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Select a Semester Fall 2025 Summer 2025 Spring 2025 UWinteriM 2025
Title, Subject, Instructor or Keyword
Any Subject
AMLLC - Ancient and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
ACTSCI - Actuarial Science
AD LDSP - Administrative Leadership
AFAS - Air Force and Aerospace Studies
AFRIC - African and African Diaspora Studies
AIS - American Indian Studies
ANTHRO - Anthropology
ARABIC - Arabic
ARCH - Architecture
ART - Art and Design
ART ED - Art Education
ARTHIST - Art History
ASIANST - Asian Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
ASTRON - Astronomy
ATM SCI - Atmospheric Sciences
ATRAIN - Athletic Training
BIO SCI - Biological Sciences
BME - Biomedical Engineering
BMS - Biomedical Sciences
BUS ADM - Business Administration
BUSMGMT - Business Management
CELTIC - Celtic Studies
CES - Conservation and Environmental Sciences
CGS AIS - CGS American Indian Studies
CGS ANT - CGS Anthropology
CGS AST - CGS Astronomy
CGS BIO - CGS Biology
CGS BUS - CGS Business
CGS CHE - CGS Chemistry
CGS CPS - CGS Computer Science
CGS CTA - CGS Communication Arts & Theatre
CGS ECO - CGS Economics
CGS EDU - CGS Education
CGS EGR - CGS Engineering
CGS ENG - CGS English
CGS ESL - CGS English as a Second Language
CGS FRE - CGS French
CGS GEO - CGS Geography
CGS GER - CGS German
CGS GLG - CGS Geology
CGS GSW - CGS Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies
CGS HES - CGS Health & Exercise Sciences
CGS HIS - CGS History
CGS INT - CGS Interdisciplinary Studies
CGS IST - CGS Information Studies
CGS ITA - CGS Italian
CGS LEA - CGS Learning Resources
CGS LEC - CGS Lecture Forum
CGS MAT - CGS Mathematics
CGS MLG - CGS Meterology
CGS MUA - CGS Music Applied
CGS PHI - CGS Philosophy
CGS PHY - CGS Physics
CGS POL - CGS Political Science
CGS PSY - CGS Psychology
CGS REL - CGS Religious Studies
CGS SOC - CGS Sociology
CGS SPA - CGS Spanish
CHEM - Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHINESE - Chinese
CHPS - College of Health Professions and Sciences
CIV ENG - Civil & Environmental Engineering
CLASSIC - Classics
COMMUN - Communication
COMPLIT - Comparative Literature
COMPSCI - Computer Science
COMPST - Computer Studies
COMSDIS - Communication Sciences and Disorders
COUNS - Counseling
CRM JST - Criminal Justice
CURRINS - Curriculum and Instruction
DAC - Digital Arts and Culture
DANCE - Dance
DMI - Diagnostic Imaging
EAP - English for Academic Purposes (Formerly ESL)
EAS - Engineering and Applied Science
ECE - Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
ED POL - Educational Policy and Community Studies
ED PSY - Educational Psychology
EDUC - Education-Interdepartmental
ELECENG - Electrical Engineering
ENGLISH - English
ETHNIC - Ethnic Studies
EXCEDUC - Exceptional Education
FILM - Film, Video, Animation and New Genres
FILMSTD - Film Studies
FINEART - Fine Arts-Interdepartmental
FITWELL - Fitness, Wellness, and Sport
FOODBEV - Food & Beverage Studies
FRENCH - French
FRSHWTR - Freshwater Sciences
GEO SCI - Geosciences
GEOG - Geography
GERMAN - German
GLOBAL - Global Studies
GRAD - Graduate Studies
GREEK - Greek
HCA - Health Care Administration
HEBREW - Hebrew Studies
HI - Health Care Informatics
HIST - History
HMONG - Hmong Studies
HONORS - Honors College
HS - Health Sciences
IEP - Intensive English Program
IND ENG - Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
IND REL - Industrial and Labor Relations
INFOST - Information Studies
INTLST - International Studies
ITALIAN - Italian
JAMS - Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies
JAPAN - Japanese
JEWISH - Jewish Studies
KIN - Kinesiology
KOREAN - Korean
L&S HUM - Letters and Science-Humanities
L&S NS - Letters and Science-Natural Science
L&S SS - Letters and Science-Social Sciences
LACS - Latin American and Caribbean Studies
LACUSL - Latin American, Caribbean, and US Latinx Studies
LATIN - Latin
LATINX - Latinx Studies
LGBT - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Studies
LIBRLST - Liberal Studies
LINGUIS - Linguistics
MALLT - MA in Language, Literature, and Translation
MATH - Mathematical Sciences
MATLENG - Materials Science and Engineering
MECHENG - Mechanical Engineering
MIL SCI - Military Science
MSP - Sustainable Peacebuilding
MTHSTAT - Mathematical Statistics
MUS ED - Music Education
MUSIC - Music
MUSPERF - Music Performance
NEURO - Neuroscience
NONPROF - Nonprofit Administration
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutritional Sciences
OCCTHPY - Occupational Therapy
PEACEST - Peace Studies
PH - Public Health
PHILOS - Philosophy
PHYSICS - Physics
POL SCI - Political Science
POLISH - Polish
PORTUGS - Portuguese
PRPP - Physical Rehabilitation and Performance Psychology
PSYCH - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
PUB ADM - Public Administration
RELIGST - Religious Studies
RUSSIAN - Russian
SCNDVST - Scandinavian Studies
SOC WRK - Social Work
SOCIOL - Sociology
SPANISH - Spanish
TCH LRN - Teaching and Learning
THEATRE - Theatre
THERREC - Therapeutic Recreation
TRNSLTN - Translation and Interpreting
URB STD - Urban Studies
URBPLAN - Urban Planning
UWS NSG - UWS Collaborative Nursing Program
WGS - Women's and Gender Studies
Any Campus
Milwaukee Campus
Waukesha Campus
Washington County Campus
Off Campus
School or College
Any School or College
College of the Arts & Architecture (CAA)
College of Community Engagement & Professions (CCEP)
College of Engineering & Applied Science (CEAS)
College of General Studies (CGS)
College of Health Professions & Sciences (CHPS)
College of Letters and Science (L&S)
College of Public Health (CPH)
Lubar College of Business (BUS)
School of Freshwater Sciences (SFS)
Any Level
Instruction Method
Any Instruction Method
In Person
Hybrid & Online
Hybrid & In Person
Online Only
Any Credits
0 Credits
1 Credit
2 Credits
3 Credits
4 Credits
5 Credits
6 Credits
8 Credits
9 Credits
10 Credits
12 Credits
Meeting Time
Any Meeting Time
Morning Weekday Classes (6am-12:29pm)
Afternoon Weekday Classes (12:30pm-5:29pm)
Evening Weekday Classes (5:30pm-10pm)
Weekend Classes
Start Week
Any Start Week
ESL 2-Week 2
1st Week of Term
2nd Week of Term
3rd Week of Term
4th Week of Term
5th Week of Term
6th Week of Term
7th Week of Term
8th Week of Term
9th Week of Term or Later