SOC WRK 100 Introduction to Social Work
SOC WRK 105 Orientation for Social Welfare Students
SOC WRK 112 Field Observation
Introduction to the services of a social welfare setting through placement in an approved social service, health, law enforcement, or recreational setting. Minimum of 3 hours per week.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 208 College of Community Engagement and Professions Internship Course
Students conceptualize, understand, and apply the experiences of their internship. Students will consider the questions, among others: 'What is an internship?', and 'How does my internship connect to my career and to my community?'.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 250 Human Behavior and the Social Environment
A survey course in normative development from conception through aging. Focus on the interaction between biological, psychological, social, and cultural forces.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 260 Case Management in Social Work
Introduces concepts, models, responsibilities, legal issues, and best practices in the case management role in a variety of social work settings through experiential learning.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 270 Advocacy and Empowerment
Civics, citizenship, and the role of government in American society. Focusing on policies and social movements from both a historical and current perspective, students will investigate their impact on social work clients.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 291 Current Issues in Social Welfare and Social Work:
SOC WRK 297 Study Abroad:
Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 300 Aged to Perfection: Introduction to the Study of Aging
SOC WRK 306 Introduction to Social Welfare Policy
An analysis of the relationships between poverty, welfare programs, and the society which creates and sustains them; the origins, structures, and goals of welfare programs.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 308 Social Work Values and Ethics
Provides a framework for understanding, managing, and analyzing ethical dilemmas including professional boundaries utilizing the NASW Code of Ethics and an ethical decision-making process; addresses ethical decision-making within a variety of contexts and situations.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 310 Social Work Practice I: Individuals and Families
Introduction to generalist Social Work practice methods. Experiential exercises designed to provide students with basic interviewing skills.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 380 Honors Seminar in Social Work:
SOC WRK 410 Social Work Practice II: Groups
Introduction to social work methods as applied to small groups. Lab provides experiential exercises in group interactions, needs, and leadership roles.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 421 Field Education & Integrated Field Seminar I
1st of two consecutive semester practicum, and weekly field seminar which provides an opportunity to develop and demonstrate social work skills. 256 hours per semester.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 422 Field Education & Integrated Seminar II
SOC WRK 423 Field Education III
SOC WRK 427 Social Work Practice III: Communities and Organizations
Introduction to social work methods as applied to community problems. Lab provides experiential exercises in community organization and other techniques of social change.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 497 Study Abroad:
Variable content (subtitle is area of concentration). Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 497G Study Abroad:
Variable content (subtitle is area of concentration). Designed to enroll students in UWM sponsored program before course work level, content and credits are determined and/or in specially prepared program course work.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 562 Child and Family Services
Introduction to child and family welfare services, including methods for assessing needs, existing treatment techniques, and institutional support systems.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 562G Child and Family Services
Introduction to child and family welfare services, including methods for assessing needs, existing treatment techniques, and institutional support systems.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 564 Concepts, Controversies, and Critical Policies for Older Adults
Individual and societal implications of the aging process, with an emphasis upon current trends, resources and programs for older adults.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 564G Concepts, Controversies, and Critical Policies for Older Adults
Individual and societal implications of the aging process, with an emphasis upon current trends, resources and programs for older adults.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 580 An Overview of Child/Youth Care
Survey of skills, theories and approaches of the youth work field. Emphasis on relationship-building, interactive and developmental approaches in a variety of settings.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 580G An Overview of Child/Youth Care
Survey of skills, theories and approaches of the youth work field. Emphasis on relationship-building, interactive and developmental approaches in a variety of settings.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 581 Youth Work Practice
Applies the skills, theories and approaches of the youth work field to settings such as schools, community centers, and residential programs.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 581G Youth Work Practice
Applies the skills, theories and approaches of the youth work field to settings such as schools, community centers, and residential programs.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 591 Special Topics: Social Welfare and Social Work:
Selected topics in social welfare and social work. Specific credits and additional prerequisites announced in Schedule of Classes whenever course is offered.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 592 Independent Research
SOC WRK 599 Independent Reading
SOC WRK 604 Social Systems and Social Work Practice
Analysis of organizations, community and social institutions and the impact they have on human behavior and how they provide the social context of social work practice.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 604G Social Systems and Social Work Practice
Analysis of organizations, community and social institutions and the impact they have on human behavior and how they provide the social context of social work practice.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 610 Practice with LGBTQIA+ Communities
Prepares students to identify and evaluate frameworks, programs, and interventions that best meet the needs of members of LGBTQIA+ communities using intersectional and affirmative practice lenses.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 610G Practice with LGBTQIA+ Communities
Prepares students to identify and evaluate frameworks, programs, and interventions that best meet the needs of members of LGBTQIA+ communities using intersectional and affirmative practice lenses.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 630 Families and Poverty
Description of families in poverty and analysis of historical and contemporary national and state policies aimed at reducing poverty.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 630G Families and Poverty
Description of families in poverty and analysis of historical and contemporary national and state policies aimed at reducing poverty.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 650 Social Welfare and the Law
Collaborative principles of social work and the legal profession. Selected concepts and principles of legal and social provision for protection of family, children and adults.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 650G Social Welfare and the Law
Collaborative principles of social work and the legal profession. Selected concepts and principles of legal and social provision for protection of family, children and adults.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 662 Methods of Social Welfare Research
Analyze methods of social welfare research and problems in project design and programming. Characteristics of investigations directed to planning, administrative, practice, and scientific objectives.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 662G Methods of Social Welfare Research
Analyze methods of social welfare research and problems in project design and programming. Characteristics of investigations directed to planning, administrative, practice, and scientific objectives.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 665 Cultural Diversity and Social Work
Emphasis on culture, race and ethnicity, theories of prejudice, and racial minority groups, and the politics of human services in multicultural society.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 665G Cultural Diversity and Social Work
Emphasis on culture, race and ethnicity, theories of prejudice, and racial minority groups, and the politics of human services in multicultural society.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 680 Death and Dying
Focus on multiple perspectives on death, dying, and bereavement; roles and skills for social workers and other helpers about end-of-life issues.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 680G Death and Dying
Focus on multiple perspectives on death, dying, and bereavement; roles and skills for social workers and other helpers about end-of-life issues.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 685 Social Gerontology
SOC WRK 685G Social Gerontology
SOC WRK 690 Mindfulness and Community Building
Seminar for upper level undergraduate and graduate students that offers didactic and experiential insights into trauma-informed care, community building and mindfulness.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 690G Mindfulness and Community Building
Seminar for upper level undergraduate and graduate students that offers didactic and experiential insights into trauma-informed care, community building and mindfulness.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 691 Practice Methods in Social Work:
SOC WRK 691G Practice Methods in Social Work:
SOC WRK 705 Individual Behavior and Social Welfare
SOC WRK 708 Social Work Methods I: Individuals and Families
Introduction to generalist social work practice with individuals and families, with emphasis on integration of theory and knowledge with professional practice.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 709 Social Work Methods II: Groups, Organizations and Communities
Introduction to generalist social work practice with groups, organizations and communities, with emphasis on integration of theory and knowledge with professional practice.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 711 Direct Social Work Practice I
Methods of social work intervention employed in helping individuals, families and small groups. Addresses personal, interpersonal, environmental and resource issues with emphasis on interviewing, assessing, contracting and goal setting.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 712 Advanced Practice and Leadership in Organizations and Communities
Designing and implementing innovations with human service task groups, organizations and communities. Leadership practices that promote equity, diversity, and inclusion will be emphasized. Fiscal management, supervision and grant-writing skills will be developed.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 713 Community Organization, Planning and Human Service Administration I
Knowledge and skill development in the activities, roles, styles, and ethical issues in community and administrative practice. Emphasis on needs assessment, planning methodologies, and change efforts.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 718 Introduction to SAS Programming
SOC WRK 719 Advanced SAS Programming
SOC WRK 721 Field Instruction I
SOC WRK 722 Field Instruction II
SOC WRK 750 Social Welfare Policy Development and Implementation
Examination of policy development, implementation, and models of analysis that describe and provide analytical guides for determining the efficacy of public policy in addressing human needs.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 753 Adult Psychopathology
SOC WRK 754 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Mental and behavioral disorders of children and adolescents and their implications for the social work profession, including assessment, intervention and prevention issues.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 765 Social Work Boundaries and Ethics in Professional Practice
Ethical issues faced by social work practitioners in professional practice. Topics include NASW Code of Ethics, boundary issues, ethical dilemmas, and risk management.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 771 Development of the Family Over the Life Span
The family as a social system as it engages in various developmental tasks throughout the life cycle and in interaction with the social context; social work implications of relevant theories and research.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 774 Trauma Counseling I: Theory and Research
Seminar examining impact of trauma experience on individuals, groups and communities following a catastrophic event. Explores traumatic events, mental injuries and impact on memory, learning, physical health and dysfunctional behavior.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 775 Trauma Counseling II: Diagnosis and Treatment
Seminar on diagnosis and assessment instruments as well as intervention and therapeutic techniques used to address trauma issues in counseling acute and chronic traumatized clients.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 791 Current Topics in Social Work:
SOC WRK 793 Evaluation of Practice
SOC WRK 794 Evaluation of Programs
Provides students with the skills and knowledge base necessary to understand the program evaluation process as it applies to social welfare programs.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 795 Evaluation of Social Work Practice and Programs
Advanced knowledge and skills in evaluating individual social work practice and evaluating human service programs. Students learn various, practical research methods for evaluating social work practice and programs.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 811 Direct Social Work Practice II:
A continuation of methods of social work intervention, with sections tailored to specialized concentration areas: gerontology, family and child welfare, and behavioral and physical health. Emphasis is on selection and implementation of appropriate intervention plans.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 813 Financial Management and Planning in Human Services
This course is designed to facilitate and understanding of selected areas of planning and management in human services with an emphasis on resource development and financial management.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 818 Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders
Knowledge on assessment and treatment strategies with substance misuse and mental health issues, along with research on etiology and best practices for addressing co-occurring disorders.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 819 Social and Environmental Justice in Public Health
SOC WRK 820 Seminar in Social Work Practice:
Critical examination of varied and specialized methodologies with emphasis on new professional directions, interdisciplinary coordination and integration of professional practice with behavioral sciences, research, and policy concerns.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 821 Field Instruction III
SOC WRK 822 Field Instruction IV
Advanced second-year supervised social work practice in a social agency with emphasis on integration of professional practice with methodology, behavioral sciences, research and policy concerns.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 823 Coordinated Public Health and Social Work Field Education
Supervised social work and public health practice in an agency specially identified to provide both a professional social work and public health perspective. Integrate skills to real world social work and public health problems.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 830 Intervention Strategies for Correctional Clients
A review and analysis of intervention approaches and programs used with correctional clients, both juvenile and adult, with emphasis on diversion, prevention, and rehabilitation strategies.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 831 Models of Family Therapy
Introduction to the major family therapy approaches, including assessment and intervention techniques for each. Models include systemic, structural, strategic, interactional and multigenerational.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 832 Social Work Practice with Couples
Intensive examination of varied methodologies to effect therapeutic change in couples. Includes assessing couples' interactional patterns and formulating therapeutic strategies.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 851 Social Issue and Policy Analysis:
SOC WRK 855 Practice Skills and Concepts for Aging and Health
Intensive examination of the concepts and skills needed for effective practice with the aging population. Focus is on competency development in assessment and intervention planning from micro, mezzo, and macro perspectives.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 888 Candidate for Degree
SOC WRK 901 Philosophy of Science
Analyzes philosophical foundations of science, knowledge building processes, and the scope and nature of knowledge, emphasizing applications for the social and behavioral sciences.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 915 Human Services Administration II
The role of the professional in the human services administrative organization, focusing on interpersonal relationships in supervision, evaluation and leadership.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 921 Field Instruction V
SOC WRK 931 Theories of Poverty and Social Welfare Policy
Analyzes anti-poverty policies/programs, populations at risk, poverty dynamics, poverty-rate trends, circumstances of the poor, poverty etiology and government roles in income redistribution and social change.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 932 Theories and Research on Behavior Change
Theory and research of individual change from a social work perspective using classic to recent models, with application to diverse populations.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 945 Family and Long-Term Care Across the Life Course
Seminar on the family role in the provision of long term care within the context of kinship care, and care of persons with chronic illnesses, developmental and adult disabilities.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 950 Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Introduces methods for conducting research synthesis of intervention studies using systematic reviews and meta-analysis, including the processes of problem formulation, data collection, data evaluation, data analysis, and interpretation of findings.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 951 Quantitative Research Methods
An in-depth, hands-on review of experimental, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental approaches to the design and implementation of quantitative research studies.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 952 Qualitative Research Methods in Social Work
Seminar on the philosophical and methodological issues of qualitative research. Students will conduct exploratory original field research and produce a research proposal based on their findings.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 961 Introduction to Statistical Methods
Reviews basic parametric and nonparametric tests, including descriptive statistics, correlation, basic inferential statistics, one- and two-way ANOVA, OLS regression, nonparametric statistics, and handling missing data.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 962 Applied Multiple Regression Analysis
SOC WRK 963 Measurement Methods and Related Multivariate Statistics
Survey of concepts and applications of Classical True Score and Item Response Theory and multivariate statistical methods relevant to test evaluation and construction.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 964 Advanced Statistical Methods
Covers multivariate statistical procedures, including MANOVA, MANCOVA, canonical correlation and discriminant function analysis, Poisson regression, survival analysis, multilevel modeling, and analysis of longitudinal data.
Current Offerings:
SOC WRK 970 Independent Research
SOC WRK 990 Doctoral Research
SOC WRK 991 Doctoral Proseminar:
SOC WRK 999 Independent Reading in Social Work