establishing and using performance management systems to improve organization performance. 

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills 

Leadership and Systems Thinking Skills focus on understanding and engaging with cross-sector partners and inter-related systems; creating opportunities for collaboration among healthcare and other organizations to improve health; building confidence and trust with staff, partners, and the public; identifying emerging needs; and developing a shared vision to engage with stakeholders. 

Honors in the Major

Honors in the major are granted to students who earn a GPA of 3.500 or above on a minimum of 30 completed credits at UWM.

College of Health Professions and Sciences Dean's Honor List

GPA of 3.500 or above, earned on a full-time student's GPA on 12 or more graded credits in a given semester.

Honors College Degree and Honors College Degree with Distinction

Granted to graduating seniors who complete Honors College requirements, as listed in the Honors College section of this site.

Commencement Honors

Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.500 or above, based on a minimum of 40 graded UWM credits earned prior to the final semester, will receive all-university commencement honors and be awarded the traditional gold cord at the December or May Honors Convocation. Please note that for honors calculation, the GPA is not rounded and is truncated at the third decimal (e.g., 3.499).

Final Honors

Earned on a minimum of 60 graded UWM credits: Cum Laude - 3.500 or above; Magna Cum Laude - 3.650 or above; Summa Cum Laude - 3.800 or above.